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{"Dashboard":"Dashboard","Merchants":"sudagar","Users":"Pangguna","Transactions":"Transaksi","Feedbacks":"Umpan balik","Tickets":"karcis","Offers":"Nawakake","Campaigns":"Kampanye","Notifications":"Kabar","Currencies":"mata uang","Coins":"dhuwit recehan","Wallets":"Dompet","Translations":"Terjemahan","Admins":"Admin","Logout":"logout","Virtual Pos":"Virtual Pos","Graphs":"Grafik","Settings":"Setelan","Donations":"Sumbangan","Stream Donations":"Sumbangan Stream","Iframe Donations":"Sumbangan Iframe","Pay With Link":"Mbayar Kanthi Link","Create Link":"Nggawe Link","Manage":"Ngatur","Info":"Info","My Profile":"Profil Kula","Installation":"Instalasi","API Alerts":"API Tandha","Integration":"Integrasi","Developer Portal":"Pangembang Portal","$CPY WhitePaper":"$CPY WhitePaper","Success":"Sukses","Admin updated successfully.":"Admin kasil nganyari.","Error":"kesalahan","An error occurred while updating the coins.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari dhuwit recehan.","Admin deleted successfully.":"Admin kasil dibusak.","Admin created successfully.":"Admin kasil nggawe.","Invalid email or password.":"Email utawa sandhi ora bener.","Invalid OTP":"OTP ora sah","Campaign image could not be updated. Please try again later.":"Gambar kampanye ora bisa dianyari. Mangga coba maneh mengko.","Campaign updated successfully.":"Kampanye dianyari kanthi sukses.","An error occurred while updating the campaign.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari kampanye.","Campaign deleted successfully.":"Kampanye kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the campaign.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak kampanye.","Coins updated successfully.":"Dhuwit recehan dianyari kasil.","Coin deleted successfully.":"Dhuwit recehan kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the coin.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak duwit receh.","Coins created successfully.":"Dhuwit recehan digawe kasil.","Currency created successfully.":"Mata uang digawe kanthi sukses.","An error occurred while creating the currency.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nggawe mata uang.","Currency updated successfully.":"Mata uang dianyari kanthi sukses.","An error occurred while updating the currency.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari mata uang.","Currency deleted successfully.":"Mata uang kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the currency.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak mata uang.","Wallet updated successfully.":"Dompet dianyari kanthi sukses.","Wallet deleted successfully.":"Dompet kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the coins.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak dhuwit recehan.","Wallet created successfully.":"Dompet kasil digawe.","Notification created successfully.":"Kabar kasil digawe.","An error occurred while updating the notification.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari kabar.","Notification deleted successfully.":"Kabar kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the notification.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak kabar.","Notification updated successfully.":"Kabar kasil dianyari.","Ticket status updated successfully.":"Status tiket dianyari kanthi sukses.","Ticket created successfully":"Tiket digawe kanthi sukses","An error occurred while updating the tickets.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari tiket.","Translation updated successfully.":"Terjemahan kasil dianyari.","An error occurred while updating the translation.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari terjemahan.","Translation deleted successfully.":"Terjemahan kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the translation.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak terjemahan.","Translation created successfully.":"Terjemahan kasil digawe.","The transaction token is invalid.":"Token transaksi ora sah.","Feedback updated successfully.":"Umpan balik dianyari kanthi sukses.","An error occurred while updating the feedback.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari umpan balik.","Feedback deleted successfully.":"Umpan balik kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the feedback.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak umpan balik.","User updated successfully.":"Panganggo dianyari kanthi sukses.","An error occurred while updating the user.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari pangguna.","User deleted successfully.":"Panganggo kasil dibusak.","An error occurred while deleting the user.":"Ana kesalahan nalika mbusak pangguna.","User created successfully.":"Pangguna kasil digawe.","Merchant updated successfully.":"Merchant dianyari kanthi sukses.","An error occurred while updating the merchant.":"Ana kesalahan nalika nganyari pedagang.","Merchant delete feature is disabled.":"Fitur mbusak Merchant dipateni.","Merchant created successfully.":"Merchant digawe kanthi sukses.","Merchant Setting updated successfully.":"Setelan Merchant dianyari kanthi sukses.","Merchant Setting deleted successfully.":"Setelan Merchant kasil dibusak.","Merchant Setting created successfully.":"Setelan Merchant kasil digawe.","Your feedback has been sent":"Umpan balik sampeyan wis dikirim","An error occurred during feedback. Please try again later!":"Ana kesalahan sajrone umpan balik. Mangga coba maneh mengko!","Something went wrong while logging in with StreamLabs.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu nganggo StreamLabs.","StreamLabs account connected successfully.":"Akun StreamLabs kasil disambungake.","Something went wrong while connecting StreamLabs account.":"Ana masalah nalika nyambungake akun StreamLabs.","Something went wrong while logging in with Amazon.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu nganggo Amazon.","Something went wrong while logging in with LinkedIn.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu karo LinkedIn.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu nganggo Google.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 1.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu nganggo Google - 1.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 2.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu nganggo Google - 2.","Something went wrong while logging in with Twitch.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu nganggo Twitch.","Facebook login is disabled.":"Login Facebook dipateni.","Something went wrong while logging in with GitHub.":"Ana sing salah nalika mlebu nganggo GitHub.","Your account has been created. Please login.":"Akun sampeyan wis digawe. Mangga mlebet.","You have already requested a password reset token. Please check your email. If you did not receive the email, please wait for a hour and try again.":"Sampeyan wis njaluk token reset sandhi. Mangga dipriksa email. Yen sampeyan ora nampa email, mangga ngenteni sejam lan coba maneh.","Password reset token has been sent to your email.":"Token reset sandhi wis dikirim menyang email sampeyan.","An error occurred while sending the password reset token.":"Ana kesalahan nalika ngirim token reset sandhi.","Error!":"Kesalahan!","User not found":"Pangguna ora ditemokake","User Not Found":"Pangguna Ora Ditemokake","Your password is changed":"Sandi sampeyan diganti","Warning":"P\u00e8nget","Date range can not be more than 30 days":"Rentang tanggal ora bisa luwih saka 30 dina","Test alert has been sent":"Tandha tes wis dikirim","Transfer has been started. Please wait for the result. It may take a few minutes.":"Transfer wis diwiwiti. Mangga ngenteni asil. Perlu sawetara menit.","Transfer could not be started. Please try again later.":"Transfer ora bisa diwiwiti. Mangga coba maneh mengko.","Transaction not found":"Transaksi ora ditemokake","Your file is being prepared, we will send you your data by e-mail when it is ready":"File sampeyan lagi disiapake, kita bakal ngirim data liwat e-mail yen wis siyap","Date range can not be more than 5 days":"Rentang tanggal ora bisa luwih saka 5 dina","Merchant key updated successfully!":"Tombol Merchant dianyari kanthi sukses!","You have successfully passed the test integration. Your store is now active.":"Sampeyan wis kasil ngliwati integrasi tes. Toko sampeyan saiki aktif.","You have not passed the test integration yet. Please your callback file and check transaction details.":"Sampeyan durung lulus integrasi tes. Mangga file telpon bali lan mriksa rincian transaksi.","Credit Cart status updated successfully.":"Status Kr\u00e9ta Kredit dianyari kanthi sukses.","You do not yet have a confirmed wallet address for this network. Please contact us.":"Sampeyan durung duwe alamat dompet sing dikonfirmasi kanggo jaringan iki. Mangga hubungi kita.","Network gateway status updated successfully.":"Status gateway jaringan dianyari kanthi sukses.","Store status updated successfully.":"Status toko dianyari kanthi sukses.","Invalid TRC-20 wallet address.":"Alamat dompet TRC-20 ora valid.","Invalid ERC-20 wallet address.":"Alamat dompet ERC-20 ora valid.","Invalid BEP-20 wallet address.":"Alamat dompet BEP-20 ora valid.","Invalid AREON wallet address.":"Alamat dompet AREON ora valid.","Store email settings updated successfully.":"Setelan email toko dianyari kanthi sukses.","Stream Donation URL is not valid. Please enter a valid stream donation link.":"URL Sumbangan Stream ora valid. Mangga ketik link sumbangan stream sing bener.","Stream Donation URL already exists.":"URL Sumbangan Stream wis ana.","Stream Donation URL updated successfully.":"URL Sumbangan Stream dianyari kanthi sukses.","Stream Link is not valid. Please enter a valid stream link.":"Link Stream ora bener. Mangga ketik link stream bener.","Stream Link updated successfully.":"Link Stream kasil dianyari.","Store logo updated successfully.":"Logo toko dianyari kanthi sukses.","Store logo could not be updated. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us.":"Logo toko ora bisa dianyari. Mangga coba maneh mengko. Yen masalah tetep, hubungi kita.","Merchant name updated successfully.":"Jeneng pedagang kasil dianyari.","Callback URL updated successfully.":"URL Callback dianyari kanthi sukses.","Website URL updated successfully.":"URL situs web kasil dianyari.","This transaction has transfer logs. You can not delete it":"Transaksi iki duwe log transfer. Sampeyan ora bisa mbusak","Payment Link has been deleted successfully":"Link Pembayaran wis kasil dibusak","No active network found":"Ora ditemokake jaringan aktif","Payment Link has been created successfully":"Link Pembayaran wis kasil digawe","Warning!":"P\u00e8nget!","Please set your callback URL before using this feature.":"Setel URL panggilan maneh sadurunge nggunakake fitur iki.","Please set your wallet before using this feature.":"Setel dompet sadurunge nggunakake fitur iki.","Your request has been sent. Please wait for the result.":"Panjalukmu wis dikirim. Mangga ngenteni asil.","Your password has been updated.":"Tembung sandhi sampeyan wis dianyari.","Your current password is incorrect.":"Tembung sandhi sampeyan saiki salah.","This email is already in use.":"Email iki wis digunakake.","Your information has been updated.":"Informasi sampeyan wis dianyari.","Your password is incorrect.":"Tembung sandhi sampeyan salah.","Two Factor Authentication Disabled.":"Two Factor Authentication Disabled.","Two Factor Authentication Enabled.":"Two Factor Authentication Enabled.","Code is invalid. Please scan and try again":"Kode ora sah. Mangga pindai lan coba maneh","User deleted successfully":"Panganggo kasil dibusak","User status updated successfully to inactive":"Status pangguna dianyari kanthi sukses dadi ora aktif","User role updated successfully":"Peran pangguna dianyari kanthi sukses","User with this email already exists":"Pangguna nganggo email iki wis ana","An error occurred while creating the user":"Ana kesalahan nalika nggawe pangguna","You can perform a maximum of 1440 transactions within 24 hours. Please complete your other transactions.":"Sampeyan bisa nindakake maksimal 1440 transaksi sajrone 24 jam. Mangga ngrampungake transaksi liyane.","Name field is required":"Jeneng kolom dibutuhake","Surname field is required":"Lapangan jeneng dibutuhake","Email field is required":"Lapangan email dibutuhake","You have to enter it in the email type":"Sampeyan kudu ngetik ing jinis email","Phone field is required":"Kolom telpon dibutuhake","Phone field must be number":"Kolom telpon kudu nomer","Minimum length must be 11":"Panjang minimal kudu 11","Product Type is required":"Jinis produk dibutuhake","Business Type is required":"Jinis bisnis dibutuhake","Captcha is required":"Captcha dibutuhake","Invalid User Information. Please try again":"Informasi Panganggo sing ora valid. Coba maneh","Please fill in the website field first.":"Mangga isi kolom situs web dhisik.","Fee Transfer":"Transfer Fee","CoinPays Commission":"Komisi CoinPays","Direct Transfer":"Transfer Langsung","Not Started":"Ora Diwiwiti","Pending":"Ditunggu","Completed":"Rampung","Failed":"Gagal","Cancelled":"dibatalake","Waiting":"Nunggu","Main Admin":"Admin Utama","Customer Service":"Layanan Pelanggan","Main User":"Panganggo Utama","Observation And Payment Refund":"Observasi lan Pembayaran maneh","Only Observation":"Mung Observasi","Technical Support":"Dhukungan Teknis","Admin Update":"Update Admin","Admin Create":"Admin Nggawe","Back":"Mbalik","Name":"jeneng","Last Name":"Jeneng mburi","Secure Code":"Kode Aman","Email":"Email","Phone":"Telpon","Password":"Sandi","Admin Role":"Peran Admin","Active":"Aktif","InActive":"Ora Aktif","Status":"Status","Edit":"Sunting","Create":"Nggawe","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng transaksi sing wis ditindakake. Kanggo ndeleng transaksi test, sampeyan kudu milih khusus. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","Create New":"Nggawe Anyar","ID":"ID","Role":"peran","Crated At":"Kasedhiya ing","Action":"Tumindak","Are you sure?":"Apa sampeyan yakin?","Do you want to delete admin?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak admin?","Delete":"Mbusak","No data found.":"Ora ana data sing ditemokake.","Two Factory Authentication":"Two Factory Authentication","Two Factor Authentication":"Otentikasi Two Factor","Two factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods (also referred to as factors) to verify your identity. Two factor authentication protects against phishing, social engineering and password brute force attacks and secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak or stolen credentials.":"Otentikasi rong faktor (2FA) nguatake keamanan akses kanthi mbutuhake rong cara (uga diarani faktor) kanggo verifikasi identitas sampeyan. Otentikasi rong faktor nglindhungi phishing, rekayasa sosial lan serangan brute force sandhi lan ngamanake login sampeyan saka panyerang sing ngeksploitasi kredensial sing lemah utawa dicolong.","Scan this QR code with your Google or Microsoft Authenticator App":"Pindai kode QR iki nganggo Aplikasi Google utawa Microsoft Authenticator","Enter the pin from Google or Microsoft Authenticator app":"Ketik pin saka Google utawa Microsoft Authenticator app","Authenticator Code":"Kode Authenticator","Return to Admins":"Bali menyang Admin","Campaign":"Kampanye","Campaign Create":"Nggawe Kampanye","Upload Campaign Image":"Unggah Gambar Kampanye","Title":"judhul","Description":"Katrangan","Redirect":"Pangalihan","Redirect Text":"Pangalihan Teks","You can view the campaign you have performed. To view test campaigns, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng kampanye sing wis ditindakake. Kanggo ndeleng kampanye uji coba, sampeyan kudu milih kanthi khusus. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","Image":"Gambar","Do you want to delete campaign?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak kampanye?","Coin Update":"Update dhuwit recehan","Coin Create":"Coin Nggawe","code":"kode","Rate To USD":"Tarif Kanggo USD","Network":"Jaringan","Contract Address":"Alamat Kontrak","Decimal":"desimal","Code":"Kode","Rate to USD":"Tarif kanggo USD","Contact Address":"Alamat Kontak","Do you want to delete coin?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak koin?","Currency Update":"Update mata uang","Currency Create":"Nggawe mata uang","Symbol":"Simbol","Created At":"Digawe ing","Do you want to delete currency?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak mata uang?","For more detailed statistics, you can examine the panels in more detail.":"Kanggo statistik sing luwih rinci, sampeyan bisa mriksa panel kanthi luwih rinci.","Notification Update":"Update Notifikasi","Notification Create":"Nggawe Notifikasi","Dou you want use icon":"Apa sampeyan pengin nggunakake lambang","click here":"klik kene","Icon":"Ikon","Content":"Isi","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test notifications, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng transaksi sing wis ditindakake. Kanggo ndeleng kabar tes, sampeyan kudu milih kanthi khusus. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","Actions":"Tumindak","Do you want to delete notification?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak kabar?","Sign in Admin":"Mlebu Admin","Welcome to Admin Panel!":"Sugeng rawuh ing Panel Admin!","Please sign-in to your account and start the adventure":"Mangga mlebu menyang akun lan miwiti petualangan","Sign in":"mlebu","Two Step Admin Verification":"Verifikasi Admin Loro Langkah","We sent a verification code to your mobile. Enter the code from the mobile in the field below.":"Kita ngirim kode verifikasi menyang ponsel sampeyan. Ketik kode saka seluler ing lapangan ngisor.","Type your 6 digit security code":"Ketik kode keamanan 6 digit sampeyan","Verify my account":"Verifikasi akunku","Surname":"asmane","Product Type":"Jinis produk","Business Type":"Jinis bisnis","Expected Earnings":"Pangentukan samesthine","Declined":"ditolak","Ticket Details":"Rincian Tiket","Ticket Messages History":"Riwayat Pesen Tiket","CoinPays Admin":"Admin CoinPays","Do you want to change ticket status?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti status tiket?","Closed Ticket":"Tiket Ditutup","Re-Open Ticket":"Mbukak maneh Tiket","If you answer this ticket, it will be re-open":"Yen sampeyan mangsuli tiket iki, tiket kasebut bakal dibukak maneh","Submit":"Kirimake","You can view the tickets you have performed. To view test tickets, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng tiket sing wis ditindakake. Kanggo ndeleng tiket test, sampeyan kudu milih khusus. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","Merchant":"sudagar","Priority":"Prioritas","Updated At":"Dianyari ing","Open":"Mbukak","Close":"Nutup","Low":"kurang","Medium":"Sedheng","High":"dhuwur","Details":"Rincian","Re-Open":"Mbukak maneh","Translation Update":"Update Terjemahan","Translation Create":"Terjemahan Nggawe","Key":"kunci","Value":"Nilai","Locale":"lokal","Filter":"Nyaring","Apply Filter":"Aplikasi Filter","Clear Filters":"Clear Filters","Local":"Lokal","Do you want to delete translation?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak terjemahan?","Wallet Update":"Update Dompet","Wallet Create":"Dompet Nggawe","Wallet Address":"Alamat Dompet","Wallet Private Key":"Kunci Pribadi Dompet","Is Active?":"Apa Aktif?","Coin Code":"Kode dhuwit recehan","Is Using?":"Apa Gunakake?","Transaction Token":"Token Transaksi","Update":"Nganyari","Coin":"duwit receh","Do you want to delete wallet?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak dompet?","Feedback Update":"Umpan Balik Update","Feedback Create":"Umpan Balik Nggawe","Rating":"Rating","Comment":"Komentar","Transaction":"Transaksi","You can view the feedbacks here. You can also edit and delete feedbacks.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng umpan balik ing kene. Sampeyan uga bisa ngowahi lan mbusak umpan balik.","Transaction ID":"ID transaksi","Do you want to delete feedback?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak umpan balik?","No feedback found.":"Ora ana umpan balik sing ditemokake.","Order ID":"ID pesenan","Amount":"Jumlah","Country":"negara","Type":"Jinis","Expired":"kadaluwarsa","Merchant ID":"ID Merchant","User Role":"Peran pangguna","Merchant Users":"Pangguna Merchant","Two Factor":"Two Factor","Login As":"Login Minangka","Address":"alamat","Website":"situs web","BEP-20 Commission":"Komisi BEP-20","ERC-20 Commission":"Komisi ERC-20","AREON Commission":"Komisi AREON","Callback URL":"URL telpon bali","Logo":"Logo","Yes":"ya wis","No":"Ora","Is Test?":"Apa Tes?","Pay With Link Status":"Mbayar Kanthi Status Link","Stream Donation Status":"Status Sumbangan Stream","General Donation Status":"Status Sumbangan Umum","True":"Bener","False":"Palsu","Data":"data","Merchant Settings":"Setelan Merchant","Do you want to delete merchant setting?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak setelan pedagang?","CoinPays | Total Wallet Amount":"CoinPays | Total Jumlah Dompet","All Wallet Amounts":"Kabeh Jumlah Dompet","Bad Request":"Panjaluk ala","The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax":"Server ora bisa ngerti panyuwunan amarga sintaks ora bener","Forbidden":"Dilarang","You do not have permission to access this page":"Sampeyan ora duwe idin kanggo ngakses kaca iki","Page Not Found":"Kaca Ora Ditemokake","The page was not found or may have never existed before":"Kaca kasebut ora ditemokake utawa bisa uga durung ana sadurunge","Page Expired":"Kaca Kadaluwarsa","The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again":"Kaca wis kadaluwarsa amarga ora aktif. Mangga refresh lan coba maneh","Unprocessable Entity":"Entitas sing ora bisa diproses","The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions":"Server ngerti jinis isi entitas panyuwunan, lan sintaks entitas panyuwunan bener, nanging ora bisa ngolah instruksi sing ana.","Server Error":"Kesalahan Server","The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request":"Server nemoni kesalahan internal lan ora bisa ngrampungake panjaluk sampeyan","Sorry, you have been blocked":"Nuwun sewu, sampeyan wis diblokir","Merchant Overview":"Ringkesan Merchant","Member since":"Anggota wiwit","Feedback":"Umpan balik","Positive":"Positif","Neutral":"Netral","Negative":"Negatif","Feedback Form":"Formulir Umpan Balik","Send Feedback":"Kirimi Umpan Balik","Viewing Feedbacks for":"Ndeleng Umpan Balik kanggo","Browse Feedbacks":"Telusuri Umpan Balik","Date":"Tanggal","Left By":"Ditinggalake dening","Anonymous":"Anonim","- No Comment -":"- Ora Komentar -","Unknown":"Ora dingerteni","No feedbacks found":"Ora ana umpan balik sing ditemokake","Create New Password":"Gawe Sandi Anyar","Reset Password ":"Reset Sandi ","Your new password must be different from previously used passwords":"Tembung sandhi anyar sampeyan kudu beda karo tembung sandhi sing wis digunakake sadurunge","New Password":"Sandi Anyar","Confirm Password":"Konfirmasi Sandi","Minimum 8 characters long":"Minimal 8 karakter","At least one lowercase character":"Paling ora siji aksara cilik","At least one number, symbol, or whitespace character":"Paling ora siji karakter, simbol, utawa spasi putih","Set new password":"Setel sandhi anyar","Back To Login":"Bali menyang Mlebet","Forgot Password?":"Kelalen Sandi?","Send Reset Link":"Kirimi Reset Link","Back to login":"Bali menyang login","Enter your merchant id and email, then we'll send you instructions to reset your password":"Ketik id pedagang lan email, banjur kita bakal ngirim instruksi kanggo ngreset sandhi","Welcome to CoinPays!":"Sugeng rawuh ing CoinPays!","Remember Me":"Elingi Aku","Don't you have an account? Let's Register!":"Apa sampeyan ora duwe akun? Ayo Dhaptar!","Sign Up":"Ndaftar","Create an account to get started.":"Nggawe akun kanggo miwiti.","Do you have an account? Login":"Apa sampeyan duwe akun? mlebu","Two Step Verification":"Verifikasi Loro Langkah","Support":"Dhukungan","Balance":"imbangan","Forgot Password Notification":"Kelalen Notifikasi Sandi","Hello":"Halo","This email is to confirm that your request to reset the password for your account has been received. You can use the following link to reset your password":"Email iki kanggo konfirmasi yen panjalukan sampeyan kanggo ngreset sandhi kanggo akun sampeyan wis ditampa. Sampeyan bisa nggunakake link ing ngisor iki kanggo ngreset sandhi","If you did not initiate this password reset request, please disregard this email and kindly notify us to ensure the security of your account":"Yen sampeyan ora miwiti panjalukan reset tembung sandhi iki, monggo digatekake email iki lan menehi kabar kanggo njamin keamanan akun sampeyan.","Thanks":"Matur nuwun","Login Notification":"Notifikasi Login","You have logged in to your account with new IP. There is last login details":"Sampeyan wis mlebu menyang akun nganggo IP anyar. Ana rincian login pungkasan","IP Address":"Alamat IP","Browser":"Browser","Location":"Panggonan","If you have not done this yourself, please follow the steps below to secure your account immediately.":"Yen sampeyan durung nindakake dhewe, tindakake langkah ing ngisor iki kanggo ngamanake akun sampeyan kanthi cepet.","Change your password":"Ganti tembung sandhi","Enable two-factor authentication":"Aktifake otentikasi rong faktor","Review your account activity":"Deleng aktivitas akun sampeyan","Review your account security":"Deleng keamanan akun sampeyan","If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.":"Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon utawa butuh pitulung, aja ragu-ragu hubungi kita.","Reset your password":"Reset tembung sandhi","2FA Backup Codes":"2FA Kode Serep","As you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your account, please find below 10 backup codes that you can use to access your account. We recommend keeping these backup codes in a secure location and ensuring they are inaccessible to others.":"Nalika sampeyan wis ngaktifake Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) ing akun sampeyan, goleki ing ngisor iki 10 kode serep sing bisa digunakake kanggo ngakses akun sampeyan. Disaranake supaya kode serep iki ing lokasi sing aman lan mesthekake yen ora bisa diakses wong liya.","These backup codes will assist you in accessing your account in case you lose your main account password or your 2FA authentication code becomes unavailable. Please store these codes securely and refrain from sharing them with anyone.":"Kode serep iki bakal nulung sampeyan ngakses akun yen sampeyan kelangan sandhi akun utama utawa kode otentikasi 2FA dadi ora kasedhiya. Mangga simpen kode kasebut kanthi aman lan aja enggo bareng karo sapa wae.","If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.":"Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon utawa uneg-uneg, hubungi kita.","2FA Disabled":"2FA dipat\u00e8ni","We wanted to inform you that Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has been successfully disabled on your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately for assistance.":"We wanted kanggo ngandhani yen Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) wis kasil dipateni ing akun sampeyan. Yen sampeyan ora miwiti tumindak iki, hubungi kita langsung kanggo bantuan.","Your account security is important to us, and we recommend considering reactivating 2FA for an added layer of protection. You can enable 2FA in your account settings at any time.":"Keamanan akun penting kanggo kita, lan disaranake nimbang maneh 2FA kanggo lapisan perlindungan tambahan. Sampeyan bisa ngaktifake 2FA ing setelan akun sawayah-wayah.","If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.":"Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon utawa kuwatir babagan owah-owahan iki, aja ragu-ragu hubungi kita.","Payment Refund Notification":"Notifikasi Pembayaran maneh","Partial Payment Received":"Pembayaran Sebagean Ditampa","You can view the status of this payment or leave feedback for the seller for the next 30 days at the following link":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng status pembayaran iki utawa ninggalake saran kanggo bakul kanggo sabanjur\u00e9 30 dina ing link ing ngisor iki","This can happen if you forgot to account for the coin TX fee when sending to us or if you are using a coin that only allows 6 digits after the decimal and didn't round up to the 6th digit.":"Iki bisa kelakon yen kelalen kanggo akun ragad TX duwit receh nalika ngirim kanggo kita utawa yen sampeyan nggunakake duwit receh sing mung ngidini 6 digit sawise desimal lan ora babak nganti 6. digit.","If you don't send the remaining funds you will receive an email after the payment times out to claim your funds if it is at least the network send fee times two. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact us.":"Yen sampeyan ora ngirim dana isih sampeyan bakal nampa email sawise kaping pembayaran kanggo pratelan dana yen paling jaringan ngirim ragad kaping pindho. Yen sampeyan ora nampa e-mail iki, hubungi kita.","Payment Completed":"Pembayaran Rampung","We are pleased to inform you that your recent payment has been successfully processed. Thank you for your prompt payment!":"We are pleased kanggo ngandhani yen pembayaran anyar wis kasil diproses. Matur nuwun kanggo pembayaran cepet!","Transaction Details":"Rincian Transaksi","You can send feedback about your payment experience by clicking the button below.":"Sampeyan bisa ngirim saran babagan pengalaman pembayaran kanthi ngeklik tombol ing ngisor iki.","If you have any questions regarding this payment or if there is anything else we can assist you with, please feel free to contact us.":"Yen sampeyan duwe pitakon babagan pambayaran iki utawa yen ana apa-apa sing bisa dibantu, hubungi kita.","Thank you for choosing us. We appreciate your business!":"Matur nuwun kanggo milih kita. We appreciate bisnis!","Reports Are Ready!":"Laporan Siap!","Click for Download":"Klik kanggo Download","Under Maintenance!":"Ing pangop\u00e8nan!","Sorry for the inconvenience but we're performing some maintenance at the moment":"Nyuwun sewu, nanging saiki lagi nindakake pangop\u00e8nan","Discover the advantageous campaigns, opportunities, and discounts that CoinPays offers to its merchant partners right away.":"Temokake kampanye, kesempatan, lan diskon sing nguntungake sing ditawakake CoinPays menyang mitra pedagang langsung.","Coming Soon!":"Rawuh!","We are working on some amazing new features for you.":"Kita nggarap sawetara fitur anyar sing apik tenan kanggo sampeyan.","Stay tuned!":"Tetep dirungokake!","Welcome":"Sugeng rawuh","You can view your statistics at specified time intervals below and check your reports.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng statistik ing interval wektu tartamtu ing ngisor iki lan mriksa laporan.","Crypto Currencies":"Mata uang Crypto","No Crypto":"Ora Crypto","Completed Payments":"Pembayaran Rampung","Last 1 Month":"1 wulan kepungkur","Pending Payments":"Pembayaran sing ditundha","Customers":"Pelanggan","Countries":"negara-negara","Sales Country":"Negara Penjualan","Countries with most sales":"Negara sing paling dodolan","All Donations Graphs":"Kabeh Grafik Sumbangan","All Donations":"Kabeh Sumbangan","You can view the graphs of the All Donations made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng grafik Kabeh Sumbangan sing digawe ing sistem kasebut. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit","You can observe the net amount and sales amount charts in detail.":"Sampeyan bisa mirsani jumlah net lan denah jumlah dodolan kanthi rinci.","By clicking on the breakpoints in the chart, you can view the amount for that day.":"Kanthi ngeklik breakpoints ing grafik, sampeyan bisa ndeleng jumlah kanggo dina kasebut.","If you are making sales in different currencies, you can hide\/show by clicking on the currency.":"Yen sampeyan nggawe dodolan ing macem-macem mata uang, sampeyan bisa ndhelikake \/ nuduhake kanthi ngeklik mata uang kasebut.","Due to the fact that the chart data is generated at the end of the day, the charts do not contain information for today.":"Amarga kasunyatan manawa data grafik digawe ing pungkasan dina, grafik ora ngemot informasi kanggo dina iki.","Sales Amount":"Jumlah dodolan","Real Currencies":"Mata uang nyata","Donation Settings":"Setelan sumbangan","Stream Donation is a system that allows content creators to receive donations from their fans during live broadcasts. With this system, fans can support their favorite content creators, and the creators can further improve their broadcasts with this support.":"Sumbangan Stream minangka sistem sing ngidini panyipta konten nampa sumbangan saka penggemar sajrone siaran langsung. Kanthi sistem iki, para penggemar bisa ndhukung panyipta konten favorit, lan para pangripta bisa nambah siaran kanthi dhukungan kasebut.","Stream Donation Settings":"Setelan Sumbangan Stream","Donation URL":"URL sumbangan","Click for more information.":"Klik kanggo informasi luwih lengkap.","Stream Link":"Link Stream","Alert Link":"Link tandha","Copy":"Nyalin","StreamLabs":"StreamLabs","Connect StreamLabs":"Sambungake StreamLabs","Re-Connect StreamLabs":"Sambungake maneh StreamLabs","Test Alert":"Test Lansiran","Do you want to send test alert?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngirim tandha tes?","Send test alert to all integrations":"Kirim tandha test kanggo kabeh integrasi","Media Kit":"Media Kit","Download":"Ngundhuh","Iframe Donation Settings":"Setelan Sumbangan Iframe","Iframe Code":"Kode Iframe","You can view the Stream Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng Sumbangan Stream sing wis ditindakake. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","You can view the Iframe Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng Sumbangan Iframe sing wis ditindakake. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","Search by Order ID":"Telusuri miturut ID Pesenan","Search by E-mail":"Telusuri liwat E-mail","Download Report":"Download Laporan","Date Range":"Range Tanggal","Total Transaction":"Total Transaksi","Total Amount":"Total Jumlah","Quantity":"Jumlah","No donation found.":"Ora ana sumbangan sing ditemokake.","Search with ID":"Telusuri nganggo ID","Search with Email":"Telusuri nganggo Email","Please enter the value you want to search.":"Mangga ketik nilai sing arep ditelusuri.","Enter the value you want to search.":"Ketik nilai sing pengin digoleki.","Search":"Nggoleki","Technical integration errors can be viewed on this page. Since errors arising from the integration at the payment stage may result in transaction losses, it would be beneficial for you to review the errors on this page and share them with your technical team\/software company.":"Kesalahan integrasi teknis bisa dideleng ing kaca iki. Amarga kesalahan sing muncul saka integrasi ing tahap pembayaran bisa nyebabake kerugian transaksi, sampeyan bakal entuk manfaat kanggo mriksa kesalahan ing kaca iki lan bareng karo tim teknis \/ perusahaan piranti lunak sampeyan.","INFORMATION: The errors listed here are not related to the CoinPays system. These records occur when the information sent during your technical integration with CoinPays is incomplete or incorrect.":"INFORMASI: Kasalahan sing didhaptar ing kene ora ana hubungane karo sistem CoinPays. Cathetan kasebut kedadeyan nalika informasi sing dikirim sajrone integrasi teknis karo CoinPays ora lengkap utawa ora bener.","You can only view the data from the last 7 days.":"Sampeyan mung bisa ndeleng data saka 7 dina pungkasan.","Error Type":"Jinis kesalahan","No API alerts found.":"Ora ana tandha API sing ditemokake.","You can access API information and integration documents from this area. Please do not share the information in this field with people you do not trust. Otherwise, unauthorized harmful actions may be taken. Our company is not responsible for such incidents.":"Sampeyan bisa ngakses informasi API lan dokumen integrasi saka wilayah iki. Mangga aja nuduhake informasi ing lapangan iki karo wong sing ora dipercaya. Yen ora, tumindak mbebayani sing ora sah bisa ditindakake. Perusahaan kita ora tanggung jawab kanggo kedadeyan kasebut.","API Information":"Informasi API","Merchant No (merchant_id)":"No Merchant (id_merchant)","Merchant Password (merchant_key)":"Sandi Pedagang (kunci_merchant)","Do you want to change merchant key? If you change the merchant key, you will need to update the key in your API integration.":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti kunci pedagang? Yen sampeyan ngganti kunci pedagang, sampeyan kudu nganyari kunci ing integrasi API.","Change":"Ganti","Merchant Secret Key (merchant_salt)":"Kunci Rahasia Merchant (merchant_salt)","Integration Documentations":"Dokumentasi Integrasi","You can access the integration document and sample codes for iFrame API All Payment Methods by clicking here":"Sampeyan bisa ngakses dokumen integrasi lan kode sampel kanggo iFrame API Kabeh Metode Pembayaran kanthi ngeklik kene","You can access the integration document and sample codes for the Transaction Status Query API by clicking here.":"Sampeyan bisa ngakses dokumen integrasi lan kode sampel kanggo Transaction Status Query API kanthi ngeklik kene.","Current E-Commerce Modules":"Modul E-Commerce saiki","iFrame API for all versions of OpenCart 3.X":"iFrame API kanggo kabeh versi OpenCart 3.X","iFrame API for PrestaShop 1.6.x and 1.7.x versions":"iFrame API kanggo PrestaShop 1.6.x lan 1.7.x versi","iFrame API for Wordpress Woocommerce":"iFrame API kanggo Wordpress Woocommerce","iFrame API for WiseCP":"iFrame API kanggo WiseCP","All Test Transactions":"Kabeh Transaksi Test","Here you can see all the operations performed in the test environment. When the payment status and callback status are successful, you can put your store in live mode.":"Ing kene sampeyan bisa ndeleng kabeh operasi sing ditindakake ing lingkungan tes. Nalika status pembayaran lan status callback sukses, sampeyan bisa sijine nyimpen ing mode urip.","No transaction found.":"Ora ana transaksi sing ditemokake.","Do you want to check the integrations and go live?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mriksa integrasi lan urip?","Check Integrations & Go Live":"Priksa Integrasi & Go Live","You can adjust the features related to the store within the options provided in this field. Here, you can edit the details and change the settings for your store. Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"Sampeyan bisa nyetel fitur sing ana gandhengane karo toko ing pilihan sing kasedhiya ing lapangan iki. Ing kene, sampeyan bisa ngowahi rincian lan ngganti setelan kanggo toko sampeyan. Priksa manawa sampeyan yakin sadurunge nggawe owah-owahan.","Store Status Check":"Priksa Status Toko","You can put your store in test mode whenever needed. Change the Live Mode selection to Test Mode, and then click the Save Changes button.":"Sampeyan bisa nyelehake toko ing mode test kapan perlu. Ganti pilihan Live Mode menyang Test Mode, banjur klik tombol Simpen Owah-owahan.","Important Information":"Informasi Penting","For more details:":"Kanggo rincian liyane:","Live Mode":"Mode Urip","Test Mode":"Mode Tes","Gateway Networks":"Jaringan Gateway","You can select the networks you want to use for your payment page. You can select multiple networks. Please ensure that the wallet address you entered is correct and supports the tokens we support. If the exchange or wallet you use does not support the cryptocurrency token you receive, you may lose your assets. Our company is not responsible for this. For details, please read.":"Sampeyan bisa milih jaringan sing pengin digunakake kanggo kaca pembayaran. Sampeyan bisa milih sawetara jaringan. Priksa manawa alamat dompet sing sampeyan lebokake bener lan ndhukung token sing didhukung. Yen ijol-ijolan utawa dompet sing sampeyan gunakake ora ndhukung token cryptocurrency sing ditampa, sampeyan bisa uga bakal kelangan aset sampeyan. Perusahaan kita ora tanggung jawab kanggo iki. Kanggo rincian, mangga waca.","Disable":"Pateni","Enable":"Aktifake","Credit Card Settings":"Setelan kertu kredit","You can select the options for credit card payments.":"Sampeyan bisa milih pilihan kanggo pembayaran kertu kredit.","Logo Settings":"Setelan Logo","The logo size should be a maximum of 300px x 100px.":"Ukuran logo kudu maksimal 300px x 100px.","Merchant Name: The name of the merchant.":"Jeneng Pedagang: Jenenge bakul.","Merchant Name":"Jeneng Merchant","Merchant Address: The address location of the merchant.":"Alamat Pedagang: Alamat lokasi pedagang.","Merchant Address":"Alamat Pedagang","Merchant Email Settings":"Setelan Email Merchant","Customer Service Email Address":"Alamat Email Layanan Pelanggan","Accounting Email Address":"Alamat Email Akuntansi","Do you really want to change the credit card status?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti status kertu kredit?","Something went wrong. Please try again.":"Ana sing salah. Coba maneh.","Do you really want to change the wallet address? Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti alamat dompet? Priksa manawa sampeyan yakin sadurunge nggawe owah-owahan.","Do you really want to change the store status?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti status toko?","Important Note: While your store is in test mode, you won't be able to receive payments, and any payments you receive will not be accounted for.":"Cathetan Penting: Nalika toko sampeyan ana ing mode uji coba, sampeyan ora bakal bisa nampa pembayaran, lan kabeh pembayaran sing ditampa ora bakal ditanggung.","Additionally, if you wish, you can use the 'SpaceID Web3 Name' feature by entering the domain associated with your wallet address.":"Kajaba iku, yen sampeyan pengin, sampeyan bisa nggunakake fitur 'SpaceID Web3 Name' kanthi ngetik domain sing ana gandhengane karo alamat dompet sampeyan.","Global Notifications":"Kabar Global","You can view the our system notifications here.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng kabar sistem kita ing kene.","You can submit system errors, help requests, and your inquiries through this section.":"Sampeyan bisa ngirim kesalahan sistem, panjalukan bantuan, lan pitakon liwat bagean iki.","Create Ticket":"Nggawe Tiket","Name, Surname":"Jeneng, Jeneng","Your Message":"Pesen Panjenengan","Please describe your issue with a minimum of 25 characters...":"Tulisen masalah sampeyan kanthi minimal 25 karakter...","Send My Message":"Kirimi Pesenku","Your Tickets":"Tiket Panjenengan","Answer":"Wangsulan","Question":"Pitakonan","No tickets found.":"Ora karcis ketemu.","To reach our support team, please fill out the 'Your Message' section in the form below and click the 'Send My Message' button.":"Kanggo nggayuh tim dhukungan, mangga isi bagean 'Pesen Panjenengan' ing formulir ing ngisor iki banjur klik tombol 'Kirimi Pesenku'.","Pay With Link Graphs":"Mbayar Kanthi Link Graphs","You can view the graphs of the Pay With Link transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng grafik saka transaksi Pay With Link digawe ing sistem. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit","Create Payment Link":"Nggawe Link Pembayaran","On this page, you can create a payment link for your customers.":"Ing kaca iki, sampeyan bisa nggawe link pembayaran kanggo pelanggan.","Choose Language":"Pilih Basa","Pay With Link Transactions":"Mbayar Kanthi Transaksi Link","You can view the Pay With Link transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng transaksi Pay With Link sing wis ditindakake. Kanggo ndeleng transaksi test, sampeyan kudu milih khusus. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","Do you want to download the reports as excel file?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ndownload laporan minangka file excel?","QR":"QR","Open Link":"Bukak Link","Open Payment Page":"Bukak kaca Pembayaran","Do you want to delete payment link?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak link pambayaran?","QR Code":"Kode QR","Transaction Webhook|Callback Details":"Transaksi Webhook|Detail Telpon Balik","You can view the all details of the transaction webhook|callback here.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng kabeh rincian transaksi webhook|callback ing kene.","The data sent to the Callback URL via Webhook. You can access it using both GET and POST methods.":"Data dikirim menyang URL Callback liwat Webhook. Sampeyan bisa ngakses kanthi nggunakake metode GET lan POST.","Message":"Pesen","Status Code":"Kode Status","No data found":"Ora ana data sing ditemokake","Webhook (Callback) Responses":"Tanggapan Webhook (Callback).","You can view the transactions that have all webhook - callback responses here. Failed requests recur every minute. It is repeated for a total of 1440 times (24 hours).":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng transaksi sing duwe kabeh webhook - respon callback kene. Panjaluk sing gagal diulang saben menit. Dibaleni kanthi total 1440 kaping (24 jam).","URL":"URL","Retries":"Nyoba maneh","Webhook not sent":"Webhook ora dikirim","Do you want to send the callback request again? This action may lead to confusion and data loss in your system, depending on the quality and security of your integration. CoinPays cannot be held responsible for this situation. The most current URL address will be used! If you don\\'t know what you are doing, please do not do it.":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngirim panjalukan telpon maneh maneh? Tumindak iki bisa nyebabake kebingungan lan mundhut data ing sistem sampeyan, gumantung saka kualitas lan keamanan integrasi sampeyan. CoinPays ora bisa tanggung jawab kanggo kahanan iki. Alamat URL paling anyar bakal digunakake! Yen sampeyan ora ngerti apa sing sampeyan lakoni, aja nglakoni.","Send Again":"Kirim maneh","Virtual Pos Transaction Details":"Rincian Transaksi Pos Virtual","Iframe Donation Details":"Rincian Sumbangan Iframe","Stream Donation Details":"Rincian Sumbangan Stream","Pay With Link Details":"Mbayar Kanthi Details Link","You can view transaction details and customer information.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng rincian transaksi lan informasi pelanggan.","CoinPays Order ID":"ID Pesenan CoinPays","Print":"Print","TEST MODE TRANSACT\u0130ON":"TEST MODE TRANSAKSI","Transaction Amount":"Jumlah Transaksi","Remaining Amount | Crypto":"Jumlah Sisa | Crypto","Commission":"Komisi","Transaction Date":"Tanggal Transaksi","Product\/Service Information":"Informasi Produk\/Layanan","Payment Status":"Status Pembayaran","Callback Status":"Status Telpon","Callback Response":"Respon Panggilan","Callback Request Count":"Nomer Panjaluk Telpon Balik","Amount Transfer Status":"Status Transfer Jumlah","The transfer will automatically be credited to your account after 2 hours.":"Transfer bakal otomatis dikreditake menyang akun sawise 2 jam.","Amount Transfer Details":"Rincian Transfer Jumlah","From":"saka","To":"Kanggo","Customer Details":"Rincian Pelanggan","Customer Name - Surname":"Jeneng Pelanggan - Surname","Customer Phone":"Telpon Pelanggan","Customer E-mail":"E-mail pelanggan","Customer Address":"Alamat Pelanggan","Customer Note":"Cathetan Pelanggan","Customer IP":"IP pelanggan","Crypto Details":"Rincian Crypto","TX":"TX","Remaining Amount":"Jumlah Sisa","Confirmations":"Konfirmasi","Virtual Pos Graphs":"Grafik Pos Virtual","You can view the graphs of the Virtual Pos transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng grafik saka transaksi Virtual Pos sing digawe ing sistem. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit","Virtual POS Settings":"Setelan POS Virtual","You can adjust all the features of the virtual POS feature among the options offered in this area.":"Sampeyan bisa nyetel kabeh fitur fitur POS virtual ing antarane opsi sing ditawakake ing wilayah iki.","CallBack Url Settings":"Setelan Url CallBack","Website URL":"URL situs web","Callback Url":"Url Panggilan","Virtual Pos Transactions":"Transaksi Virtual Pos","You can view the Virtual Pos transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng transaksi Virtual Pos sing wis ditindakake. Kanggo ndeleng transaksi test, sampeyan kudu milih khusus. Data total dianyari kanthi interval 5 menit.","Webhook Notifications":"Notifikasi Webhook","You can view the company information, bank account details, and commission rate information in this area. If you see any inaccuracies in the information here and cannot change it, please contact us.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng informasi perusahaan, rincian akun bank, lan informasi tarif komisi ing wilayah iki. Yen sampeyan ndeleng informasi sing ora akurat ing kene lan ora bisa ngganti, hubungi kita.","Merchant Information":"Informasi Merchant","Here you can find basic information about the merchant owner. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Ing kene sampeyan bisa nemokake informasi dhasar babagan pemilik pedagang. Yen sampeyan mikir ana kesalahan, hubungi kita.","Representative Name":"Jeneng Perwakilan","Representative Phone":"Telpon Perwakilan","No Phone Number. Update Your Phone":"Ora Ana Nomer Telpon. Nganyari telpon","Representative Email":"Email Perwakilan","Bank\/Wallet Account Information":"Informasi Rekening Bank\/Dompet","Here you can find the bank\/wallet information you have for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Ing kene sampeyan bisa nemokake informasi bank\/dompet kanggo saben jaringan lan cara pembayaran. Yen sampeyan mikir ana kesalahan, hubungi kita.","No bank or wallet account information has been added.":"Ora ana informasi akun bank utawa dompet sing ditambahake.","Add Wallet Acount":"Tambah Akun Dompet","Commission Information":"Informasi Komisi","Here you can see the percentage commission rates for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Ing kene sampeyan bisa ndeleng tarif komisi persentase kanggo saben jaringan lan cara pembayaran. Yen sampeyan mikir ana kesalahan, hubungi kita.","Your CoinPays Payment Service Agreements":"Perjanjian Layanan Pembayaran CoinPays sampeyan","No agreement has been added.":"Ora ana persetujuan sing ditambahake.","Profile Details":"Rincian Profil","First Name":"Jeneng pisanan","E-mail":"E-mail","Phone Number":"Nomer telpon","Save changes":"Simpen owah-owahan","On this page, you can see your personal information and update your e-mail address and phone number. Please ensure that your email address and phone number are current and belong to you. We may send content such as password resets or IP verification to this information. These details will not be shared with your customers or any third parties and will be securely encrypted in our database.":"Ing kaca iki, sampeyan bisa ndeleng informasi pribadhi lan nganyari alamat e-mail lan nomer telpon. Mangga priksa manawa alamat email lan nomer telpon sampeyan saiki lan duweke sampeyan. Kita bisa ngirim konten kayata reset sandhi utawa verifikasi IP menyang informasi iki. Rincian kasebut ora bakal dituduhake karo pelanggan utawa pihak katelu lan bakal dienkripsi kanthi aman ing basis data kita.","Account":"Akun","Security":"Keamanan","Enable 2FA":"Aktifake 2FA","Change Password":"Ganti Sandi","Current Password":"Sandi Saiki","Confirm New Password":"Konfirmasi Sandi Anyar","Create Password":"Gawe Sandi","Password Requirements":"Syarat Sandi","the more, the better":"luwih akeh, luwih apik","Two-Steps Verification":"Verifikasi Loro-Langkah","Two factor authentication is not enabled yet.":"Otentikasi rong faktor durung diaktifake.","Two factor authentication is not enabled.":"Otentikasi rong faktor ora diaktifake.","Learn more.":"Sinau luwih lengkap.","Do you want to disable the 2FA?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mateni 2FA?","Disable two-factor authentication":"Pateni otentikasi rong faktor","Recent Devices":"Piranti anyar","IP":"IP","User Agent":"Agen pangguna","Are you sure you want to create a new password?":"Apa sampeyan yakin pengin nggawe sandhi anyar?","Store Panel Users":"Pangguna Panel Toko","On this page, you can add new users who will be able to access and transact on the Store Panel, or you can update existing users and make them inactive.":"Ing kaca iki, sampeyan bisa nambah pangguna anyar sing bakal bisa ngakses lan transaksi ing Panel Toko, utawa sampeyan bisa nganyari pangguna sing wis ana lan nggawe dheweke ora aktif.","Add New User":"Tambah Panganggo Anyar","Last Login IP":"IP Login Terakhir","Last Login Date":"Tanggal Login Terakhir","No users found.":"Ora ana pangguna sing ditemokake.","Do you want to change the password?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti tembung sandhi?","Reset Password":"Reset Sandi","Do you want to change user status to inactive?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti status pangguna dadi ora aktif?","Make Inactive":"Nggawe Ora Aktif","Do you want to change user status to active?":"Apa sampeyan pengin ngganti status pangguna dadi aktif?","Make Active":"Nggawe Aktif","Do you want to permanently delete the user?":"Apa sampeyan pengin mbusak pangguna kanthi permanen?","Permanently Delete":"Mbusak permanen","Checkout":"Checkout","YOU ARE DOING THIS PROCESS IN TEST MODE.":"Sampeyan nindakake proses iki ing TES MODE.","NOTE: Your store is in test mode. To receive real payments, you need to activate your store from the SETTINGS section.":"CATETAN: Toko sampeyan ana ing mode tes. Kanggo nampa pembayaran nyata, sampeyan kudu ngaktifake toko saka bagean SETTINGS.","Change Settings":"Ngganti Setelan","Store Feedbacks":"Toko Umpan Balik","Contact Seller":"Kontak Penjual","Your Basket":"Basket Panjenengan","Item Name":"Jeneng barang","Price":"regane","Total":"Total","Choose Details":"Pilih Details","Ensure the network you choose to deposit matches the withdrawal network, or assets may be lost.":"Priksa manawa jaringan sing sampeyan pilih kanggo simpenan cocog karo jaringan mundur, utawa aset bisa ilang.","Pay With Crypto":"Mbayar Kanthi Crypto","Checkout Transaction Status":"Status Transaksi Checkout","Amount Remaining":"Jumlah Sisa","Time Left":"Wektu Sisa","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees! Only via regular sends not via special contracts!":"Priksa manawa ngirim cukup kanggo nutupi biaya transaksi koin! Mung liwat ngirim biasa ora liwat kontrak khusus!","Send this token only via the following network":"Kirimi token iki mung liwat jaringan ing ngisor iki","save in case there are any issues with your payment":"simpen yen ana masalah karo pembayaran sampeyan","COMPLETE PAYMENT IN TEST MODE":"Mbayar lengkap ing MODE TEST","What to do next?":"Apa sing kudu ditindakake sabanjure?","Please send":"Mangga ngirim","to address":"kanggo alamat","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees!":"Priksa manawa ngirim cukup kanggo nutupi biaya transaksi koin!","You will need to initiate the payment using your software or online wallet and copy\/paste the address and payment amount into it. We will email you when all funds have been received.":"Sampeyan kudu miwiti pambayaran nggunakake piranti lunak utawa dompet online lan nyalin \/ nempel alamat lan jumlah pembayaran menyang. Kita bakal ngirim email nalika kabeh dana wis ditampa.","You have this amount of time to receive the approved funds":"Sampeyan duwe wektu iki kanggo nampa dana sing disetujoni","The transaction ID":"ID transaksi","A payment address to send the funds to.":"Alamat pambayaran kanggo ngirim dana.","GO TO SELLER WEBSITE":"GO TO SELLER WEBSITE","CHECK PAYMENT STATUS":"Mriksa STATUS mbayar","Connect Your Wallet":"Sambungake Dompet Panjenengan","Start Binance Transaction":"Miwiti Transaksi Binance","Start Wallet Transaction":"Miwiti Transaksi Dompet","You have cancelled the wallet connection request.":"Sampeyan wis mbatalake panjalukan sambungan dompet.","Failed to connect wallet. Please try again.":"Gagal nyambungake dompet. Coba maneh.","Failed to switch chain. Please try again. Maybe you need to add the network manually.":"Gagal ngoper chain. Coba maneh. Mungkin sampeyan kudu nambah jaringan kanthi manual.","Transaction completed successfully. Please wait for the confirmation. It may take a few minutes.":"Transaksi rampung kasil. Mangga ngenteni konfirmasi. Perlu sawetara menit.","An error occurred. Please ensure that you have sufficient balance in your account and network transaction fees, and try again. If you continue to encounter errors, please contact us.":"Ana kesalahan. Priksa manawa sampeyan duwe imbangan sing cukup ing akun lan biaya transaksi jaringan, lan coba maneh. Yen sampeyan terus nemoni kesalahan, hubungi kita.","Please install MetaMask, Trust Wallet or CoinBase extension to continue.":"Mangga instal MetaMask, Trust Dompet utawa ekstensi CoinBase kanggo nerusake.","If you send funds that don't confirm by the timeout or don't send enough coins you will receive an automatic email to claim your funds within 8 hours. If you don't receive the email contact us with the information below and will send you a refund":"Yen sampeyan ngirim dana sing ora konfirmasi wektu entek utawa ora ngirim dhuwit recehan cukup sampeyan bakal nampa email otomatis kanggo pratelan dana ing 8 jam. Yen sampeyan ora nampa email hubungi kita karo informasi ing ngisor iki lan bakal ngirim mbalekaken","After sending payment, review the status of your transaction on this page. Once the payment is confirmed several times in the block chain, the payment will be completed and the merchant will be notified. The confirmation process usually takes 10-45 minutes but varies based on the coin's target block time and number of block confirms required. The status page is available for the next 30 days.":"Sawise ngirim pembayaran, deleng status transaksi sampeyan ing kaca iki. Sawise pembayaran dikonfirmasi kaping pirang-pirang ing rantai blok, pembayaran bakal rampung lan pedagang bakal dilaporake. Proses konfirmasi biasane njupuk 10-45 menit nanging beda-beda adhedhasar wektu pamblokiran target duwit receh lan nomer konfirmasi pamblokiran dibutuhake. Kaca status kasedhiya kanggo 30 dina sabanjure.","What if I accidentally don't send enough?":"Apa yen aku ora sengaja ngirim cukup?","If you don't send enough, that is OK. Just send the remainder and we will combine them for you. You can also send from multiple wallets\/account":"Yen sampeyan ora ngirim cukup, ora apa-apa. Mung ngirim sisa lan kita bakal gabungke kanggo sampeyan. Sampeyan uga bisa ngirim saka macem-macem dompet \/ akun","Public Project Stats":"Statistik Proyek Umum","Welcome to our public dashboard!":"Sugeng rawuh ing dashboard umum kita!","You can view the current statistics of our project and access the details here.":"Sampeyan bisa ndeleng statistik proyek kita saiki lan ngakses rincian ing kene.","All data, plugins, statistics and tables are updated one time in 3 days.":"Kabeh data, plugin, statistik lan tabel dianyari sapisan ing 3 dina.","All Payments":"Kabeh Pembayaran","Year of 2024":"Taun 2024","Expired Payments":"Kadaluwarsa Pembayaran","Failed Payments":"Pembayaran Gagal","Draft Payments":"Draf Pembayaran","Used Languages":"Basa sing Digunakna","Unique Users":"Pangguna Unik","Used Wallets":"Digunakake Dompet","Most Sales in Countries":"Paling Sales ing Negara","Quantitiy":"Jumlah","Access denied":"Akses ditolak","The has banned your IP address.":" wis nglarang alamat IP sampeyan.","Back to home":"Bali menyang omah","Credit Cart":"Kr\u00e9ta Kredit"}