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{"Dashboard":"Aginte-panela","Merchants":"Merkatariak","Users":"Erabiltzaileak","Transactions":"Transakzioak","Feedbacks":"Iritziak","Tickets":"Sarrerak","Offers":"Eskaintzak","Campaigns":"Kanpainak","Notifications":"Jakinarazpenak","Currencies":"Monetak","Coins":"Txanponak","Wallets":"Diru-zorroak","Translations":"Itzulpenak","Admins":"Administratzaileak","Logout":"Amaitu saioa","Virtual Pos":"Pos. birtuala","Graphs":"Grafikoak","Settings":"Ezarpenak","Donations":"Dohaintzak","Stream Donations":"Korronteen Dohaintzak","Iframe Donations":"Iframe Dohaintzak","Pay With Link":"Estekarekin Ordaindu","Create Link":"Sortu Esteka","Manage":"Kudeatu","Info":"Info","My Profile":"Nire profila","Installation":"Instalazioa","API Alerts":"API alertak","Integration":"Integrazioa","Developer Portal":"Garatzaileen ataria","$CPY WhitePaper":"$CPY Liburu Zuria","Success":"Arrakasta","Admin updated successfully.":"Administratzailea behar bezala eguneratu da.","Error":"Errorea","An error occurred while updating the coins.":"Errore bat gertatu da txanponak eguneratzean.","Admin deleted successfully.":"Administratzailea behar bezala ezabatu da.","Admin created successfully.":"Administratzaileak behar bezala sortu da.","Invalid email or password.":"Helbide elektronikoa edo pasahitza baliogabea.","Invalid OTP":"OTP baliogabea","Campaign image could not be updated. Please try again later.":"Ezin izan da kanpainaren irudia eguneratu. Saiatu berriro geroago.","Campaign updated successfully.":"Kanpaina behar bezala eguneratu da.","An error occurred while updating the campaign.":"Errore bat gertatu da kanpaina eguneratzean.","Campaign deleted successfully.":"Kanpaina behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the campaign.":"Errore bat gertatu da kanpaina ezabatzean.","Coins updated successfully.":"Txanponak behar bezala eguneratu dira.","Coin deleted successfully.":"Txanpona behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the coin.":"Errore bat gertatu da txanpona ezabatzean.","Coins created successfully.":"Txanponak arrakastaz sortu dira.","Currency created successfully.":"Dirua behar bezala sortu da.","An error occurred while creating the currency.":"Errore bat gertatu da moneta sortzean.","Currency updated successfully.":"Moneta behar bezala eguneratu da.","An error occurred while updating the currency.":"Errore bat gertatu da moneta eguneratzean.","Currency deleted successfully.":"Moneta behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the currency.":"Errore bat gertatu da moneta ezabatzean.","Wallet updated successfully.":"Zorroa behar bezala eguneratu da.","Wallet deleted successfully.":"Diru-zorroa behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the coins.":"Errore bat gertatu da txanponak ezabatzean.","Wallet created successfully.":"Zorroa behar bezala sortu da.","Notification created successfully.":"Jakinarazpena behar bezala sortu da.","An error occurred while updating the notification.":"Errore bat gertatu da jakinarazpena eguneratzean.","Notification deleted successfully.":"Jakinarazpena behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the notification.":"Errore bat gertatu da jakinarazpena ezabatzean.","Notification updated successfully.":"Jakinarazpena behar bezala eguneratu da.","Ticket status updated successfully.":"Txartelaren egoera behar bezala eguneratu da.","Ticket created successfully":"Tiketa behar bezala sortu da","An error occurred while updating the tickets.":"Errore bat gertatu da txartelak eguneratzean.","Translation updated successfully.":"Itzulpena behar bezala eguneratu da.","An error occurred while updating the translation.":"Errore bat gertatu da itzulpena eguneratzean.","Translation deleted successfully.":"Itzulpena behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the translation.":"Errore bat gertatu da itzulpena ezabatzean.","Translation created successfully.":"Itzulpena behar bezala sortu da.","The transaction token is invalid.":"Transakzio-tokena baliogabea da.","Feedback updated successfully.":"Iritzia behar bezala eguneratu da.","An error occurred while updating the feedback.":"Errore bat gertatu da iritzia eguneratzean.","Feedback deleted successfully.":"Iritzia behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the feedback.":"Errore bat gertatu da iritzia ezabatzean.","User updated successfully.":"Erabiltzailea behar bezala eguneratu da.","An error occurred while updating the user.":"Errore bat gertatu da erabiltzailea eguneratzean.","User deleted successfully.":"Erabiltzailea behar bezala ezabatu da.","An error occurred while deleting the user.":"Errore bat gertatu da erabiltzailea ezabatzean.","User created successfully.":"Erabiltzailea arrakastaz sortu da.","Merchant updated successfully.":"Merkataria behar bezala eguneratu da.","An error occurred while updating the merchant.":"Errore bat gertatu da dendaria eguneratzean.","Merchant delete feature is disabled.":"Merkataria ezabatzeko eginbidea desgaituta dago.","Merchant created successfully.":"Merkataria behar bezala sortu da.","Merchant Setting updated successfully.":"Merkatariaren ezarpena behar bezala eguneratu da.","Merchant Setting deleted successfully.":"Merkatariaren ezarpena behar bezala ezabatu da.","Merchant Setting created successfully.":"Merkatariaren ezarpena behar bezala sortu da.","Your feedback has been sent":"Zure iritzia bidali da","An error occurred during feedback. Please try again later!":"Errore bat gertatu da feedback-ean. Mesedez, saiatu berriro geroago!","Something went wrong while logging in with StreamLabs.":"Arazoren bat izan da StreamLabs-en saioa hastean.","StreamLabs account connected successfully.":"StreamLabs kontua behar bezala konektatuta.","Something went wrong while connecting StreamLabs account.":"Arazoren bat izan da StreamLabs kontua konektatzean.","Something went wrong while logging in with Amazon.":"Arazoren bat izan da Amazon-en saioa hastean.","Something went wrong while logging in with LinkedIn.":"Arazoren bat izan da LinkedIn-ekin saioa hastean.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google.":"Arazoren bat izan da Google-n saioa hastean.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 1.":"Arazoren bat izan da Google-n saioa hastean - 1.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 2.":"Arazoren bat izan da Google-n saioa hastean - 2.","Something went wrong while logging in with Twitch.":"Arazoren bat izan da Twitch-en saioa hastean.","Facebook login is disabled.":"Facebook-en saioa desgaituta dago.","Something went wrong while logging in with GitHub.":"Arazoren bat izan da GitHub-ekin saioa hastean.","Your account has been created. Please login.":"Zure kontua sortu da. Mesedez, hasi saioa.","You have already requested a password reset token. Please check your email. If you did not receive the email, please wait for a hour and try again.":"Dagoeneko eskatu duzu pasahitza berrezartzeko tokena. Mesedez, egiaztatu zure posta elektronikoa. Mezu elektronikoa jaso ez baduzu, itxaron ordubete eta saiatu berriro.","Password reset token has been sent to your email.":"Pasahitza berrezartzeko tokena zure posta elektronikora bidali da.","An error occurred while sending the password reset token.":"Errore bat gertatu da pasahitza berrezartzeko tokena bidaltzean.","Error!":"Errorea!","User not found":"Ez da erabiltzailea aurkitu","User Not Found":"Ez da erabiltzailea aurkitu","Your password is changed":"Zure pasahitza aldatu da","Warning":"Abisua","Date range can not be more than 30 days":"Data-tarteak ezin du izan 30 egun baino gehiago","Test alert has been sent":"Proba alerta bidali da","Transfer has been started. Please wait for the result. It may take a few minutes.":"Transferentzia hasi da. Mesedez, itxaron emaitzaren arte. Baliteke minutu batzuk behar izatea.","Transfer could not be started. Please try again later.":"Ezin izan da transferentzia hasi. Saiatu berriro geroago.","Transaction not found":"Ez da transakzioa aurkitu","Your file is being prepared, we will send you your data by e-mail when it is ready":"Zure fitxategia prestatzen ari da, prest dagoenean zure datuak posta elektronikoz bidaliko dizkizugu","Date range can not be more than 5 days":"Data-tarteak ezin du izan 5 egun baino gehiago","Merchant key updated successfully!":"Merkatariaren gakoa behar bezala eguneratu da!","You have successfully passed the test integration. Your store is now active.":"Probako integrazioa behar bezala gainditu duzu. Zure denda aktibo dago orain.","You have not passed the test integration yet. Please your callback file and check transaction details.":"Oraindik ez duzu probako integrazioa gainditu. Mesedez, zure deia itzultzeko fitxategia eta egiaztatu transakzioaren xehetasunak.","Credit Cart status updated successfully.":"Kreditu-Saskiaren egoera behar bezala eguneratu da.","You do not yet have a confirmed wallet address for this network. Please contact us.":"Oraindik ez duzu sare honetarako diru-zorro-helbiderik baieztatu. Mesedez, jarri gurekin harremanetan.","Network gateway status updated successfully.":"Sareko atebidearen egoera behar bezala eguneratu da.","Store status updated successfully.":"Dendaren egoera behar bezala eguneratu da.","Invalid TRC-20 wallet address.":"TRC-20 zorroaren helbide baliogabea.","Invalid ERC-20 wallet address.":"ERC-20 zorroaren helbide baliogabea.","Invalid BEP-20 wallet address.":"BEP-20 zorroaren helbide baliogabea.","Invalid AREON wallet address.":"AREON zorroaren helbide baliogabea.","Store email settings updated successfully.":"Gorde posta elektronikoaren ezarpenak behar bezala eguneratu dira.","Stream Donation URL is not valid. Please enter a valid stream donation link.":"Korrontearen dohaintza URLa ez da baliozkoa. Mesedez, sartu baliozko korrontearen dohaintza-esteka.","Stream Donation URL already exists.":"Dagoeneko badago korrontearen dohaintzaren URLa.","Stream Donation URL updated successfully.":"Korrontearen dohaintza URLa behar bezala eguneratu da.","Stream Link is not valid. Please enter a valid stream link.":"Korrontearen esteka ez da baliozkoa. Mesedez, sartu baliozko korronte-esteka bat.","Stream Link updated successfully.":"Korrontearen esteka behar bezala eguneratu da.","Store logo updated successfully.":"Dendaren logotipoa behar bezala eguneratu da.","Store logo could not be updated. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us.":"Ezin izan da dendaren logotipoa eguneratu. Saiatu berriro geroago. Arazoak jarraitzen badu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Merchant name updated successfully.":"Merkatariaren izena behar bezala eguneratu da.","Callback URL updated successfully.":"Deia itzultzeko URLa behar bezala eguneratu da.","Website URL updated successfully.":"Webgunearen URLa behar bezala eguneratu da.","This transaction has transfer logs. You can not delete it":"Transakzio honek transferentzien erregistroak ditu. Ezin duzu ezabatu","Payment Link has been deleted successfully":"Ordainketa esteka behar bezala ezabatu da","No active network found":"Ez da sare aktiborik aurkitu","Payment Link has been created successfully":"Ordainketa esteka behar bezala sortu da","Warning!":"Kontuz!","Please set your callback URL before using this feature.":"Ezarri zure deiaren itzulera URLa eginbide hau erabili aurretik.","Please set your wallet before using this feature.":"Ezarri zure zorroa eginbide hau erabili aurretik.","Your request has been sent. Please wait for the result.":"Zure eskaera bidali da. Mesedez, itxaron emaitzaren arte.","Your password has been updated.":"Zure pasahitza eguneratu da.","Your current password is incorrect.":"Zure uneko pasahitza okerra da.","This email is already in use.":"Posta elektroniko hau dagoeneko erabiltzen ari da.","Your information has been updated.":"Zure informazioa eguneratu da.","Your password is incorrect.":"Zure pasahitza okerra da.","Two Factor Authentication Disabled.":"Bi faktoreen autentifikazioa desgaituta dago.","Two Factor Authentication Enabled.":"Bi faktoreko autentifikazioa gaituta.","Code is invalid. Please scan and try again":"Kodea baliogabea da. Eskaneatu eta saiatu berriro","User deleted successfully":"Erabiltzailea behar bezala ezabatu da","User status updated successfully to inactive":"Erabiltzailearen egoera behar bezala eguneratu da inaktibo gisa","User role updated successfully":"Erabiltzaile-rola behar bezala eguneratu da","User with this email already exists":"Dagoeneko badago mezu elektroniko hau duen erabiltzailea","An error occurred while creating the user":"Errore bat gertatu da erabiltzailea sortzean","You can perform a maximum of 1440 transactions within 24 hours. Please complete your other transactions.":"Gehienez 1440 transakzio egin ditzakezu 24 orduko epean. Mesedez, osatu zure beste transakzioak.","Name field is required":"Izena eremua beharrezkoa da","Surname field is required":"Abizenaren eremua beharrezkoa da","Email field is required":"Posta elektronikoaren eremua beharrezkoa da","You have to enter it in the email type":"Posta elektroniko motan sartu behar duzu","Phone field is required":"Telefonoaren eremua beharrezkoa da","Phone field must be number":"Telefonoaren eremuak zenbakia izan behar du","Minimum length must be 11":"Gutxieneko luzerak 11 izan behar ditu","Product Type is required":"Produktu mota beharrezkoa da","Business Type is required":"Negozio mota beharrezkoa da","Captcha is required":"Captcha beharrezkoa da","Invalid User Information. Please try again":"Erabiltzailearen informazio baliogabea. Mesedez, saiatu berriro","Please fill in the website field first.":"Mesedez, bete webgunearen eremua lehenik.","Fee Transfer":"Kuoten transferentzia","CoinPays Commission":"CoinPays Batzordea","Direct Transfer":"Zuzeneko transferentzia","Not Started":"Hasi gabe","Pending":"Zain","Completed":"Osatua","Failed":"Huts egin du","Cancelled":"Bertan behera utzita","Waiting":"Zain","Main Admin":"Administratzaile nagusia","Customer Service":"Bezeroarentzako Zerbitzua","Main User":"Erabiltzaile nagusia","Observation And Payment Refund":"Behaketa Eta Ordainketa Itzulketa","Only Observation":"Behaketa bakarra","Technical Support":"Laguntza Teknikoa","Admin Update":"Admin eguneratzea","Admin Create":"Administratzailea Sortu","Back":"Itzuli","Name":"Izena","Last Name":"Abizena","Secure Code":"Kode segurua","Email":"Posta elektronikoa","Phone":"Telefonoa","Password":"Pasahitza","Admin Role":"Administratzailearen rola","Active":"Aktiboa","InActive":"Aktiborik gabe","Status":"Egoera","Edit":"Editatu","Create":"Sortu","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin dituzun transakzioak ikus ditzakezu. Proba transakzioak ikusteko, berariaz hautatu behar dituzu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","Create New":"Sortu Berria","ID":"ID","Role":"Rola","Crated At":"Crated At","Action":"Ekintza","Are you sure?":"Ziur al zaude?","Do you want to delete admin?":"Administratzailea ezabatu nahi duzu?","Delete":"Ezabatu","No data found.":"Ez da daturik aurkitu.","Two Factory Authentication":"Bi fabrikako autentifikazioa","Two Factor Authentication":"Bi faktoreen autentifikazioa","Two factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods (also referred to as factors) to verify your identity. Two factor authentication protects against phishing, social engineering and password brute force attacks and secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak or stolen credentials.":"Bi faktoreko autentifikazioak (2FA) sarbide-segurtasuna indartzen du, zure identitatea egiaztatzeko bi metodo (faktore gisa ere deitzen direnak) eskatzen dituelako. Bi faktoreko autentifikazioak phishing-aren, ingeniaritza sozialaren eta pasahitzaren indar gordinaren erasoetatik babesten ditu eta zure saio-hasiera babesten du kredentzial ahulak edo lapurtutakoak baliatzen dituzten erasotzaileetatik.","Scan this QR code with your Google or Microsoft Authenticator App":"Eskaneatu QR kode hau zure Google edo Microsoft Authenticator aplikazioarekin","Enter the pin from Google or Microsoft Authenticator app":"Sartu pina Google edo Microsoft Authenticator aplikaziotik","Authenticator Code":"Autentifikatzailearen kodea","Return to Admins":"Itzuli Administratzaileetara","Campaign":"Kanpaina","Campaign Create":"Sortu kanpaina","Upload Campaign Image":"Kargatu kanpainaren irudia","Title":"Izenburua","Description":"Deskribapena","Redirect":"Birbideratu","Redirect Text":"Birbideratu testua","You can view the campaign you have performed. To view test campaigns, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin duzun kanpaina ikus dezakezu. Proba-kanpainak ikusteko, berariaz hautatu behar dituzu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","Image":"Irudia","Do you want to delete campaign?":"Kanpaina ezabatu nahi duzu?","Coin Update":"Txanpon eguneratzea","Coin Create":"Txanpon Sortu","code":"kodea","Rate To USD":"Tasa USD-ra","Network":"Sarea","Contract Address":"Kontratuaren helbidea","Decimal":"Hamartarra","Code":"Kodea","Rate to USD":"Tasa USDetara","Contact Address":"Harremanetarako Helbidea","Do you want to delete coin?":"Txanponak ezabatu nahi dituzu?","Currency Update":"Moneta eguneratzea","Currency Create":"Moneta Sortu","Symbol":"Ikurra","Created At":"urtean sortua","Do you want to delete currency?":"Moneta ezabatu nahi duzu?","For more detailed statistics, you can examine the panels in more detail.":"Estatistika zehatzagoak lortzeko, panelak zehatzago aztertu ditzakezu.","Notification Update":"Jakinarazpenen eguneratzea","Notification Create":"Jakinarazpena Sortu","Dou you want use icon":"Ikonoa erabili nahi duzu","click here":"egin klik hemen","Icon":"Ikonoa","Content":"Edukia","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test notifications, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin dituzun transakzioak ikus ditzakezu. Proben jakinarazpenak ikusteko, berariaz hautatu behar dituzu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","Actions":"Ekintzak","Do you want to delete notification?":"Jakinarazpena ezabatu nahi duzu?","Sign in Admin":"Hasi saioa Administratzailea","Welcome to Admin Panel!":"Ongi etorri Admin Panelera!","Please sign-in to your account and start the adventure":"Hasi saioa zure kontuan eta hasi abentura","Sign in":"Hasi saioa","Two Step Admin Verification":"Bi urratseko administratzailearen egiaztapena","We sent a verification code to your mobile. Enter the code from the mobile in the field below.":"Egiaztapen-kode bat bidali dugu zure mugikorrera. Sartu kodea mugikorretik beheko eremuan.","Type your 6 digit security code":"Idatzi zure 6 digituko segurtasun-kodea","Verify my account":"Egiaztatu nire kontua","Surname":"Abizena","Product Type":"Produktu Mota","Business Type":"Negozio Mota","Expected Earnings":"Espero diren irabaziak","Declined":"Baztertua","Ticket Details":"Sarreraren xehetasunak","Ticket Messages History":"Sarreren mezuen historia","CoinPays Admin":"CoinPays administratzailea","Do you want to change ticket status?":"Txartelaren egoera aldatu nahi duzu?","Closed Ticket":"Txartela itxita","Re-Open Ticket":"Berriro ireki txartela","If you answer this ticket, it will be re-open":"Tiketa honi erantzuten badiozu, berriro irekiko da","Submit":"Bidali","You can view the tickets you have performed. To view test tickets, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin dituzun sarrerak ikus ditzakezu. Proba-txartelak ikusteko, berariaz hautatu behar dituzu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","Merchant":"Merkataria","Priority":"Lehentasuna","Updated At":"Eguneratu orduko","Open":"Ireki","Close":"Itxi","Low":"Baxua","Medium":"Ertaina","High":"Alta","Details":"Xehetasunak","Re-Open":"Berriro ireki","Translation Update":"Itzulpen Eguneraketa","Translation Create":"Itzulpena Sortu","Key":"Gakoa","Value":"Balioa","Locale":"Tokikoa","Filter":"Iragazkia","Apply Filter":"Aplikatu iragazkia","Clear Filters":"Garbitu iragazkiak","Local":"Tokikoa","Do you want to delete translation?":"Itzulpena ezabatu nahi duzu?","Wallet Update":"Kartera eguneratzea","Wallet Create":"Sortu zorroa","Wallet Address":"Diru-zorroaren helbidea","Wallet Private Key":"Wallet gako pribatua","Is Active?":"Aktiboa al dago?","Coin Code":"Txanpon kodea","Is Using?":"Erabiltzen al da?","Transaction Token":"Transakzio-tokena","Update":"Eguneratu","Coin":"Txanpona","Do you want to delete wallet?":"Diru-zorroa ezabatu nahi duzu?","Feedback Update":"Iritzi-eguneratzea","Feedback Create":"Iritzia Sortu","Rating":"Balorazioa","Comment":"Iruzkina","Transaction":"Transakzioa","You can view the feedbacks here. You can also edit and delete feedbacks.":"Iritziak hemen ikus ditzakezu. Iritziak ere editatu eta ezaba ditzakezu.","Transaction ID":"Transakzioaren IDa","Do you want to delete feedback?":"Iritzia ezabatu nahi duzu?","No feedback found.":"Ez da iritzirik aurkitu.","Order ID":"Eskaera ID","Amount":"Zenbatekoa","Country":"Herrialdea","Type":"Mota","Expired":"Iraungi egin da","Merchant ID":"Merkatari IDa","User Role":"Erabiltzaile rola","Merchant Users":"Merkatari erabiltzaileak","Two Factor":"Bi Faktore","Login As":"Hasi saioa honela","Address":"Helbidea","Website":"Webgunea","BEP-20 Commission":"BEP-20 Batzordea","ERC-20 Commission":"ERC-20 Batzordea","AREON Commission":"AREON Batzordea","Callback URL":"Deia itzultzeko URLa","Logo":"Logotipoa","Yes":"Bai","No":"Ez","Is Test?":"Testa da?","Pay With Link Status":"Ordaindu estekaren egoerarekin","Stream Donation Status":"Korronteen dohaintzaren egoera","General Donation Status":"Dohaintza-egoera orokorra","True":"Egia","False":"Gezurra","Data":"Datuak","Merchant Settings":"Merkatariaren ezarpenak","Do you want to delete merchant setting?":"Saltzailearen ezarpena ezabatu nahi duzu?","CoinPays | Total Wallet Amount":"CoinPays | Diru-zorroaren guztizko zenbatekoa","All Wallet Amounts":"Wallet zenbateko guztiak","Bad Request":"Eskaera txarra","The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax":"Zerbitzariak ezin izan du eskaera ulertu sintaxi baliogabea delako","Forbidden":"Debekatuta","You do not have permission to access this page":"Ez duzu orri honetara sartzeko baimenik","Page Not Found":"Ez da orria aurkitu","The page was not found or may have never existed before":"Orria ez da aurkitu edo agian inoiz existitu ez zen","Page Expired":"Orria iraungi da","The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again":"Orria iraungi egin da jarduerarik ez dagoelako. Mesedez, freskatu eta saiatu berriro","Unprocessable Entity":"Prozesaezina den Entitatea","The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions":"Zerbitzariak ulertzen du eskaera-entitatearen eduki mota, eta eskaera-entitatearen sintaxia zuzena da, baina ezin izan ditu jasotako argibideak prozesatu","Server Error":"Zerbitzariaren errorea","The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request":"Zerbitzariak barne-errore bat aurkitu du eta ezin izan du zure eskaera osatu","Sorry, you have been blocked":"Barkatu, blokeatu zaituzte","Merchant Overview":"Merkatariaren ikuspegi orokorra","Member since":"Geroztik kidea","Feedback":"Iritzia","Positive":"Positiboa","Neutral":"Neutroa","Negative":"Negatiboa","Feedback Form":"Iritzi-inprimakia","Send Feedback":"Bidali Iritzia","Viewing Feedbacks for":"Iritziak ikustea","Browse Feedbacks":"Arakatu iritziak","Date":"Data","Left By":"Utzita","Anonymous":"Anonimoa","- No Comment -":"- Iruzkinik ez -","Unknown":"Ezezaguna","No feedbacks found":"Ez da iritzirik aurkitu","Create New Password":"Sortu Pasahitz Berria","Reset Password ":"Berrezarri pasahitza ","Your new password must be different from previously used passwords":"Zure pasahitz berriak lehenago erabilitako pasahitzek desberdinak izan behar ditu","New Password":"Pasahitz berria","Confirm Password":"Berretsi pasahitza","Minimum 8 characters long":"Gutxienez 8 karaktere luze","At least one lowercase character":"Gutxienez karaktere bat minuskula","At least one number, symbol, or whitespace character":"Gutxienez zenbaki, ikur edo zuriuneko karaktere bat","Set new password":"Ezarri pasahitz berria","Back To Login":"Itzuli Sarrera","Forgot Password?":"Pasahitza ahaztu duzu?","Send Reset Link":"Bidali berrezarri esteka","Back to login":"Itzuli saioa hasteko","Enter your merchant id and email, then we'll send you instructions to reset your password":"Sartu zure merkatari-identifikazioa eta helbide elektronikoa, ondoren pasahitza berrezartzeko argibideak bidaliko dizkizugu","Welcome to CoinPays!":"Ongi etorri CoinPays-era!","Remember Me":"Gogoratu Ni","Don't you have an account? Let's Register!":"Ez al duzu konturik? Erregistratu gaitezen!","Sign Up":"Izena eman","Create an account to get started.":"Sortu kontu bat hasteko.","Do you have an account? Login":"Ba al duzu konturik? Saioa hasi","Two Step Verification":"Bi urratseko egiaztapena","Support":"Laguntza","Balance":"Balantzea","Forgot Password Notification":"Pasahitzaren jakinarazpena ahaztu zait","Hello":"Kaixo","This email is to confirm that your request to reset the password for your account has been received. You can use the following link to reset your password":"Mezu elektroniko honek zure konturako pasahitza berrezartzeko eskaera jaso dela berresteko da. Hurrengo esteka erabil dezakezu pasahitza berrezartzeko","If you did not initiate this password reset request, please disregard this email and kindly notify us to ensure the security of your account":"Pasahitza berrezartzeko eskaera hau hasi ez bazenuen, mesedez baztertu mezu elektroniko hau eta mesedez jakinarazi iezaguzu zure kontuaren segurtasuna bermatzeko","Thanks":"Eskerrik asko","Login Notification":"Saioa hasteko jakinarazpena","You have logged in to your account with new IP. There is last login details":"IP berri batekin hasi zara zure kontuan. Saioa hasteko azken xehetasunak daude","IP Address":"IP helbidea","Browser":"Arakatzailea","Location":"Kokapena","If you have not done this yourself, please follow the steps below to secure your account immediately.":"Zuk zeuk egin ez baduzu, jarraitu beheko urratsak zure kontua berehala babesteko.","Change your password":"Aldatu pasahitza","Enable two-factor authentication":"Gaitu bi faktoreko autentifikazioa","Review your account activity":"Berrikusi zure kontuaren jarduera","Review your account security":"Berrikusi zure kontuaren segurtasuna","If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.":"Galderarik baduzu edo laguntza behar baduzu, ez izan zalantzarik eta jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Reset your password":"Berrezarri pasahitza","2FA Backup Codes":"2FA babeskopiak","As you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your account, please find below 10 backup codes that you can use to access your account. We recommend keeping these backup codes in a secure location and ensuring they are inaccessible to others.":"Zure kontuan Bi faktoreen autentifikazioa (2FA) gaitu duzunez, aurkitu azpian zure kontuan sartzeko erabil ditzakezun 10 babeskopi-kode. Babeskoko kode hauek kokapen seguru batean gordetzea eta besteentzat eskuraezinak direla ziurtatzea gomendatzen dugu.","These backup codes will assist you in accessing your account in case you lose your main account password or your 2FA authentication code becomes unavailable. Please store these codes securely and refrain from sharing them with anyone.":"Ordezko kode hauek zure kontuan sartzen lagunduko dizute zure kontu nagusiaren pasahitza galtzen baduzu edo zure 2FA autentifikazio-kodea erabilgarri ez badago. Mesedez, gorde kode hauek modu seguruan eta ez partekatu inorekin.","If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.":"Galdera edo kezkarik baduzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","2FA Disabled":"2FA Desgaituta","We wanted to inform you that Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has been successfully disabled on your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately for assistance.":"Bi faktoreko autentifikazioa (2FA) zure kontuan behar bezala desgaitu dela jakinarazi nahi dizugu. Ekintza hau hasi ez baduzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan berehala laguntza jasotzeko.","Your account security is important to us, and we recommend considering reactivating 2FA for an added layer of protection. You can enable 2FA in your account settings at any time.":"Zure kontuaren segurtasuna garrantzitsua da guretzat, eta 2FA berriro aktibatzea gomendatzen dugu babes-geruza gehigarri bat izateko. 2FA gai dezakezu zure kontuaren ezarpenetan edonoiz.","If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.":"Aldaketa honi buruzko galderarik edo kezkarik baduzu, ez izan zalantzarik eta jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Payment Refund Notification":"Ordainketa itzultzeko jakinarazpena","Partial Payment Received":"Ordainketa Partziala Jaso","You can view the status of this payment or leave feedback for the seller for the next 30 days at the following link":"Ordainketa honen egoera ikus diezaiokezu edo hurrengo 30 egunetarako iritzia eman dezakezu saltzaileari hurrengo estekan","This can happen if you forgot to account for the coin TX fee when sending to us or if you are using a coin that only allows 6 digits after the decimal and didn't round up to the 6th digit.":"Hori gerta daiteke guri bidaltzean txanpon TX kuota konturatzea ahaztu bazaizu edo hamartarren ondoren 6 zifra soilik onartzen dituen txanpon bat erabiltzen ari bazara eta 6. zifrara biribildu ez bada.","If you don't send the remaining funds you will receive an email after the payment times out to claim your funds if it is at least the network send fee times two. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact us.":"Gainerako funtsak bidaltzen ez badituzu, mezu elektroniko bat jasoko duzu ordainketa-denbora igaro ondoren zure fondoak erreklamatzeko, sarea gutxienez bidaltzeko kuota bi aldiz. E-mail hau jasotzen ez baduzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Payment Completed":"Ordainketa amaituta","We are pleased to inform you that your recent payment has been successfully processed. Thank you for your prompt payment!":"Atsegin handiz jakinarazten dizugu zure azken ordainketa behar bezala prozesatu dela. Eskerrik asko zure ordainketa azkarragatik!","Transaction Details":"Transakzioaren xehetasunak","You can send feedback about your payment experience by clicking the button below.":"Zure ordainketa-esperientziari buruzko iritzia bidal dezakezu beheko botoian klik eginez.","If you have any questions regarding this payment or if there is anything else we can assist you with, please feel free to contact us.":"Ordainketa honi buruzko galderarik baduzu edo lagun zaitzakegun beste zerbait baldin badago, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Thank you for choosing us. We appreciate your business!":"Eskerrik asko gu aukeratzeagatik. Zure negozioa eskertzen dugu!","Reports Are Ready!":"Txostenak prest daude!","Click for Download":"Egin klik Deskargatzeko","Under Maintenance!":"Mantentze-lanean!","Sorry for the inconvenience but we're performing some maintenance at the moment":"Barkatu eragozpenak baina une honetan mantentze-lanak egiten ari gara","Discover the advantageous campaigns, opportunities, and discounts that CoinPays offers to its merchant partners right away.":"Ezagutu CoinPays-ek bere merkatari-bazkideei eskaintzen dizkien kanpaina, aukera eta deskontu onuragarriak berehala.","Coming Soon!":"Laster!","We are working on some amazing new features for you.":"Eginbide berri harrigarri batzuk lantzen ari gara zuretzat.","Stay tuned!":"Egon adi!","Welcome":"Ongi etorri","You can view your statistics at specified time intervals below and check your reports.":"Zure estatistikak denbora-tarte zehatzetan ikus ditzakezu behean eta zure txostenak egiaztatu.","Crypto Currencies":"Kripto moneta","No Crypto":"Kriptorik ez","Completed Payments":"Ordainketak amaituta","Last 1 Month":"Azken hilabetea","Pending Payments":"Ordainketa Zain","Customers":"Bezeroak","Countries":"Herrialdeak","Sales Country":"Salmenta Herrialdea","Countries with most sales":"Salmenta gehien duten herrialdeak","All Donations Graphs":"Dohaintzen grafiko guztiak","All Donations":"Dohaintza guztiak","You can view the graphs of the All Donations made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Sisteman egindako Dohaintza Guztien grafikoak ikus ditzakezu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da","You can observe the net amount and sales amount charts in detail.":"Zenbateko garbia eta salmenten zenbatekoaren grafikoak zehatz-mehatz ikus ditzakezu.","By clicking on the breakpoints in the chart, you can view the amount for that day.":"Grafikoko eten puntuetan klik eginez, egun horretako zenbatekoa ikus dezakezu.","If you are making sales in different currencies, you can hide\/show by clicking on the currency.":"Dibisa ezberdinetan salmentak egiten ari bazara, ezkutatu\/erakuts dezakezu monetan klik eginez.","Due to the fact that the chart data is generated at the end of the day, the charts do not contain information for today.":"Diagramako datuak egunaren amaieran sortzen direnez, diagramek ez dute gaurko informaziorik.","Sales Amount":"Salmenten zenbatekoa","Real Currencies":"Benetako Monetak","Donation Settings":"Dohaintza ezarpenak","Stream Donation is a system that allows content creators to receive donations from their fans during live broadcasts. With this system, fans can support their favorite content creators, and the creators can further improve their broadcasts with this support.":"Stream Donation zuzeneko emankizunetan eduki-sortzaileek euren zaleen dohaintzak jasotzeko aukera ematen dien sistema da. Sistema honekin, zaleek gogokoen dituzten eduki-sortzaileei lagundu diezaiekete, eta sortzaileek beren emisioak gehiago hobetu ditzakete laguntza honekin.","Stream Donation Settings":"Korronteen dohaintza ezarpenak","Donation URL":"Dohaintzaren URLa","Click for more information.":"Egin klik informazio gehiago lortzeko.","Stream Link":"Korrontearen esteka","Alert Link":"Alerta esteka","Copy":"Kopiatu","StreamLabs":"StreamLabs","Connect StreamLabs":"Konektatu StreamLabs","Re-Connect StreamLabs":"Berriro konektatu StreamLabs","Test Alert":"Proba alerta","Do you want to send test alert?":"Probaren alerta bidali nahi duzu?","Send test alert to all integrations":"Bidali probako alerta integrazio guztiei","Media Kit":"Media Kit","Download":"Deskargatu","Iframe Donation Settings":"Iframe dohaintza ezarpenak","Iframe Code":"Iframe kodea","You can view the Stream Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin dituzun Korronteen Dohaintzak ikus ditzakezu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","You can view the Iframe Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin dituzun Iframe Dohaintzak ikus ditzakezu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","Search by Order ID":"Bilatu eskaera IDaren arabera","Search by E-mail":"Bilatu posta elektronikoz","Download Report":"Deskargatu txostena","Date Range":"Data-tartea","Total Transaction":"Eragiketa osoa","Total Amount":"Zenbateko osoa","Quantity":"Kantitatea","No donation found.":"Ez da dohaintzarik aurkitu.","Search with ID":"Bilatu IDarekin","Search with Email":"Bilatu posta elektroniko bidez","Please enter the value you want to search.":"Mesedez, idatzi bilatu nahi duzun balioa.","Enter the value you want to search.":"Sartu bilatu nahi duzun balioa.","Search":"Bilatu","Technical integration errors can be viewed on this page. Since errors arising from the integration at the payment stage may result in transaction losses, it would be beneficial for you to review the errors on this page and share them with your technical team\/software company.":"Integrazio teknikoko erroreak orrialde honetan ikus daitezke. Ordainketa-fasean integratzean sortzen diren erroreek transakzio-galerak eragin ditzaketenez, onuragarria izango litzateke orrialde honetako akatsak berrikustea eta zure talde tekniko\/software-enpresarekin partekatzea.","INFORMATION: The errors listed here are not related to the CoinPays system. These records occur when the information sent during your technical integration with CoinPays is incomplete or incorrect.":"INFORMAZIOA: Hemen zerrendatutako akatsak ez daude CoinPays sistemarekin lotuta. Erregistro hauek CoinPays-en integrazio teknikoan bidalitako informazioa osatugabea edo okerra denean gertatzen dira.","You can only view the data from the last 7 days.":"Azken 7 egunetako datuak soilik ikus ditzakezu.","Error Type":"Errore mota","No API alerts found.":"Ez da aurkitu APIko alertarik.","You can access API information and integration documents from this area. Please do not share the information in this field with people you do not trust. Otherwise, unauthorized harmful actions may be taken. Our company is not responsible for such incidents.":"Eremu honetatik sar zaitezke APIaren informazioa eta integrazio dokumentuak. Mesedez, ez partekatu eremu honetako informazioa konfiantzarik ez duzun jendearekin. Bestela, baimenik gabeko ekintza kaltegarriak egin daitezke. Gure konpainia ez da horrelako gertaeren erantzule.","API Information":"API informazioa","Merchant No (merchant_id)":"Merkatari-zenbakia (merchant_id)","Merchant Password (merchant_key)":"Merkatariaren pasahitza (merchant_key)","Do you want to change merchant key? If you change the merchant key, you will need to update the key in your API integration.":"Saltzailearen gakoa aldatu nahi duzu? Merkataritzako gakoa aldatzen baduzu, gakoa eguneratu beharko duzu zure API integrazioan.","Change":"Aldatu","Merchant Secret Key (merchant_salt)":"Merkatariaren gako sekretua (merchant_salt)","Integration Documentations":"Integrazio Dokumentazioa","You can access the integration document and sample codes for iFrame API All Payment Methods by clicking here":"Integrazio dokumentua eta lagin-kodeak iFrame API Ordainketa-metodo guztiak atzi ditzakezu hemen klik eginez","You can access the integration document and sample codes for the Transaction Status Query API by clicking here.":"Transaction Status Query APIrako integrazio dokumentua eta adibide-kodeak atzi ditzakezu hemen klik eginez.","Current E-Commerce Modules":"Merkataritza Elektronikoaren egungo moduluak","iFrame API for all versions of OpenCart 3.X":"iFrame APIa OpenCart 3.X-en bertsio guztietarako","iFrame API for PrestaShop 1.6.x and 1.7.x versions":"PrestaShop 1.6.x eta 1.7.x bertsioetarako iFrame APIa","iFrame API for Wordpress Woocommerce":"iFrame APIa Wordpress Woocommerce-rako","iFrame API for WiseCP":"WiseCPrako iFrame APIa","All Test Transactions":"Proba transakzio guztiak","Here you can see all the operations performed in the test environment. When the payment status and callback status are successful, you can put your store in live mode.":"Hemen proba-ingurunean egindako eragiketa guztiak ikus ditzakezu. Ordainketa-egoera eta itzulera-egoera arrakastatsua denean, zure denda zuzeneko moduan jar dezakezu.","No transaction found.":"Ez da transakziorik aurkitu.","Do you want to check the integrations and go live?":"Integrazioak egiaztatu eta zuzenean jarri nahi dituzu?","Check Integrations & Go Live":"Egiaztatu integrazioak eta martxan jarri","You can adjust the features related to the store within the options provided in this field. Here, you can edit the details and change the settings for your store. Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"Eremu honetan eskaintzen diren aukeren barruan dendarekin lotutako ezaugarriak doi ditzakezu. Hemen xehetasunak edita ditzakezu eta zure dendaren ezarpenak alda ditzakezu. Mesedez, ziurtatu ziur zaudela edozein aldaketa egin aurretik.","Store Status Check":"Dendaren egoera egiaztatzea","You can put your store in test mode whenever needed. Change the Live Mode selection to Test Mode, and then click the Save Changes button.":"Zure denda proba moduan jar dezakezu behar duzunean. Aldatu Zuzeneko moduaren aukeraketa Proba modura, eta egin klik Gorde aldaketak botoian.","Important Information":"Informazio garrantzitsua","For more details:":"Xehetasun gehiagorako:","Live Mode":"Zuzeneko modua","Test Mode":"Proba modua","Gateway Networks":"Pasabide Sareak","You can select the networks you want to use for your payment page. You can select multiple networks. Please ensure that the wallet address you entered is correct and supports the tokens we support. If the exchange or wallet you use does not support the cryptocurrency token you receive, you may lose your assets. Our company is not responsible for this. For details, please read.":"Ordainketa-orrirako erabili nahi dituzun sareak hauta ditzakezu. Hainbat sare hauta ditzakezu. Mesedez, ziurtatu sartu duzun zorroaren helbidea zuzena dela eta onartzen ditugun tokenak onartzen dituela. Erabiltzen duzun trukeak edo diru-zorroak jasotzen duzun kriptomoneta tokena onartzen ez badu, baliteke zure aktiboak galtzea. Gure konpainia ez da honen erantzule. Xehetasunetarako, irakurri.","Disable":"Desgaitu","Enable":"Gaitu","Credit Card Settings":"Kreditu txartelaren ezarpenak","You can select the options for credit card payments.":"Kreditu txartelaren ordainketarako aukerak hauta ditzakezu.","Logo Settings":"Logotipoaren ezarpenak","The logo size should be a maximum of 300px x 100px.":"Logotipoaren tamainak gehienez 300 x 100 px izan behar du.","Merchant Name: The name of the merchant.":"Merkatari izena: merkatariaren izena.","Merchant Name":"Merkatari izena","Merchant Address: The address location of the merchant.":"Merkatariaren helbidea: dendariaren helbidea.","Merchant Address":"Merkatariaren helbidea","Merchant Email Settings":"Merkatarien posta elektronikoaren ezarpenak","Customer Service Email Address":"Bezeroarentzako arretarako helbide elektronikoa","Accounting Email Address":"Kontabilitate helbide elektronikoa","Do you really want to change the credit card status?":"Benetan nahi duzu kreditu txartelaren egoera aldatu?","Something went wrong. Please try again.":"Zerbait gaizki joan da. Mesedez, saiatu berriro.","Do you really want to change the wallet address? Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"Benetan nahi duzu zorroaren helbidea aldatu? Mesedez, ziurtatu ziur zaudela edozein aldaketa egin aurretik.","Do you really want to change the store status?":"Benetan nahi duzu dendaren egoera aldatu?","Important Note: While your store is in test mode, you won't be able to receive payments, and any payments you receive will not be accounted for.":"Ohar garrantzitsua: zure denda proba moduan dagoen bitartean, ezingo duzu ordainketarik jaso, eta jasotzen dituzun ordainketak ez dira kontuan hartuko.","Additionally, if you wish, you can use the 'SpaceID Web3 Name' feature by entering the domain associated with your wallet address.":"Gainera, nahi baduzu, 'SpaceID Web3 Name' funtzioa erabil dezakezu zure diru-zorroaren helbidearekin lotutako domeinua sartuz.","Global Notifications":"Jakinarazpen globalak","You can view the our system notifications here.":"Gure sistemaren jakinarazpenak hemen ikus ditzakezu.","You can submit system errors, help requests, and your inquiries through this section.":"Sistemaren akatsak, laguntza eskaerak eta zure kontsultak atal honen bidez bidal ditzakezu.","Create Ticket":"Sortu Ticket","Name, Surname":"Izena, Abizena","Your Message":"Zure mezua","Please describe your issue with a minimum of 25 characters...":"Mesedez, deskribatu arazoa gutxienez 25 karaktererekin...","Send My Message":"Bidali Nire Mezua","Your Tickets":"Zure Sarrerak","Answer":"Erantzun","Question":"Galdera","No tickets found.":"Ez da sarrerarik aurkitu.","To reach our support team, please fill out the 'Your Message' section in the form below and click the 'Send My Message' button.":"Gure laguntza-taldera iristeko, bete beheko formularioko 'Zure mezua' atala eta egin klik 'Bidali nire mezua' botoian.","Pay With Link Graphs":"Ordaindu esteka grafikoekin","You can view the graphs of the Pay With Link transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Sisteman egindako Ordaindu Estekaren transakzioen grafikoak ikus ditzakezu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da","Create Payment Link":"Sortu Ordainketa Esteka","On this page, you can create a payment link for your customers.":"Orri honetan, zure bezeroentzako ordainketa-esteka bat sor dezakezu.","Choose Language":"Aukeratu Hizkuntza","Pay With Link Transactions":"Ordaindu Link Transakzioekin","You can view the Pay With Link transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin dituzun Ordaindu Link-ekin egindako transakzioak ikus ditzakezu. Proba transakzioak ikusteko, berariaz hautatu behar dituzu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","Do you want to download the reports as excel file?":"Txostenak Excel fitxategi gisa deskargatu nahi dituzu?","QR":"QR","Open Link":"Ireki Esteka","Open Payment Page":"Ireki Ordainketa Orria","Do you want to delete payment link?":"Ordainketa esteka ezabatu nahi duzu?","QR Code":"QR kodea","Transaction Webhook|Callback Details":"Transakzio Webhook|Deia itzultzeko xehetasunak","You can view the all details of the transaction webhook|callback here.":"Transakzio webhook|deia itzultzeko xehetasun guztiak hemen ikus ditzakezu.","The data sent to the Callback URL via Webhook. You can access it using both GET and POST methods.":"Webhook bidez Callback URLra bidalitako datuak. Bertara sar zaitezke GET eta POST metodoak erabiliz.","Message":"Mezua","Status Code":"Egoera Kodea","No data found":"Ez da daturik aurkitu","Webhook (Callback) Responses":"Webhook (Callback) Erantzunak","You can view the transactions that have all webhook - callback responses here. Failed requests recur every minute. It is repeated for a total of 1440 times (24 hours).":"Webhook guztiak - dei-erantzunak dituzten transakzioak ikus ditzakezu hemen. Huts egindako eskaerak minuturo errepikatzen dira. Guztira 1440 aldiz errepikatzen da (24 ordu).","URL":"URLa","Retries":"Berriro saiatu","Webhook not sent":"Webhook ez da bidali","Do you want to send the callback request again? This action may lead to confusion and data loss in your system, depending on the quality and security of your integration. CoinPays cannot be held responsible for this situation. The most current URL address will be used! If you don\\'t know what you are doing, please do not do it.":"Berriro deia itzultzeko eskaera bidali nahi duzu? Ekintza honek nahasmena eta datuak galtzea ekar dezake zure sisteman, zure integrazioaren kalitatearen eta segurtasunaren arabera. CoinPays ezin da egoera honen erantzule izan. URL helbidea berriena erabiliko da! Ez badakizu zer egiten ari zaren, mesedez ez egin.","Send Again":"Bidali Berriro","Virtual Pos Transaction Details":"Pos Transakzioaren xehetasunak","Iframe Donation Details":"Iframe dohaintzaren xehetasunak","Stream Donation Details":"Korronteen dohaintzaren xehetasunak","Pay With Link Details":"Ordaindu estekaren xehetasunak","You can view transaction details and customer information.":"Transakzioen xehetasunak eta bezeroaren informazioa ikus ditzakezu.","CoinPays Order ID":"CoinPays eskaeraren IDa","Print":"Inprimatu","TEST MODE TRANSACT\u0130ON":"PROBA MODUAREN TRANSAKZIOA","Transaction Amount":"Transakzioaren zenbatekoa","Remaining Amount | Crypto":"Gainerako zenbatekoa | Kriptografia","Commission":"Batzordea","Transaction Date":"Transakzioaren data","Product\/Service Information":"Produktu\/Zerbitzuaren informazioa","Payment Status":"Ordainketa-egoera","Callback Status":"Deia itzultzeko egoera","Callback Response":"Dei-itzulera erantzuna","Callback Request Count":"Deia itzultzeko eskaera kopurua","Amount Transfer Status":"Zenbateko transferentziaren egoera","The transfer will automatically be credited to your account after 2 hours.":"Transferentzia automatikoki sartuko da zure kontuan 2 ordu igaro ondoren.","Amount Transfer Details":"Zenbateko transferentziaren xehetasunak","From":"Bertatik","To":"To","Customer Details":"Bezeroaren xehetasunak","Customer Name - Surname":"Bezeroaren izena - Abizena","Customer Phone":"Bezeroaren Telefonoa","Customer E-mail":"Bezeroaren posta elektronikoa","Customer Address":"Bezeroaren helbidea","Customer Note":"Bezeroaren Oharra","Customer IP":"Bezeroaren IPa","Crypto Details":"Kriptoaren xehetasunak","TX":"TX","Remaining Amount":"Gainerako zenbatekoa","Confirmations":"Baieztapenak","Virtual Pos Graphs":"Pos Grafiko birtualak","You can view the graphs of the Virtual Pos transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"Sisteman egindako Virtual Pos transakzioen grafikoak ikus ditzakezu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da","Virtual POS Settings":"POS Birtualen ezarpenak","You can adjust all the features of the virtual POS feature among the options offered in this area.":"Arlo honetan eskaintzen diren aukeren artean POS birtualeko funtzioaren ezaugarri guztiak doi ditzakezu.","CallBack Url Settings":"Deia itzultzeko URL ezarpenak","Website URL":"Webgunearen URLa","Callback Url":"Deia itzultzeko URLa","Virtual Pos Transactions":"Pos Transakzio birtualak","You can view the Virtual Pos transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"Egin dituzun Virtual Pos transakzioak ikus ditzakezu. Proba transakzioak ikusteko, berariaz hautatu behar dituzu. Datu osoa 5 minutuko tarteetan eguneratzen da.","Webhook Notifications":"Webhook jakinarazpenak","You can view the company information, bank account details, and commission rate information in this area. If you see any inaccuracies in the information here and cannot change it, please contact us.":"Arlo honetan enpresaren informazioa, banku-kontuaren xehetasunak eta komisio-tasaren informazioa ikus ditzakezu. Hemengo informazioan zehaztasunik eza ikusten baduzu eta ezin baduzu aldatu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Merchant Information":"Merkatariari buruzko informazioa","Here you can find basic information about the merchant owner. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Hemen merkatari jabeari buruzko oinarrizko informazioa aurki dezakezu. Errore bat dagoela uste baduzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Representative Name":"Ordezkariaren izena","Representative Phone":"Ordezkariaren Telefonoa","No Phone Number. Update Your Phone":"Telefono zenbakirik ez. Eguneratu Telefonoa","Representative Email":"Ordezkariaren posta elektronikoa","Bank\/Wallet Account Information":"Bankuaren\/Wallet kontuaren informazioa","Here you can find the bank\/wallet information you have for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Hemen sare eta ordainketa-metodo bakoitzerako duzun banku\/zorroaren informazioa aurki dezakezu. Errore bat dagoela uste baduzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","No bank or wallet account information has been added.":"Ez da banku- edo diru-zorro-kontuaren informaziorik gehitu.","Add Wallet Acount":"Gehitu Wallet kontua","Commission Information":"Batzordearen informazioa","Here you can see the percentage commission rates for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Hemen sare bakoitzeko eta ordainketa-metodo bakoitzeko komisio-tasa ehunekoa ikus dezakezu. Errore bat dagoela uste baduzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Your CoinPays Payment Service Agreements":"Zure CoinPays Ordainketa Zerbitzuaren Kontratuak","No agreement has been added.":"Ez da akordiorik gehitu.","Profile Details":"Profilaren xehetasunak","First Name":"Izena","E-mail":"Posta elektronikoa","Phone Number":"Telefono zenbakia","Save changes":"Gorde aldaketak","On this page, you can see your personal information and update your e-mail address and phone number. Please ensure that your email address and phone number are current and belong to you. We may send content such as password resets or IP verification to this information. These details will not be shared with your customers or any third parties and will be securely encrypted in our database.":"Orrialde honetan, zure informazio pertsonala ikusi eta zure helbide elektronikoa eta telefono zenbakia eguneratu ditzakezu. Mesedez, ziurtatu zure helbide elektronikoa eta telefono-zenbakia egungoak direla eta zureak direla. Baliteke informazio honetara pasahitza berrezartzea edo IP egiaztatzea bezalako edukia bidaltzea. Xehetasun hauek ez dira zure bezeroekin edo hirugarrenekin partekatuko eta gure datu-basean modu seguruan enkriptatuko dira.","Account":"Kontua","Security":"Segurtasuna","Enable 2FA":"Gaitu 2FA","Change Password":"Aldatu pasahitza","Current Password":"Uneko pasahitza","Confirm New Password":"Berretsi Pasahitz Berria","Create Password":"Sortu pasahitza","Password Requirements":"Pasahitzaren eskakizunak","the more, the better":"zenbat eta gehiago, orduan eta hobeto","Two-Steps Verification":"Bi urratseko egiaztapena","Two factor authentication is not enabled yet.":"Bi faktoreko autentifikazioa ez dago gaituta oraindik.","Two factor authentication is not enabled.":"Bi faktoreko autentifikazioa ez dago gaituta.","Learn more.":"Lortu informazio gehiago.","Do you want to disable the 2FA?":"2FA desgaitu nahi duzu?","Disable two-factor authentication":"Desgaitu bi faktoreko autentifikazioa","Recent Devices":"Azken gailuak","IP":"IP","User Agent":"Erabiltzaile-agentea","Are you sure you want to create a new password?":"Ziur pasahitz berri bat sortu nahi duzula?","Store Panel Users":"Denda-paneleko erabiltzaileak","On this page, you can add new users who will be able to access and transact on the Store Panel, or you can update existing users and make them inactive.":"Orri honetan, Denda-panelean atzitu eta transakzioak egiteko gai izango diren erabiltzaile berriak gehi ditzakezu, edo lehendik dauden erabiltzaileak eguneratu eta inaktibo bihur ditzakezu.","Add New User":"Gehitu Erabiltzaile Berria","Last Login IP":"Azken saioa hasteko IP","Last Login Date":"Azken saioa hasteko data","No users found.":"Ez da erabiltzailerik aurkitu.","Do you want to change the password?":"Pasahitza aldatu nahi duzu?","Reset Password":"Berrezarri pasahitza","Do you want to change user status to inactive?":"Erabiltzailearen egoera inaktibora aldatu nahi duzu?","Make Inactive":"Inaktibo bihurtu","Do you want to change user status to active?":"Erabiltzailearen egoera aktibora aldatu nahi duzu?","Make Active":"Egin aktibo","Do you want to permanently delete the user?":"Erabiltzailea betiko ezabatu nahi duzu?","Permanently Delete":"Ezabatu betiko","Checkout":"Ordainketa","YOU ARE DOING THIS PROCESS IN TEST MODE.":"PROZESU HAU PROBA MODUAN EGITEN ARI ZARA.","NOTE: Your store is in test mode. To receive real payments, you need to activate your store from the SETTINGS section.":"OHARRA: Zure denda proba moduan dago. Ordainketa errealak jasotzeko, zure denda EZARPENAK atalean aktibatu behar duzu.","Change Settings":"Aldatu ezarpenak","Store Feedbacks":"Dendako Iritziak","Contact Seller":"Jarri harremanetan Saltzailea","Your Basket":"Zure Saskia","Item Name":"Elementuaren izena","Price":"Prezioa","Total":"Guztira","Choose Details":"Aukeratu Xehetasunak","Ensure the network you choose to deposit matches the withdrawal network, or assets may be lost.":"Ziurtatu gordailatzea aukeratzen duzun sarea erretiratzeko sarearekin bat datorrela, bestela aktiboak gal daitezke.","Pay With Crypto":"Ordaindu Crypto-rekin","Checkout Transaction Status":"Ordainketa transakzioaren egoera","Amount Remaining":"Geratzen den zenbatekoa","Time Left":"Denbora geratzen da","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees! Only via regular sends not via special contracts!":"Ziurtatu txanponen transakzio-kuotak estaltzeko nahikoa bidaltzen duzula! Bidalketa arrunten bidez bakarrik ez kontratu berezien bidez!","Send this token only via the following network":"Bidali token hau sare honen bidez soilik","save in case there are any issues with your payment":"gorde zure ordainketarekin arazoren bat izanez gero","COMPLETE PAYMENT IN TEST MODE":"ORDAINKETA OSATU PROBA MODUAN","What to do next?":"Zer egin hurrengoan?","Please send":"Mesedez, bidali","to address":"helbideratzeko","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees!":"Ziurtatu txanponen transakzio-kuotak estaltzeko nahikoa bidaltzen duzula!","You will need to initiate the payment using your software or online wallet and copy\/paste the address and payment amount into it. We will email you when all funds have been received.":"Ordainketa hasi beharko duzu zure softwarea edo lineako diru-zorroa erabiliz eta kopiatu\/itsatsi helbidea eta ordainketa-kopurua bertan. Posta elektronikoz bidaliko dizugu funts guztiak jaso direnean.","You have this amount of time to receive the approved funds":"Onartutako funtsak jasotzeko denbora kopuru hori duzu","The transaction ID":"Transakzio IDa","A payment address to send the funds to.":"Funtsak bidaltzeko ordainketa-helbide bat.","GO TO SELLER WEBSITE":"JOAN SALTZAILEAREN WEBGUNERA","CHECK PAYMENT STATUS":"EGIAZTATU ORDAINKETA EGOERA","Connect Your Wallet":"Konektatu zure zorroa","Start Binance Transaction":"Hasi Binance Transakzioa","Start Wallet Transaction":"Hasi Wallet-eko transakzioa","You have cancelled the wallet connection request.":"Diru-zorroa konektatzeko eskaera bertan behera utzi duzu.","Failed to connect wallet. Please try again.":"Ezin izan da zorroa konektatu. Mesedez, saiatu berriro.","Failed to switch chain. Please try again. Maybe you need to add the network manually.":"Ezin izan da katea aldatu. Mesedez, saiatu berriro. Agian sarea eskuz gehitu behar duzu.","Transaction completed successfully. Please wait for the confirmation. It may take a few minutes.":"Transakzioa behar bezala burutu da. Mesedez, itxaron baieztapena arte. Baliteke minutu batzuk behar izatea.","An error occurred. Please ensure that you have sufficient balance in your account and network transaction fees, and try again. If you continue to encounter errors, please contact us.":"Errore bat gertatu da. Mesedez, ziurtatu zure kontuan eta sareko transakzio-kuotan saldo nahikoa duzula, eta saiatu berriro. Akatsak aurkitzen jarraitzen baduzu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan.","Please install MetaMask, Trust Wallet or CoinBase extension to continue.":"Jarraitzeko, instalatu MetaMask, Trust Wallet edo CoinBase luzapena.","If you send funds that don't confirm by the timeout or don't send enough coins you will receive an automatic email to claim your funds within 8 hours. If you don't receive the email contact us with the information below and will send you a refund":"Denbora-mugan berresten ez duten funtsak bidaltzen badituzu edo txanpon nahikoa bidaltzen ez badituzu, mezu elektroniko automatiko bat jasoko duzu zure fondoak erreklamatzeko 8 orduko epean. Ez baduzu mezu elektronikoa jasotzen, jarri gurekin harremanetan beheko informazioarekin eta itzulketa bat bidaliko dizu","After sending payment, review the status of your transaction on this page. Once the payment is confirmed several times in the block chain, the payment will be completed and the merchant will be notified. The confirmation process usually takes 10-45 minutes but varies based on the coin's target block time and number of block confirms required. The status page is available for the next 30 days.":"Ordainketa bidali ondoren, berrikusi zure transakzioaren egoera orrialde honetan. Ordainketa bloke-katean hainbat aldiz baieztatu ondoren, ordainketa amaituko da eta dendari jakinaraziko zaio. Berrespen-prozesuak normalean 10-45 minutu behar ditu, baina txanponaren xede-blokearen denboraren eta beharrezkoak diren blokeen berrespen kopuruaren arabera aldatzen da. Egoera orria eskuragarri dago hurrengo 30 egunetarako.","What if I accidentally don't send enough?":"Zer gertatzen da ustekabean nahikoa bidaltzen ez badut?","If you don't send enough, that is OK. Just send the remainder and we will combine them for you. You can also send from multiple wallets\/account":"Ez baduzu nahikoa bidaltzen, ondo dago. Bidali gainerakoa eta konbinatuko dizugu. Hainbat zorro\/kontutatik ere bidal dezakezu","Public Project Stats":"Proiektu publikoen estatistika","Welcome to our public dashboard!":"Ongi etorri gure panel publikora!","You can view the current statistics of our project and access the details here.":"Gure proiektuaren egungo estatistikak ikus ditzakezu eta xehetasunak hemen atzitu.","All data, plugins, statistics and tables are updated one time in 3 days.":"Datu, plugin, estatistika eta taula guztiak 3 egunetan behin eguneratzen dira.","All Payments":"Ordainketa guztiak","Year of 2024":"2024. urtea","Expired Payments":"Iraungitako Ordainketak","Failed Payments":"Ordainketak huts egin ditu","Draft Payments":"Ordainketen zirriborroa","Used Languages":"Erabilitako Hizkuntzak","Unique Users":"Erabiltzaile bakarrak","Used Wallets":"Erabilitako zorroak","Most Sales in Countries":"Salmenta gehienak herrialdeetan","Quantitiy":"Kantitatea","Access denied":"Sarbidea ukatu da","The has banned your IP address.":" zure IP helbidea debekatu du.","Back to home":"Itzuli etxera","Credit Cart":"Kreditu Saskia"}