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{"Dashboard":"Panel","Merchants":"Comerciantes","Users":"Usuarios","Transactions":"Actas","Feedbacks":"Comentarios","Tickets":"Entradas","Offers":"Ofertas","Campaigns":"Campa\u00f1as","Notifications":"Notificaciones","Currencies":"Monedas","Coins":"monedas","Wallets":"Carteras","Translations":"Traducciones","Admins":"Administradores","Logout":"Cerrar sesi\u00f3n","Virtual Pos":"Punto de venta virtual","Graphs":"Graficos","Settings":"Ajustes","Donations":"Donaciones","Stream Donations":"Transmitir donaciones","Iframe Donations":"Donaciones de marcos flotantes","Pay With Link":"Pagar con enlace","Create Link":"Crear enlace","Manage":"Administrar","Info":"Informaci\u00f3n","My Profile":"Mi perfil","Installation":"Instalaci\u00f3n","API Alerts":"Alertas API","Integration":"Integraci\u00f3n","Developer Portal":"Portal del desarrollador","$CPY WhitePaper":"Documento t\u00e9cnico de $CPY","Success":"\u00c9xito","Admin updated successfully.":"El administrador se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Error":"Error","An error occurred while updating the coins.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar las monedas.","Admin deleted successfully.":"El administrador se elimin\u00f3 correctamente.","Admin created successfully.":"El administrador se cre\u00f3 correctamente.","Invalid email or password.":"Correo electr\u00f3nico o contrase\u00f1a no v\u00e1lidos.","Invalid OTP":"OTP no v\u00e1lida","Campaign image could not be updated. Please try again later.":"No se pudo actualizar la imagen de la campa\u00f1a. Int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.","Campaign updated successfully.":"Campa\u00f1a actualizada exitosamente.","An error occurred while updating the campaign.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar la campa\u00f1a.","Campaign deleted successfully.":"Campa\u00f1a eliminada correctamente.","An error occurred while deleting the campaign.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar la campa\u00f1a.","Coins updated successfully.":"Monedas actualizadas exitosamente.","Coin deleted successfully.":"Moneda eliminada con \u00e9xito.","An error occurred while deleting the coin.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar la moneda.","Coins created successfully.":"Monedas creadas con \u00e9xito.","Currency created successfully.":"Moneda creada exitosamente.","An error occurred while creating the currency.":"Se produjo un error al crear la moneda.","Currency updated successfully.":"Moneda actualizada correctamente.","An error occurred while updating the currency.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar la moneda.","Currency deleted successfully.":"Moneda eliminada correctamente.","An error occurred while deleting the currency.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar la moneda.","Wallet updated successfully.":"Cartera actualizada correctamente.","Wallet deleted successfully.":"Cartera eliminada correctamente.","An error occurred while deleting the coins.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar las monedas.","Wallet created successfully.":"Cartera creada con \u00e9xito.","Notification created successfully.":"Notificaci\u00f3n creada exitosamente.","An error occurred while updating the notification.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar la notificaci\u00f3n.","Notification deleted successfully.":"Notificaci\u00f3n eliminada exitosamente.","An error occurred while deleting the notification.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar la notificaci\u00f3n.","Notification updated successfully.":"Notificaci\u00f3n actualizada correctamente.","Ticket status updated successfully.":"El estado del ticket se actualiz\u00f3 exitosamente.","Ticket created successfully":"Boleto creado exitosamente","An error occurred while updating the tickets.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar los tickets.","Translation updated successfully.":"La traducci\u00f3n se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","An error occurred while updating the translation.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar la traducci\u00f3n.","Translation deleted successfully.":"La traducci\u00f3n se elimin\u00f3 correctamente.","An error occurred while deleting the translation.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar la traducci\u00f3n.","Translation created successfully.":"La traducci\u00f3n se cre\u00f3 correctamente.","The transaction token is invalid.":"El token de transacci\u00f3n no es v\u00e1lido.","Feedback updated successfully.":"Comentarios actualizados correctamente.","An error occurred while updating the feedback.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar los comentarios.","Feedback deleted successfully.":"Comentarios eliminados correctamente.","An error occurred while deleting the feedback.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar los comentarios.","User updated successfully.":"Usuario actualizado exitosamente.","An error occurred while updating the user.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar el usuario.","User deleted successfully.":"Usuario eliminado exitosamente.","An error occurred while deleting the user.":"Se produjo un error al eliminar al usuario.","User created successfully.":"Usuario creado exitosamente.","Merchant updated successfully.":"Comerciante actualizado exitosamente.","An error occurred while updating the merchant.":"Se produjo un error al actualizar el comerciante.","Merchant delete feature is disabled.":"La funci\u00f3n de eliminaci\u00f3n de comerciantes est\u00e1 deshabilitada.","Merchant created successfully.":"Comerciante creado exitosamente.","Merchant Setting updated successfully.":"La configuraci\u00f3n del comerciante se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Merchant Setting deleted successfully.":"La configuraci\u00f3n del comerciante se elimin\u00f3 correctamente.","Merchant Setting created successfully.":"La configuraci\u00f3n del comerciante se cre\u00f3 correctamente.","Your feedback has been sent":"Tus comentarios han sido enviados.","An error occurred during feedback. Please try again later!":"Se produjo un error durante la retroalimentaci\u00f3n. \u00a1Int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde!","Something went wrong while logging in with StreamLabs.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en StreamLabs.","StreamLabs account connected successfully.":"La cuenta de StreamLabs se conect\u00f3 correctamente.","Something went wrong while connecting StreamLabs account.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al conectar la cuenta de StreamLabs.","Something went wrong while logging in with Amazon.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Amazon.","Something went wrong while logging in with LinkedIn.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en LinkedIn.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Google.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 1.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Google - 1.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 2.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Google - 2.","Something went wrong while logging in with Twitch.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en Twitch.","Facebook login is disabled.":"El inicio de sesi\u00f3n de Facebook est\u00e1 deshabilitado.","Something went wrong while logging in with GitHub.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal al iniciar sesi\u00f3n en GitHub.","Your account has been created. Please login.":"Su cuenta ha sido creada. Por favor inicie sesi\u00f3n.","You have already requested a password reset token. Please check your email. If you did not receive the email, please wait for a hour and try again.":"Ya has solicitado un token de restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a. Por favor revisa tu correo electr\u00f3nico. Si no recibi\u00f3 el correo electr\u00f3nico, espere una hora y vuelva a intentarlo.","Password reset token has been sent to your email.":"El token de restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a se ha enviado a su correo electr\u00f3nico.","An error occurred while sending the password reset token.":"Se produjo un error al enviar el token de restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a.","Error!":"\u00a1Error!","User not found":"Usuario no encontrado","User Not Found":"Usuario no encontrado","Your password is changed":"Tu contrase\u00f1a ha sido cambiada","Warning":"Advertencia","Date range can not be more than 30 days":"El rango de fechas no puede ser m\u00e1s de 30 d\u00edas.","Test alert has been sent":"Se ha enviado la alerta de prueba.","Transfer has been started. Please wait for the result. It may take a few minutes.":"Se ha iniciado la transferencia. Espere el resultado. Puede que tarde unos minutos.","Transfer could not be started. Please try again later.":"No se pudo iniciar la transferencia. Int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde.","Transaction not found":"Transacci\u00f3n no encontrada","Your file is being prepared, we will send you your data by e-mail when it is ready":"Su expediente se est\u00e1 preparando, le enviaremos sus datos por correo electr\u00f3nico cuando est\u00e9 listo","Date range can not be more than 5 days":"El rango de fechas no puede ser m\u00e1s de 5 d\u00edas.","Merchant key updated successfully!":"\u00a1La clave de comerciante se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente!","You have successfully passed the test integration. Your store is now active.":"Ha superado con \u00e9xito la integraci\u00f3n de la prueba. Tu tienda ya est\u00e1 activa.","You have not passed the test integration yet. Please your callback file and check transaction details.":"A\u00fan no has pasado la prueba de integraci\u00f3n. Por favor su archivo de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada y verifique los detalles de la transacci\u00f3n.","Credit Cart status updated successfully.":"El estado del carrito de cr\u00e9dito se actualiz\u00f3 exitosamente.","You do not yet have a confirmed wallet address for this network. Please contact us.":"A\u00fan no tienes una direcci\u00f3n de billetera confirmada para esta red. Por favor cont\u00e1ctenos.","Network gateway status updated successfully.":"El estado de la puerta de enlace de red se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Store status updated successfully.":"El estado de la tienda se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Invalid TRC-20 wallet address.":"Direcci\u00f3n de billetera TRC-20 no v\u00e1lida.","Invalid ERC-20 wallet address.":"Direcci\u00f3n de billetera ERC-20 no v\u00e1lida.","Invalid BEP-20 wallet address.":"Direcci\u00f3n de billetera BEP-20 no v\u00e1lida.","Invalid AREON wallet address.":"Direcci\u00f3n de billetera AREON no v\u00e1lida.","Store email settings updated successfully.":"La configuraci\u00f3n del correo electr\u00f3nico de la tienda se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Stream Donation URL is not valid. Please enter a valid stream donation link.":"La URL de transmisi\u00f3n de donaci\u00f3n no es v\u00e1lida. Ingrese un enlace de donaci\u00f3n de transmisi\u00f3n v\u00e1lido.","Stream Donation URL already exists.":"La URL de transmisi\u00f3n de donaci\u00f3n ya existe.","Stream Donation URL updated successfully.":"La URL de transmisi\u00f3n de donaci\u00f3n se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Stream Link is not valid. Please enter a valid stream link.":"El enlace de transmisi\u00f3n no es v\u00e1lido. Ingrese un enlace de transmisi\u00f3n v\u00e1lido.","Stream Link updated successfully.":"Stream Link se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Store logo updated successfully.":"Logotipo de la tienda actualizado correctamente.","Store logo could not be updated. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us.":"No se pudo actualizar el logotipo de la tienda. Int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo m\u00e1s tarde. Si el problema persiste, por favor cont\u00e1ctenos.","Merchant name updated successfully.":"Nombre del comerciante actualizado correctamente.","Callback URL updated successfully.":"La URL de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","Website URL updated successfully.":"La URL del sitio web se actualiz\u00f3 correctamente.","This transaction has transfer logs. You can not delete it":"Esta transacci\u00f3n tiene registros de transferencia. no puedes borrarlo","Payment Link has been deleted successfully":"El enlace de pago se ha eliminado correctamente","No active network found":"No se encontr\u00f3 ninguna red activa","Payment Link has been created successfully":"El enlace de pago se ha creado correctamente.","Warning!":"\u00a1Advertencia!","Please set your callback URL before using this feature.":"Configure su URL de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada antes de utilizar esta funci\u00f3n.","Please set your wallet before using this feature.":"Configure su billetera antes de usar esta funci\u00f3n.","Your request has been sent. Please wait for the result.":"Su solicitud ha sido enviada. Espere el resultado.","Your password has been updated.":"Su contrase\u00f1a ha sido actualizada.","Your current password is incorrect.":"Su contrase\u00f1a actual es incorrecta.","This email is already in use.":"Este correo electr\u00f3nico ya est\u00e1 en uso.","Your information has been updated.":"Tu informaci\u00f3n ha sido actualizada.","Your password is incorrect.":"Su contrase\u00f1a es incorrecta.","Two Factor Authentication Disabled.":"Autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores deshabilitada.","Two Factor Authentication Enabled.":"Autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores habilitada.","Code is invalid. Please scan and try again":"El c\u00f3digo no es v\u00e1lido. Escanee e int\u00e9ntelo de nuevo.","User deleted successfully":"Usuario eliminado exitosamente","User status updated successfully to inactive":"Estado del usuario actualizado exitosamente a inactivo","User role updated successfully":"Rol de usuario actualizado exitosamente","User with this email already exists":"El usuario con este correo electr\u00f3nico ya existe","An error occurred while creating the user":"Se produjo un error al crear el usuario.","You can perform a maximum of 1440 transactions within 24 hours. Please complete your other transactions.":"Puede realizar un m\u00e1ximo de 1440 transacciones en 24 horas. Por favor complete sus otras transacciones.","Name field is required":"El campo de nombre es obligatorio","Surname field is required":"El campo de apellido es obligatorio","Email field is required":"El campo de correo electr\u00f3nico es obligatorio","You have to enter it in the email type":"Tienes que ingresarlo en el tipo de correo electr\u00f3nico.","Phone field is required":"El campo de tel\u00e9fono es obligatorio","Phone field must be number":"El campo de tel\u00e9fono debe ser el n\u00famero","Minimum length must be 11":"La longitud m\u00ednima debe ser 11","Product Type is required":"Se requiere tipo de producto","Business Type is required":"Se requiere tipo de negocio","Captcha is required":"Se requiere captcha","Invalid User Information. Please try again":"Informaci\u00f3n de usuario no v\u00e1lida. Por favor int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo","Please fill in the website field first.":"Primero complete el campo del sitio web.","Fee Transfer":"Transferencia de tarifa","CoinPays Commission":"Comisi\u00f3n CoinPays","Direct Transfer":"Transferencia directa","Not Started":"No iniciado","Pending":"Pendiente","Completed":"Terminado","Failed":"Fallido","Cancelled":"Cancelado","Waiting":"Espera","Main Admin":"Administrador principal","Customer Service":"Servicio al cliente","Main User":"Usuario principal","Observation And Payment Refund":"Observaci\u00f3n y reembolso de pago","Only Observation":"S\u00f3lo observaci\u00f3n","Technical Support":"Apoyo t\u00e9cnico","Admin Update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n del administrador","Admin Create":"Administrador Crear","Back":"Atr\u00e1s","Name":"Nombre","Last Name":"Apellido","Secure Code":"C\u00f3digo seguro","Email":"Correo electr\u00f3nico","Phone":"Tel\u00e9fono","Password":"Contrase\u00f1a","Admin Role":"Rol de administrador","Active":"Activo","InActive":"Inactivo","Status":"Estado","Edit":"Editar","Create":"Crear","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Puede ver las transacciones que ha realizado. Para ver transacciones de prueba, debe seleccionarlas espec\u00edficamente. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Create New":"Crear nuevo","ID":"IDENTIFICACI\u00d3N","Role":"Role","Crated At":"Embalado en","Action":"Acci\u00f3n","Are you sure?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro?","Do you want to delete admin?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar el administrador?","Delete":"Borrar","No data found.":"No se encontraron datos.","Two Factory Authentication":"Dos autenticaci\u00f3n de f\u00e1brica","Two Factor Authentication":"Autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores","Two factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods (also referred to as factors) to verify your identity. Two factor authentication protects against phishing, social engineering and password brute force attacks and secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak or stolen credentials.":"La autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores (2FA) fortalece la seguridad del acceso al requerir dos m\u00e9todos (tambi\u00e9n conocidos como factores) para verificar su identidad. La autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores protege contra el phishing, la ingenier\u00eda social y los ataques de fuerza bruta de contrase\u00f1as y protege sus inicios de sesi\u00f3n contra atacantes que explotan credenciales d\u00e9biles o robadas.","Scan this QR code with your Google or Microsoft Authenticator App":"Escanee este c\u00f3digo QR con su aplicaci\u00f3n Google o Microsoft Authenticator","Enter the pin from Google or Microsoft Authenticator app":"Ingrese el PIN de la aplicaci\u00f3n Google o Microsoft Authenticator","Authenticator Code":"C\u00f3digo de autenticaci\u00f3n","Return to Admins":"Volver a Administradores","Campaign":"Campa\u00f1a","Campaign Create":"Crear campa\u00f1a","Upload Campaign Image":"Subir imagen de campa\u00f1a","Title":"T\u00edtulo","Description":"Descripci\u00f3n","Redirect":"Redirigir","Redirect Text":"Redirigir texto","You can view the campaign you have performed. To view test campaigns, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Podr\u00e1s visualizar la campa\u00f1a que has realizado. Para ver campa\u00f1as de prueba, debe seleccionarlas espec\u00edficamente. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Image":"Imagen","Do you want to delete campaign?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar la campa\u00f1a?","Coin Update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de monedas","Coin Create":"Crear moneda","code":"c\u00f3digo","Rate To USD":"Tarifa a USD","Network":"Red","Contract Address":"Direcci\u00f3n del contrato","Decimal":"Decimal","Code":"C\u00f3digo","Rate to USD":"Tarifa a USD","Contact Address":"Direcci\u00f3n de contacto","Do you want to delete coin?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar monedas?","Currency Update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de moneda","Currency Create":"Crear moneda","Symbol":"S\u00edmbolo","Created At":"Creado en","Do you want to delete currency?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar moneda?","For more detailed statistics, you can examine the panels in more detail.":"Para obtener estad\u00edsticas m\u00e1s detalladas, puede examinar los paneles con m\u00e1s detalle.","Notification Update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de notificaci\u00f3n","Notification Create":"Notificaci\u00f3n Crear","Dou you want use icon":"\u00bfQuieres usar el \u00edcono?","click here":"haga clic aqu\u00ed","Icon":"Icono","Content":"Contenido","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test notifications, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Puede ver las transacciones que ha realizado. Para ver las notificaciones de prueba, debe seleccionarlas espec\u00edficamente. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Actions":"Comportamiento","Do you want to delete notification?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar la notificaci\u00f3n?","Sign in Admin":"Iniciar sesi\u00f3n Administrador","Welcome to Admin Panel!":"\u00a1Bienvenido al Panel de administraci\u00f3n!","Please sign-in to your account and start the adventure":"Inicie sesi\u00f3n en su cuenta y comience la aventura.","Sign in":"Iniciar sesi\u00f3n","Two Step Admin Verification":"Verificaci\u00f3n de administrador en dos pasos","We sent a verification code to your mobile. Enter the code from the mobile in the field below.":"Te enviamos un c\u00f3digo de verificaci\u00f3n a tu m\u00f3vil. Introduce el c\u00f3digo del m\u00f3vil en el campo de abajo.","Type your 6 digit security code":"Escribe tu c\u00f3digo de seguridad de 6 d\u00edgitos","Verify my account":"verificar mi cuenta","Surname":"Apellido","Product Type":"Tipo de producto","Business Type":"Tipo de negocio","Expected Earnings":"Ganancias esperadas","Declined":"Rechazado","Ticket Details":"Detalles del billete","Ticket Messages History":"Historial de mensajes de tickets","CoinPays Admin":"Administrador de CoinPays","Do you want to change ticket status?":"\u00bfQuieres cambiar el estado del ticket?","Closed Ticket":"Boleto cerrado","Re-Open Ticket":"Boleto de reapertura","If you answer this ticket, it will be re-open":"Si respondes a este ticket, se volver\u00e1 a abrir.","Submit":"Entregar","You can view the tickets you have performed. To view test tickets, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Puedes ver las entradas que has realizado. Para ver los tickets de prueba, debe seleccionarlos espec\u00edficamente. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Merchant":"Comerciante","Priority":"Prioridad","Updated At":"Actualizado en","Open":"Abierto","Close":"Cerca","Low":"Bajo","Medium":"Medio","High":"Alto","Details":"Detalles","Re-Open":"Reabrir","Translation Update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de traducci\u00f3n","Translation Create":"Traducci\u00f3n Crear","Key":"Llave","Value":"Valor","Locale":"Lugar","Filter":"Filtrar","Apply Filter":"Aplicar filtro","Clear Filters":"Borrar filtros","Local":"Local","Do you want to delete translation?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar la traducci\u00f3n?","Wallet Update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de billetera","Wallet Create":"Crear billetera","Wallet Address":"Direcci\u00f3n de billetera","Wallet Private Key":"Clave privada de billetera","Is Active?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 activo?","Coin Code":"C\u00f3digo de moneda","Is Using?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 usando?","Transaction Token":"Ficha de transacci\u00f3n","Update":"Actualizar","Coin":"Acu\u00f1ar","Do you want to delete wallet?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar la billetera?","Feedback Update":"Actualizaci\u00f3n de comentarios","Feedback Create":"Comentarios Crear","Rating":"Clasificaci\u00f3n","Comment":"Comentario","Transaction":"Transacci\u00f3n","You can view the feedbacks here. You can also edit and delete feedbacks.":"Puedes ver los comentarios aqu\u00ed. Tambi\u00e9n puede editar y eliminar comentarios.","Transaction ID":"ID de transacci\u00f3n","Do you want to delete feedback?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar comentarios?","No feedback found.":"No se encontraron comentarios.","Order ID":"ID de pedido","Amount":"Cantidad","Country":"Pa\u00eds","Type":"Tipo","Expired":"Venci\u00f3","Merchant ID":"ID de comerciante","User Role":"Rol de usuario","Merchant Users":"Usuarios comerciales","Two Factor":"Dos factores","Login As":"Iniciar sesi\u00f3n como","Address":"DIRECCI\u00d3N","Website":"Sitio web","BEP-20 Commission":"Comisi\u00f3n BEP-20","ERC-20 Commission":"Comisi\u00f3n ERC-20","AREON Commission":"Comisi\u00f3n AREON","Callback URL":"URL de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada","Logo":"Logo","Yes":"S\u00ed","No":"No","Is Test?":"\u00bfEs prueba?","Pay With Link Status":"Pagar con estado del enlace","Stream Donation Status":"Estado de la donaci\u00f3n de transmisi\u00f3n","General Donation Status":"Estado general de la donaci\u00f3n","True":"Verdadero","False":"FALSO","Data":"Datos","Merchant Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n del comerciante","Do you want to delete merchant setting?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar la configuraci\u00f3n del comerciante?","CoinPays | Total Wallet Amount":"Pagos de monedas | Monto total de la billetera","All Wallet Amounts":"Todos los montos de la billetera","Bad Request":"Solicitud incorrecta","The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax":"El servidor no pudo comprender la solicitud debido a una sintaxis no v\u00e1lida","Forbidden":"Prohibido","You do not have permission to access this page":"No tienes permiso para acceder a esta p\u00e1gina.","Page Not Found":"P\u00e1gina no encontrada","The page was not found or may have never existed before":"La p\u00e1gina no se encontr\u00f3 o es posible que nunca haya existido antes.","Page Expired":"P\u00e1gina caducada","The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again":"La p\u00e1gina ha caducado por inactividad. Por favor actualiza y vuelve a intentarlo.","Unprocessable Entity":"Entidad no procesable","The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions":"El servidor comprende el tipo de contenido de la entidad de solicitud y la sintaxis de la entidad de solicitud es correcta, pero no pudo procesar las instrucciones contenidas.","Server Error":"Error del servidor","The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request":"El servidor encontr\u00f3 un error interno y no pudo completar su solicitud","Sorry, you have been blocked":"Lo siento, has sido bloqueado","Merchant Overview":"Descripci\u00f3n general del comerciante","Member since":"Miembro desde","Feedback":"Comentario","Positive":"Positivo","Neutral":"Neutral","Negative":"Negativo","Feedback Form":"Formulario de comentarios","Send Feedback":"Enviar comentarios","Viewing Feedbacks for":"Ver comentarios para","Browse Feedbacks":"Explorar comentarios","Date":"Fecha","Left By":"Dejado por","Anonymous":"An\u00f3nimo","- No Comment -":"- Sin comentarios -","Unknown":"Desconocido","No feedbacks found":"No se encontraron comentarios","Create New Password":"Crear nueva contrase\u00f1a","Reset Password ":"Restablecer contrase\u00f1a ","Your new password must be different from previously used passwords":"Su nueva contrase\u00f1a debe ser diferente de las contrase\u00f1as utilizadas anteriormente","New Password":"Nueva contrase\u00f1a","Confirm Password":"confirmar Contrase\u00f1a","Minimum 8 characters long":"M\u00ednimo 8 caracteres","At least one lowercase character":"Al menos un car\u00e1cter en min\u00fascula","At least one number, symbol, or whitespace character":"Al menos un n\u00famero, s\u00edmbolo o car\u00e1cter de espacio en blanco","Set new password":"Establecer nueva contrase\u00f1a","Back To Login":"Volver a iniciar sesi\u00f3n","Forgot Password?":"\u00bfHas olvidado tu contrase\u00f1a?","Send Reset Link":"Enviar enlace de reinicio","Back to login":"Volver a iniciar sesi\u00f3n","Enter your merchant id and email, then we'll send you instructions to reset your password":"Ingrese su identificaci\u00f3n de comerciante y correo electr\u00f3nico, luego le enviaremos instrucciones para restablecer su contrase\u00f1a.","Welcome to CoinPays!":"\u00a1Bienvenido a CoinPays!","Remember Me":"Acu\u00e9rdate de m\u00ed","Don't you have an account? Let's Register!":"\u00bfNo tienes una cuenta? \u00a1Vamos a registrarnos!","Sign Up":"Inscribirse","Create an account to get started.":"Cree una cuenta para comenzar.","Do you have an account? Login":"\u00bfTienes una cuenta? Acceso","Two Step Verification":"Verificaci\u00f3n de dos pasos","Support":"Apoyo","Balance":"Balance","Forgot Password Notification":"Notificaci\u00f3n de contrase\u00f1a olvidada","Hello":"Hola","This email is to confirm that your request to reset the password for your account has been received. You can use the following link to reset your password":"Este correo electr\u00f3nico es para confirmar que se ha recibido su solicitud para restablecer la contrase\u00f1a de su cuenta. Puede utilizar el siguiente enlace para restablecer su contrase\u00f1a","If you did not initiate this password reset request, please disregard this email and kindly notify us to ensure the security of your account":"Si no inici\u00f3 esta solicitud de restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a, ignore este correo electr\u00f3nico y notif\u00edquenoslo para garantizar la seguridad de su cuenta.","Thanks":"Gracias","Login Notification":"Notificaci\u00f3n de inicio de sesi\u00f3n","You have logged in to your account with new IP. There is last login details":"Ha iniciado sesi\u00f3n en su cuenta con una nueva IP. Hay los \u00faltimos datos de inicio de sesi\u00f3n.","IP Address":"Direcci\u00f3n IP","Browser":"Navegador","Location":"Ubicaci\u00f3n","If you have not done this yourself, please follow the steps below to secure your account immediately.":"Si no lo ha hecho usted mismo, siga los pasos a continuaci\u00f3n para proteger su cuenta de inmediato.","Change your password":"Cambia tu contrase\u00f1a","Enable two-factor authentication":"Habilitar la autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores","Review your account activity":"Revise la actividad de su cuenta","Review your account security":"Revisa la seguridad de tu cuenta","If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.":"Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, no dude en contactarnos.","Reset your password":"Restablece tu contrase\u00f1a","2FA Backup Codes":"C\u00f3digos de respaldo 2FA","As you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your account, please find below 10 backup codes that you can use to access your account. We recommend keeping these backup codes in a secure location and ensuring they are inaccessible to others.":"Como ha habilitado la autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores (2FA) en su cuenta, encontrar\u00e1 a continuaci\u00f3n 10 c\u00f3digos de respaldo que puede usar para acceder a su cuenta. Recomendamos mantener estos c\u00f3digos de respaldo en un lugar seguro y asegurarse de que sean inaccesibles para otras personas.","These backup codes will assist you in accessing your account in case you lose your main account password or your 2FA authentication code becomes unavailable. Please store these codes securely and refrain from sharing them with anyone.":"Estos c\u00f3digos de respaldo lo ayudar\u00e1n a acceder a su cuenta en caso de que pierda la contrase\u00f1a de su cuenta principal o su c\u00f3digo de autenticaci\u00f3n 2FA deje de estar disponible. Guarde estos c\u00f3digos de forma segura y abst\u00e9ngase de compartirlos con nadie.","If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.":"Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en contactarnos.","2FA Disabled":"2FA deshabilitada","We wanted to inform you that Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has been successfully disabled on your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately for assistance.":"Quer\u00edamos informarle que la autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores (2FA) se ha desactivado correctamente en su cuenta. Si no inici\u00f3 esta acci\u00f3n, comun\u00edquese con nosotros de inmediato para obtener ayuda.","Your account security is important to us, and we recommend considering reactivating 2FA for an added layer of protection. You can enable 2FA in your account settings at any time.":"La seguridad de su cuenta es importante para nosotros y recomendamos considerar reactivar 2FA para obtener una capa adicional de protecci\u00f3n. Puede habilitar 2FA en la configuraci\u00f3n de su cuenta en cualquier momento.","If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.":"Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud con respecto a este cambio, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros.","Payment Refund Notification":"Notificaci\u00f3n de reembolso de pago","Partial Payment Received":"Pago parcial recibido","You can view the status of this payment or leave feedback for the seller for the next 30 days at the following link":"Puede ver el estado de este pago o dejar comentarios para el vendedor durante los pr\u00f3ximos 30 d\u00edas en el siguiente enlace","This can happen if you forgot to account for the coin TX fee when sending to us or if you are using a coin that only allows 6 digits after the decimal and didn't round up to the 6th digit.":"Esto puede suceder si olvid\u00f3 contabilizar la tarifa de TX de la moneda cuando nos la envi\u00f3 o si est\u00e1 utilizando una moneda que solo permite 6 d\u00edgitos despu\u00e9s del decimal y no redondea al sexto d\u00edgito.","If you don't send the remaining funds you will receive an email after the payment times out to claim your funds if it is at least the network send fee times two. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact us.":"Si no env\u00eda los fondos restantes, recibir\u00e1 un correo electr\u00f3nico despu\u00e9s de que finalice el pago para reclamar sus fondos si es al menos la tarifa de env\u00edo de la red multiplicada por dos. Si no recibe este correo electr\u00f3nico, por favor cont\u00e1ctenos.","Payment Completed":"Pago completado","We are pleased to inform you that your recent payment has been successfully processed. Thank you for your prompt payment!":"Nos complace informarle que su pago reciente ha sido procesado exitosamente. \u00a1Gracias por su pronto pago!","Transaction Details":"Detalles de la transacci\u00f3n","You can send feedback about your payment experience by clicking the button below.":"Puede enviar comentarios sobre su experiencia de pago haciendo clic en el bot\u00f3n a continuaci\u00f3n.","If you have any questions regarding this payment or if there is anything else we can assist you with, please feel free to contact us.":"Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este pago o si hay algo m\u00e1s en lo que podamos ayudarlo, no dude en contactarnos.","Thank you for choosing us. We appreciate your business!":"Gracias por elegirnos. \u00a1Apreciamos su negocio!","Reports Are Ready!":"\u00a1Los informes est\u00e1n listos!","Click for Download":"Haga clic para descargar","Under Maintenance!":"\u00a1En mantenimiento!","Sorry for the inconvenience but we're performing some maintenance at the moment":"Disculpe las molestias pero estamos realizando algunas tareas de mantenimiento en este momento.","Discover the advantageous campaigns, opportunities, and discounts that CoinPays offers to its merchant partners right away.":"Descubra de inmediato las ventajosas campa\u00f1as, oportunidades y descuentos que CoinPays ofrece a sus socios comerciales.","Coming Soon!":"\u00a1Muy pronto!","We are working on some amazing new features for you.":"Estamos trabajando en algunas funciones nuevas e incre\u00edbles para usted.","Stay tuned!":"\u00a1Mant\u00e9nganse al tanto!","Welcome":"Bienvenido","You can view your statistics at specified time intervals below and check your reports.":"Puede ver sus estad\u00edsticas en intervalos de tiempo espec\u00edficos a continuaci\u00f3n y consultar sus informes.","Crypto Currencies":"Monedas criptogr\u00e1ficas","No Crypto":"Sin criptograf\u00eda","Completed Payments":"Pagos completados","Last 1 Month":"\u00daltimo 1 mes","Pending Payments":"Pagos pendientes","Customers":"Clientes","Countries":"Pa\u00edses","Sales Country":"Pa\u00eds de ventas","Countries with most sales":"Pa\u00edses con m\u00e1s ventas","All Donations Graphs":"Todos los gr\u00e1ficos de donaciones","All Donations":"Todas las donaciones","You can view the graphs of the All Donations made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Podr\u00e1s visualizar las gr\u00e1ficas de Todas las Donaciones realizadas en el sistema. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","You can observe the net amount and sales amount charts in detail.":"Puede observar los gr\u00e1ficos de monto neto y monto de ventas en detalle.","By clicking on the breakpoints in the chart, you can view the amount for that day.":"Al hacer clic en los puntos de interrupci\u00f3n del gr\u00e1fico, puede ver el importe de ese d\u00eda.","If you are making sales in different currencies, you can hide\/show by clicking on the currency.":"Si realiza ventas en diferentes monedas, puede ocultar\/mostrar haciendo clic en la moneda.","Due to the fact that the chart data is generated at the end of the day, the charts do not contain information for today.":"Debido a que los datos del gr\u00e1fico se generan al final del d\u00eda, los gr\u00e1ficos no contienen informaci\u00f3n del d\u00eda de hoy.","Sales Amount":"Monto de ventas","Real Currencies":"Monedas reales","Donation Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de donaci\u00f3n","Stream Donation is a system that allows content creators to receive donations from their fans during live broadcasts. With this system, fans can support their favorite content creators, and the creators can further improve their broadcasts with this support.":"Stream Donation es un sistema que permite a los creadores de contenido recibir donaciones de sus fans durante las transmisiones en vivo. Con este sistema, los fans pueden apoyar a sus creadores de contenido favoritos, y los creadores pueden mejorar a\u00fan m\u00e1s sus transmisiones con este apoyo.","Stream Donation Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de donaci\u00f3n de transmisiones","Donation URL":"URL de donaci\u00f3n","Click for more information.":"Haga clic para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n.","Stream Link":"Enlace de transmisi\u00f3n","Alert Link":"Enlace de alerta","Copy":"Copiar","StreamLabs":"StreamLabs","Connect StreamLabs":"Conectar StreamLabs","Re-Connect StreamLabs":"Vuelva a conectar StreamLabs","Test Alert":"Alerta de prueba","Do you want to send test alert?":"\u00bfQuieres enviar alerta de prueba?","Send test alert to all integrations":"Enviar alerta de prueba a todas las integraciones","Media Kit":"Kit de medios","Download":"Descargar","Iframe Donation Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de donaci\u00f3n de iframe","Iframe Code":"C\u00f3digo de marco flotante","You can view the Stream Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Puede ver las donaciones de transmisiones que ha realizado. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","You can view the Iframe Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Puede ver las donaciones de Iframe que ha realizado. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Search by Order ID":"Buscar por ID de pedido","Search by E-mail":"Buscar por correo electr\u00f3nico","Download Report":"Descargar Informe","Date Range":"Rango de fechas","Total Transaction":"Transacci\u00f3n total","Total Amount":"Monto Total","Quantity":"Cantidad","No donation found.":"No se encontr\u00f3 ninguna donaci\u00f3n.","Search with ID":"Buscar con identificaci\u00f3n","Search with Email":"Buscar con correo electr\u00f3nico","Please enter the value you want to search.":"Por favor ingrese el valor que desea buscar.","Enter the value you want to search.":"Ingrese el valor que desea buscar.","Search":"Buscar","Technical integration errors can be viewed on this page. Since errors arising from the integration at the payment stage may result in transaction losses, it would be beneficial for you to review the errors on this page and share them with your technical team\/software company.":"Los errores de integraci\u00f3n t\u00e9cnica se pueden ver en esta p\u00e1gina. Dado que los errores que surgen de la integraci\u00f3n en la etapa de pago pueden provocar p\u00e9rdidas en las transacciones, ser\u00eda beneficioso que revise los errores en esta p\u00e1gina y los comparta con su equipo t\u00e9cnico\/empresa de software.","INFORMATION: The errors listed here are not related to the CoinPays system. These records occur when the information sent during your technical integration with CoinPays is incomplete or incorrect.":"INFORMACI\u00d3N: Los errores enumerados aqu\u00ed no est\u00e1n relacionados con el sistema CoinPays. Estos registros ocurren cuando la informaci\u00f3n enviada durante su integraci\u00f3n t\u00e9cnica con CoinPays es incompleta o incorrecta.","You can only view the data from the last 7 days.":"S\u00f3lo puedes ver los datos de los \u00faltimos 7 d\u00edas.","Error Type":"Tipo de error","No API alerts found.":"No se encontraron alertas de API.","You can access API information and integration documents from this area. Please do not share the information in this field with people you do not trust. Otherwise, unauthorized harmful actions may be taken. Our company is not responsible for such incidents.":"Puede acceder a informaci\u00f3n de API y documentos de integraci\u00f3n desde esta \u00e1rea. No comparta la informaci\u00f3n de este campo con personas en las que no conf\u00ede. De lo contrario, se podr\u00e1n tomar acciones perjudiciales no autorizadas. Nuestra empresa no es responsable de tales incidentes.","API Information":"Informaci\u00f3n API","Merchant No (merchant_id)":"N\u00famero de comerciante (merchant_id)","Merchant Password (merchant_key)":"Contrase\u00f1a del comerciante (merchant_key)","Do you want to change merchant key? If you change the merchant key, you will need to update the key in your API integration.":"\u00bfQuieres cambiar la clave de comerciante? Si cambia la clave de comerciante, deber\u00e1 actualizar la clave en su integraci\u00f3n API.","Change":"Cambiar","Merchant Secret Key (merchant_salt)":"Clave secreta del comerciante (merchant_salt)","Integration Documentations":"Documentaciones de integraci\u00f3n","You can access the integration document and sample codes for iFrame API All Payment Methods by clicking here":"Puede acceder al documento de integraci\u00f3n y c\u00f3digos de muestra para iFrame API Todos los m\u00e9todos de pago haciendo clic aqu\u00ed","You can access the integration document and sample codes for the Transaction Status Query API by clicking here.":"Puede acceder al documento de integraci\u00f3n y a los c\u00f3digos de muestra para la API de consulta de estado de transacciones haciendo clic aqu\u00ed.","Current E-Commerce Modules":"M\u00f3dulos de comercio electr\u00f3nico actuales","iFrame API for all versions of OpenCart 3.X":"API iFrame para todas las versiones de OpenCart 3.X","iFrame API for PrestaShop 1.6.x and 1.7.x versions":"API iFrame para las versiones PrestaShop 1.6.x y 1.7.x","iFrame API for Wordpress Woocommerce":"API iFrame para Wordpress WooCommerce","iFrame API for WiseCP":"API iFrame para WiseCP","All Test Transactions":"Todas las transacciones de prueba","Here you can see all the operations performed in the test environment. When the payment status and callback status are successful, you can put your store in live mode.":"Aqu\u00ed puede ver todas las operaciones realizadas en el entorno de prueba. Cuando el estado del pago y el estado de la devoluci\u00f3n de llamada sean exitosos, podr\u00e1 poner su tienda en modo en vivo.","No transaction found.":"No se encontr\u00f3 ninguna transacci\u00f3n.","Do you want to check the integrations and go live?":"\u00bfQuieres comprobar las integraciones y comenzar a funcionar?","Check Integrations & Go Live":"Verifique las integraciones y comience a funcionar","You can adjust the features related to the store within the options provided in this field. Here, you can edit the details and change the settings for your store. Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"Puede ajustar las caracter\u00edsticas relacionadas con la tienda dentro de las opciones proporcionadas en este campo. Aqu\u00ed puede editar los detalles y cambiar la configuraci\u00f3n de su tienda. Aseg\u00farese de estar seguro antes de realizar cualquier cambio.","Store Status Check":"Verificaci\u00f3n del estado de la tienda","You can put your store in test mode whenever needed. Change the Live Mode selection to Test Mode, and then click the Save Changes button.":"Puedes poner tu tienda en modo de prueba cuando sea necesario. Cambie la selecci\u00f3n del Modo en vivo al Modo de prueba y luego haga clic en el bot\u00f3n Guardar cambios.","Important Information":"Informaci\u00f3n importante","For more details:":"Para m\u00e1s detalles:","Live Mode":"Modo en vivo","Test Mode":"Modo de prueba","Gateway Networks":"Redes de puerta de enlace","You can select the networks you want to use for your payment page. You can select multiple networks. Please ensure that the wallet address you entered is correct and supports the tokens we support. If the exchange or wallet you use does not support the cryptocurrency token you receive, you may lose your assets. Our company is not responsible for this. For details, please read.":"Puede seleccionar las redes que desea utilizar para su p\u00e1gina de pago. Puede seleccionar varias redes. Aseg\u00farese de que la direcci\u00f3n de billetera que ingres\u00f3 sea correcta y admita los tokens que admitimos. Si el intercambio o la billetera que utiliza no admite el token de criptomoneda que recibe, puede perder sus activos. Nuestra empresa no es responsable de esto. Para obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n, lea.","Disable":"Desactivar","Enable":"Permitir","Credit Card Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito","You can select the options for credit card payments.":"Puede seleccionar las opciones para pagos con tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito.","Logo Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n del logotipo","The logo size should be a maximum of 300px x 100px.":"El tama\u00f1o del logotipo debe ser de un m\u00e1ximo de 300 px x 100 px.","Merchant Name: The name of the merchant.":"Nombre del comerciante: El nombre del comerciante.","Merchant Name":"Nombre del comerciante","Merchant Address: The address location of the merchant.":"Direcci\u00f3n del comerciante: la ubicaci\u00f3n de la direcci\u00f3n del comerciante.","Merchant Address":"Direcci\u00f3n del comerciante","Merchant Email Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico del comerciante","Customer Service Email Address":"Direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico de atenci\u00f3n al cliente","Accounting Email Address":"Direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico de contabilidad","Do you really want to change the credit card status?":"\u00bfRealmente desea cambiar el estado de la tarjeta de cr\u00e9dito?","Something went wrong. Please try again.":"Algo sali\u00f3 mal. Por favor int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.","Do you really want to change the wallet address? Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"\u00bfRealmente quieres cambiar la direcci\u00f3n de la billetera? Aseg\u00farese de estar seguro antes de realizar cualquier cambio.","Do you really want to change the store status?":"\u00bfRealmente quieres cambiar el estado de la tienda?","Important Note: While your store is in test mode, you won't be able to receive payments, and any payments you receive will not be accounted for.":"Nota importante: Mientras su tienda est\u00e9 en modo de prueba, no podr\u00e1 recibir pagos y los pagos que reciba no se contabilizar\u00e1n.","Additionally, if you wish, you can use the 'SpaceID Web3 Name' feature by entering the domain associated with your wallet address.":"Adem\u00e1s, si lo desea, puede utilizar la funci\u00f3n 'Nombre de SpaceID Web3' ingresando el dominio asociado con la direcci\u00f3n de su billetera.","Global Notifications":"Notificaciones globales","You can view the our system notifications here.":"Puede ver las notificaciones de nuestro sistema aqu\u00ed.","You can submit system errors, help requests, and your inquiries through this section.":"Puede enviar errores del sistema, solicitudes de ayuda y sus consultas a trav\u00e9s de esta secci\u00f3n.","Create Ticket":"Crear billete","Name, Surname":"Nombre, Apellido","Your Message":"Tu mensaje","Please describe your issue with a minimum of 25 characters...":"Describe tu problema con un m\u00ednimo de 25 caracteres...","Send My Message":"Enviar mi mensaje","Your Tickets":"Tus entradas","Answer":"Respuesta","Question":"Pregunta","No tickets found.":"No se encontraron entradas.","To reach our support team, please fill out the 'Your Message' section in the form below and click the 'Send My Message' button.":"Para comunicarse con nuestro equipo de soporte, complete la secci\u00f3n \"Su mensaje\" en el formulario a continuaci\u00f3n y haga clic en el bot\u00f3n \"Enviar mi mensaje\".","Pay With Link Graphs":"Pagar con gr\u00e1ficos de enlaces","You can view the graphs of the Pay With Link transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Podr\u00e1s visualizar las gr\u00e1ficas de las transacciones de Pay With Link realizadas en el sistema. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Create Payment Link":"Crear enlace de pago","On this page, you can create a payment link for your customers.":"En esta p\u00e1gina, puede crear un enlace de pago para sus clientes.","Choose Language":"Elija idioma","Pay With Link Transactions":"Pagar con transacciones de enlace","You can view the Pay With Link transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Puede ver las transacciones de Pay With Link que ha realizado. Para ver transacciones de prueba, debe seleccionarlas espec\u00edficamente. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Do you want to download the reports as excel file?":"\u00bfQuieres descargar los informes como archivo Excel?","QR":"QR","Open Link":"Abrir enlace","Open Payment Page":"Abrir p\u00e1gina de pago","Do you want to delete payment link?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar el enlace de pago?","QR Code":"C\u00f3digo QR","Transaction Webhook|Callback Details":"Webhook de transacci\u00f3n|Detalles de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada","You can view the all details of the transaction webhook|callback here.":"Puede ver todos los detalles del webhook de transacci\u00f3n|devoluci\u00f3n de llamada aqu\u00ed.","The data sent to the Callback URL via Webhook. You can access it using both GET and POST methods.":"Los datos enviados a la URL de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada a trav\u00e9s de Webhook. Puede acceder a \u00e9l utilizando los m\u00e9todos GET y POST.","Message":"Mensaje","Status Code":"C\u00f3digo de estado","No data found":"No se encontraron datos","Webhook (Callback) Responses":"Respuestas de webhook (devoluci\u00f3n de llamada)","You can view the transactions that have all webhook - callback responses here. Failed requests recur every minute. It is repeated for a total of 1440 times (24 hours).":"Puede ver las transacciones que tienen todos los webhooks: respuestas de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada aqu\u00ed. Las solicitudes fallidas se repiten cada minuto. Se repite un total de 1440 veces (24 horas).","URL":"URL","Retries":"Reintentos","Webhook not sent":"Webhook no enviado","Do you want to send the callback request again? This action may lead to confusion and data loss in your system, depending on the quality and security of your integration. CoinPays cannot be held responsible for this situation. The most current URL address will be used! If you don\\'t know what you are doing, please do not do it.":"\u00bfQuieres enviar la solicitud de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada nuevamente? Esta acci\u00f3n puede generar confusi\u00f3n y p\u00e9rdida de datos en su sistema, dependiendo de la calidad y seguridad de su integraci\u00f3n. CoinPays no se hace responsable de esta situaci\u00f3n. \u00a1Se utilizar\u00e1 la direcci\u00f3n URL m\u00e1s actual! Si no sabes lo que est\u00e1s haciendo, por favor no lo hagas.","Send Again":"Enviar de nuevo","Virtual Pos Transaction Details":"Detalles de la transacci\u00f3n de posici\u00f3n virtual","Iframe Donation Details":"Detalles de donaci\u00f3n de marco flotante","Stream Donation Details":"Detalles de la donaci\u00f3n de transmisi\u00f3n","Pay With Link Details":"Pagar con detalles del enlace","You can view transaction details and customer information.":"Puede ver los detalles de la transacci\u00f3n y la informaci\u00f3n del cliente.","CoinPays Order ID":"ID de pedido de CoinPays","Print":"Imprimir","TEST MODE TRANSACT\u0130ON":"TRANSACCI\u00d3N EN MODO DE PRUEBA","Transaction Amount":"Monto de la transacci\u00f3n","Remaining Amount | Crypto":"Importe restante | Cripto","Commission":"Comisi\u00f3n","Transaction Date":"Fecha de transacci\u00f3n","Product\/Service Information":"Informaci\u00f3n del producto\/servicio","Payment Status":"Estado de pago","Callback Status":"Estado de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada","Callback Response":"Respuesta de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada","Callback Request Count":"Recuento de solicitudes de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada","Amount Transfer Status":"Estado de transferencia de monto","The transfer will automatically be credited to your account after 2 hours.":"La transferencia se acreditar\u00e1 autom\u00e1ticamente en su cuenta despu\u00e9s de 2 horas.","Amount Transfer Details":"Detalles de transferencia de monto","From":"De","To":"A","Customer Details":"Detalles del cliente","Customer Name - Surname":"Nombre del cliente - Apellido","Customer Phone":"Tel\u00e9fono del cliente","Customer E-mail":"Correo electr\u00f3nico del cliente","Customer Address":"Direcci\u00f3n del cliente","Customer Note":"Nota al cliente","Customer IP":"IP del cliente","Crypto Details":"Detalles criptogr\u00e1ficos","TX":"Texas","Remaining Amount":"Cantidad restante","Confirmations":"Confirmaciones","Virtual Pos Graphs":"Gr\u00e1ficos Pos Virtuales","You can view the graphs of the Virtual Pos transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Podr\u00e1s visualizar las gr\u00e1ficas de las transacciones de Pos Virtual realizadas en el sistema. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Virtual POS Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de TPV Virtual","You can adjust all the features of the virtual POS feature among the options offered in this area.":"Podr\u00e1s ajustar todas las funcionalidades del TPV virtual entre las opciones que se ofrecen en esta \u00e1rea.","CallBack Url Settings":"Configuraci\u00f3n de URL de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada","Website URL":"URL del sitio web","Callback Url":"URL de devoluci\u00f3n de llamada","Virtual Pos Transactions":"Transacciones Pos Virtuales","You can view the Virtual Pos transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Puede ver las transacciones de Pos Virtual que ha realizado. Para ver transacciones de prueba, debe seleccionarlas espec\u00edficamente. Los datos totales se actualizan a intervalos de 5 minutos.","Webhook Notifications":"Notificaciones de webhook","You can view the company information, bank account details, and commission rate information in this area. If you see any inaccuracies in the information here and cannot change it, please contact us.":"Puede ver la informaci\u00f3n de la empresa, los detalles de la cuenta bancaria y la informaci\u00f3n sobre la tasa de comisi\u00f3n en esta \u00e1rea. Si ve alguna inexactitud en la informaci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed y no puede cambiarla, comun\u00edquese con nosotros.","Merchant Information":"Informaci\u00f3n del comerciante","Here you can find basic information about the merchant owner. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Aqu\u00ed puede encontrar informaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica sobre el propietario del comerciante. Si cree que hay un error, p\u00f3ngase en contacto con nosotros.","Representative Name":"Nombre del representante","Representative Phone":"Tel\u00e9fono del representante","No Phone Number. Update Your Phone":"Sin n\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono. Actualiza tu tel\u00e9fono","Representative Email":"Correo electr\u00f3nico del representante","Bank\/Wallet Account Information":"Informaci\u00f3n de cuenta bancaria\/monedero","Here you can find the bank\/wallet information you have for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Aqu\u00ed puede encontrar la informaci\u00f3n bancaria\/billetera que tiene para cada red y m\u00e9todo de pago. Si cree que hay un error, p\u00f3ngase en contacto con nosotros.","No bank or wallet account information has been added.":"No se ha agregado informaci\u00f3n de cuenta bancaria o de billetera.","Add Wallet Acount":"Agregar cuenta de billetera","Commission Information":"Informaci\u00f3n de la comisi\u00f3n","Here you can see the percentage commission rates for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Aqu\u00ed puede ver los porcentajes de comisi\u00f3n para cada red y m\u00e9todo de pago. Si cree que hay un error, p\u00f3ngase en contacto con nosotros.","Your CoinPays Payment Service Agreements":"Sus acuerdos de servicio de pago CoinPays","No agreement has been added.":"No se ha a\u00f1adido ning\u00fan acuerdo.","Profile Details":"Detalles del perfil","First Name":"Nombre de pila","E-mail":"Correo electr\u00f3nico","Phone Number":"N\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono","Save changes":"Guardar cambios","On this page, you can see your personal information and update your e-mail address and phone number. Please ensure that your email address and phone number are current and belong to you. We may send content such as password resets or IP verification to this information. These details will not be shared with your customers or any third parties and will be securely encrypted in our database.":"En esta p\u00e1gina, puede ver su informaci\u00f3n personal y actualizar su direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico y n\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono. Aseg\u00farese de que su direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico y n\u00famero de tel\u00e9fono est\u00e9n actualizados y le pertenezcan. Podemos enviar contenido como restablecimiento de contrase\u00f1a o verificaci\u00f3n de IP a esta informaci\u00f3n. Estos datos no se compartir\u00e1n con sus clientes ni con terceros y se cifrar\u00e1n de forma segura en nuestra base de datos.","Account":"Cuenta","Security":"Seguridad","Enable 2FA":"Habilitar 2FA","Change Password":"Cambiar la contrase\u00f1a","Current Password":"Contrase\u00f1a actual","Confirm New Password":"Confirmar nueva contrase\u00f1a","Create Password":"Crear contrase\u00f1a","Password Requirements":"Requisitos de contrase\u00f1a","the more, the better":"cuanto m\u00e1s, mejor","Two-Steps Verification":"Verificaci\u00f3n de dos pasos","Two factor authentication is not enabled yet.":"La autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores a\u00fan no est\u00e1 habilitada.","Two factor authentication is not enabled.":"La autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores no est\u00e1 habilitada.","Learn more.":"Obtenga m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n.","Do you want to disable the 2FA?":"\u00bfQuieres desactivar la 2FA?","Disable two-factor authentication":"Deshabilitar la autenticaci\u00f3n de dos factores","Recent Devices":"Dispositivos recientes","IP":"IP","User Agent":"Agente de usuario","Are you sure you want to create a new password?":"\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro de que desea crear una nueva contrase\u00f1a?","Store Panel Users":"Usuarios del panel de la tienda","On this page, you can add new users who will be able to access and transact on the Store Panel, or you can update existing users and make them inactive.":"En esta p\u00e1gina, puede agregar nuevos usuarios que podr\u00e1n acceder y realizar transacciones en el Panel de la tienda, o puede actualizar los usuarios existentes y desactivarlos.","Add New User":"Agregar nuevo usuario","Last Login IP":"\u00daltima IP de inicio de sesi\u00f3n","Last Login Date":"Fecha del \u00faltimo inicio de sesi\u00f3n","No users found.":"No se encontraron usuarios.","Do you want to change the password?":"\u00bfQuieres cambiar la contrase\u00f1a?","Reset Password":"Restablecer contrase\u00f1a","Do you want to change user status to inactive?":"\u00bfQuieres cambiar el estado del usuario a inactivo?","Make Inactive":"Hacer inactivo","Do you want to change user status to active?":"\u00bfQuieres cambiar el estado del usuario a activo?","Make Active":"Activar","Do you want to permanently delete the user?":"\u00bfQuieres eliminar permanentemente al usuario?","Permanently Delete":"Eliminar permanentemente","Checkout":"Verificar","YOU ARE DOING THIS PROCESS IN TEST MODE.":"EST\u00c1S REALIZANDO ESTE PROCESO EN MODO DE PRUEBA.","NOTE: Your store is in test mode. To receive real payments, you need to activate your store from the SETTINGS section.":"NOTA: Tu tienda est\u00e1 en modo de prueba. Para recibir pagos reales, debes activar tu tienda desde la secci\u00f3n AJUSTES.","Change Settings":"Cambiar configuraci\u00f3n","Store Feedbacks":"Comentarios de la tienda","Contact Seller":"Contactar al vendedor","Your Basket":"Tu cesta","Item Name":"Nombre del art\u00edculo","Price":"Precio","Total":"Total","Choose Details":"Elija Detalles","Ensure the network you choose to deposit matches the withdrawal network, or assets may be lost.":"Aseg\u00farese de que la red que elija para depositar coincida con la red de retiro, o se podr\u00edan perder activos.","Pay With Crypto":"Pagar con cripto","Checkout Transaction Status":"Estado de la transacci\u00f3n de pago","Amount Remaining":"Cantidad restante","Time Left":"Tiempo restante","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees! Only via regular sends not via special contracts!":"\u00a1Aseg\u00farese de enviar suficiente cantidad para cubrir las tarifas de transacci\u00f3n de monedas! \u00a1Solo mediante env\u00edos regulares, no mediante contratos especiales!","Send this token only via the following network":"Env\u00eda este token solo a trav\u00e9s de la siguiente red","save in case there are any issues with your payment":"Ahorre en caso de que haya alg\u00fan problema con su pago.","COMPLETE PAYMENT IN TEST MODE":"PAGO COMPLETO EN MODO PRUEBA","What to do next?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacer a continuaci\u00f3n?","Please send":"Por favor env\u00ede","to address":"para abordar","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees!":"\u00a1Aseg\u00farese de enviar suficiente cantidad para cubrir las tarifas de transacci\u00f3n de monedas!","You will need to initiate the payment using your software or online wallet and copy\/paste the address and payment amount into it. We will email you when all funds have been received.":"Deber\u00e1 iniciar el pago utilizando su software o billetera en l\u00ednea y copiar\/pegar la direcci\u00f3n y el monto del pago en \u00e9l. Le enviaremos un correo electr\u00f3nico cuando se hayan recibido todos los fondos.","You have this amount of time to receive the approved funds":"Tienes esta cantidad de tiempo para recibir los fondos aprobados.","The transaction ID":"El ID de la transacci\u00f3n","A payment address to send the funds to.":"Una direcci\u00f3n de pago a la que enviar los fondos.","GO TO SELLER WEBSITE":"IR AL SITIO WEB DEL VENDEDOR","CHECK PAYMENT STATUS":"VERIFICAR ESTADO DE PAGO","Connect Your Wallet":"Conecte su billetera","Start Binance Transaction":"Iniciar transacci\u00f3n en Binance","Start Wallet Transaction":"Iniciar transacci\u00f3n de billetera","You have cancelled the wallet connection request.":"Ha cancelado la solicitud de conexi\u00f3n de billetera.","Failed to connect wallet. Please try again.":"No se pudo conectar la billetera. Por favor int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo.","Failed to switch chain. Please try again. Maybe you need to add the network manually.":"No se pudo cambiar de cadena. Por favor int\u00e9ntalo de nuevo. Quiz\u00e1s necesites agregar la red manualmente.","Transaction completed successfully. Please wait for the confirmation. It may take a few minutes.":"La transacci\u00f3n se complet\u00f3 con \u00e9xito. Espere la confirmaci\u00f3n. Puede que tarde unos minutos.","An error occurred. Please ensure that you have sufficient balance in your account and network transaction fees, and try again. If you continue to encounter errors, please contact us.":"Se produjo un error. Aseg\u00farese de tener saldo suficiente en su cuenta y tarifas de transacci\u00f3n de red, e int\u00e9ntelo nuevamente. Si contin\u00faa encontrando errores, por favor cont\u00e1ctenos.","Please install MetaMask, Trust Wallet or CoinBase extension to continue.":"Instale MetaMask, Trust Wallet o la extensi\u00f3n CoinBase para continuar.","If you send funds that don't confirm by the timeout or don't send enough coins you will receive an automatic email to claim your funds within 8 hours. If you don't receive the email contact us with the information below and will send you a refund":"Si env\u00eda fondos que no se confirman antes del tiempo de espera o no env\u00eda suficientes monedas, recibir\u00e1 un correo electr\u00f3nico autom\u00e1tico para reclamar sus fondos dentro de las 8 horas. Si no recibe el correo electr\u00f3nico, cont\u00e1ctenos con la informaci\u00f3n a continuaci\u00f3n y le enviar\u00e1 un reembolso.","After sending payment, review the status of your transaction on this page. Once the payment is confirmed several times in the block chain, the payment will be completed and the merchant will be notified. The confirmation process usually takes 10-45 minutes but varies based on the coin's target block time and number of block confirms required. The status page is available for the next 30 days.":"Despu\u00e9s de enviar el pago, revise el estado de su transacci\u00f3n en esta p\u00e1gina. Una vez que el pago se confirme varias veces en la cadena de bloques, se completar\u00e1 el pago y se notificar\u00e1 al comerciante. El proceso de confirmaci\u00f3n suele tardar entre 10 y 45 minutos, pero var\u00eda seg\u00fan el tiempo de bloqueo objetivo de la moneda y la cantidad de confirmaciones de bloque requeridas. La p\u00e1gina de estado estar\u00e1 disponible durante los pr\u00f3ximos 30 d\u00edas.","What if I accidentally don't send enough?":"\u00bfQu\u00e9 pasa si accidentalmente no env\u00edo suficiente?","If you don't send enough, that is OK. Just send the remainder and we will combine them for you. You can also send from multiple wallets\/account":"Si no env\u00eda lo suficiente, est\u00e1 bien. Simplemente env\u00ede el resto y los combinaremos por usted. Tambi\u00e9n puedes enviar desde m\u00faltiples billeteras\/cuentas","Public Project Stats":"Estad\u00edsticas de proyectos p\u00fablicos","Welcome to our public dashboard!":"\u00a1Bienvenido a nuestro panel p\u00fablico!","You can view the current statistics of our project and access the details here.":"Puedes ver las estad\u00edsticas actuales de nuestro proyecto y acceder a los detalles aqu\u00ed.","All data, plugins, statistics and tables are updated one time in 3 days.":"Todos los datos, complementos, estad\u00edsticas y tablas se actualizan una vez cada 3 d\u00edas.","All Payments":"Todos los pagos","Year of 2024":"A\u00f1o de 2024","Expired Payments":"Pagos vencidos","Failed Payments":"Pagos fallidos","Draft Payments":"Pagos en borrador","Used Languages":"Idiomas usados","Unique Users":"Usuarios \u00fanicos","Used Wallets":"Carteras usadas","Most Sales in Countries":"Mayor\u00eda de ventas en pa\u00edses","Quantitiy":"cantidad","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","The has banned your IP address.":" ha prohibido su direcci\u00f3n IP.","Back to home":"De vuelta a casa","Credit Cart":"Carrito de cr\u00e9dito"}