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{"Dashboard":"Dashboard","Merchants":"Obchodn\u00edci","Users":"Pou\u017e\u00edvatelia","Transactions":"Transakcie","Feedbacks":"Sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 v\u00e4zby","Tickets":"Vstupenky","Offers":"Ponuky","Campaigns":"Kampane","Notifications":"Upozornenia","Currencies":"Meny","Coins":"Mince","Wallets":"Pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Translations":"Preklady","Admins":"Spr\u00e1vcovia","Logout":"Odhl\u00e1si\u0165 sa","Virtual Pos":"Virtu\u00e1lna poz","Graphs":"Grafy","Settings":"Nastavenia","Donations":"dary","Stream Donations":"Streamov\u00e9 dary","Iframe Donations":"Dary iframe","Pay With Link":"Platba odkazom","Create Link":"Vytvori\u0165 odkaz","Manage":"Spravova\u0165","Info":"Info","My Profile":"M\u00f4j profil","Installation":"In\u0161tal\u00e1cia","API Alerts":"Upozornenia API","Integration":"integr\u00e1cia","Developer Portal":"Port\u00e1l pre v\u00fdvoj\u00e1rov","$CPY WhitePaper":"$CPY White Paper","Success":"\u00daspech","Admin updated successfully.":"Spr\u00e1vca bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","Error":"Chyba","An error occurred while updating the coins.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii minc\u00ed sa vyskytla chyba.","Admin deleted successfully.":"Administr\u00e1tor bol \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd.","Admin created successfully.":"Spr\u00e1vca bol \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00fd.","Invalid email or password.":"Neplatn\u00fd e-mail alebo heslo.","Invalid OTP":"Neplatn\u00e9 jednorazov\u00e9 heslo","Campaign image could not be updated. Please try again later.":"Obr\u00e1zok kampane sa nepodarilo aktualizova\u0165. Sk\u00faste to znova nesk\u00f4r.","Campaign updated successfully.":"Kampa\u0148 bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1.","An error occurred while updating the campaign.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii kampane sa vyskytla chyba.","Campaign deleted successfully.":"Kampa\u0148 bola \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e1.","An error occurred while deleting the campaign.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed kampane sa vyskytla chyba.","Coins updated successfully.":"Mince boli \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e9.","Coin deleted successfully.":"Minca bola \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e1.","An error occurred while deleting the coin.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed mince sa vyskytla chyba.","Coins created successfully.":"Mince boli \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00e9.","Currency created successfully.":"Mena bola \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00e1.","An error occurred while creating the currency.":"Pri vytv\u00e1ran\u00ed meny sa vyskytla chyba.","Currency updated successfully.":"Mena bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1.","An error occurred while updating the currency.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii meny sa vyskytla chyba.","Currency deleted successfully.":"Mena bola \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e1.","An error occurred while deleting the currency.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed meny sa vyskytla chyba.","Wallet updated successfully.":"Pe\u0148a\u017eenka bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1.","Wallet deleted successfully.":"Pe\u0148a\u017eenka bola \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e1.","An error occurred while deleting the coins.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed minc\u00ed sa vyskytla chyba.","Wallet created successfully.":"Pe\u0148a\u017eenka bola \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00e1.","Notification created successfully.":"Ozn\u00e1menie bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00e9.","An error occurred while updating the notification.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii upozornenia sa vyskytla chyba.","Notification deleted successfully.":"Upozornenie bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e9.","An error occurred while deleting the notification.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed upozornenia sa vyskytla chyba.","Notification updated successfully.":"Upozornenie bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e9.","Ticket status updated successfully.":"Stav l\u00edstka bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","Ticket created successfully":"L\u00edstok bol \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00fd","An error occurred while updating the tickets.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii l\u00edstkov sa vyskytla chyba.","Translation updated successfully.":"Preklad bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","An error occurred while updating the translation.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii prekladu sa vyskytla chyba.","Translation deleted successfully.":"Preklad bol \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd.","An error occurred while deleting the translation.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed prekladu sa vyskytla chyba.","Translation created successfully.":"Preklad bol \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00fd.","The transaction token is invalid.":"Token transakcie je neplatn\u00fd.","Feedback updated successfully.":"Sp\u00e4tn\u00e1 v\u00e4zba bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1.","An error occurred while updating the feedback.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii sp\u00e4tnej v\u00e4zby sa vyskytla chyba.","Feedback deleted successfully.":"Sp\u00e4tn\u00e1 v\u00e4zba bola \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e1.","An error occurred while deleting the feedback.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed sp\u00e4tnej v\u00e4zby sa vyskytla chyba.","User updated successfully.":"Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","An error occurred while updating the user.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea sa vyskytla chyba.","User deleted successfully.":"Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e bol \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd.","An error occurred while deleting the user.":"Pri odstra\u0148ovan\u00ed pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea sa vyskytla chyba.","User created successfully.":"Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e bol \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00fd.","Merchant updated successfully.":"Obchodn\u00edk bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","An error occurred while updating the merchant.":"Pri aktualiz\u00e1cii obchodn\u00edka sa vyskytla chyba.","Merchant delete feature is disabled.":"Funkcia odstr\u00e1nenia obchodn\u00edka je zak\u00e1zan\u00e1.","Merchant created successfully.":"Obchodn\u00edk bol \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00fd.","Merchant Setting updated successfully.":"Nastavenie obchodn\u00edka bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e9.","Merchant Setting deleted successfully.":"Nastavenie obchodn\u00edka bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00e9.","Merchant Setting created successfully.":"Nastavenie obchodn\u00edka bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00e9.","Your feedback has been sent":"Va\u0161a sp\u00e4tn\u00e1 v\u00e4zba bola odoslan\u00e1","An error occurred during feedback. Please try again later!":"Po\u010das sp\u00e4tnej v\u00e4zby sa vyskytla chyba. Sk\u00faste to znova nesk\u00f4r!","Something went wrong while logging in with StreamLabs.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed do StreamLabs sa nie\u010do pokazilo.","StreamLabs account connected successfully.":"\u00da\u010det StreamLabs bol \u00faspe\u0161ne pripojen\u00fd.","Something went wrong while connecting StreamLabs account.":"Pri prip\u00e1jan\u00ed \u00fa\u010dtu StreamLabs sa vyskytol probl\u00e9m.","Something went wrong while logging in with Amazon.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed do Amazonu sa nie\u010do pokazilo.","Something went wrong while logging in with LinkedIn.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed na LinkedIn sa nie\u010do pokazilo.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed cez Google sa vyskytol probl\u00e9m.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 1.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed cez Google sa vyskytol probl\u00e9m \u2013 1.","Something went wrong while logging in with Google - 2.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed cez Google sa vyskytol probl\u00e9m \u2013 2.","Something went wrong while logging in with Twitch.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed cez Twitch sa nie\u010do pokazilo.","Facebook login is disabled.":"Prihl\u00e1senie na Facebook je zak\u00e1zan\u00e9.","Something went wrong while logging in with GitHub.":"Pri prihlasovan\u00ed cez GitHub sa nie\u010do pokazilo.","Your account has been created. Please login.":"V\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det bol vytvoren\u00fd. Pros\u00edm prihl\u00e1ste sa.","You have already requested a password reset token. Please check your email. If you did not receive the email, please wait for a hour and try again.":"U\u017e ste po\u017eiadali o token na obnovenie hesla. Skontrolujte svoj e-mail. Ak ste e-mail nedostali, po\u010dkajte hodinu a sk\u00faste to znova.","Password reset token has been sent to your email.":"Token na obnovenie hesla bol odoslan\u00fd na v\u00e1\u0161 e-mail.","An error occurred while sending the password reset token.":"Pri odosielan\u00ed tokenu na obnovenie hesla sa vyskytla chyba.","Error!":"Chyba!","User not found":"Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e sa nena\u0161iel","User Not Found":"Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e sa nena\u0161iel","Your password is changed":"Va\u0161e heslo je zmenen\u00e9","Warning":"POZOR","Date range can not be more than 30 days":"Rozsah d\u00e1tumov nem\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 dlh\u0161\u00ed ako 30 dn\u00ed","Test alert has been sent":"Testovacie upozornenie bolo odoslan\u00e9","Transfer has been started. Please wait for the result. It may take a few minutes.":"Prenos bol spusten\u00fd. Po\u010dkajte pros\u00edm na v\u00fdsledok. M\u00f4\u017ee to trva\u0165 nieko\u013eko min\u00fat.","Transfer could not be started. Please try again later.":"Prenos sa nepodarilo spusti\u0165. Sk\u00faste to znova nesk\u00f4r.","Transaction not found":"Transakcia sa nena\u0161la","Your file is being prepared, we will send you your data by e-mail when it is ready":"V\u00e1\u0161 s\u00fabor sa pripravuje, ke\u010f bude pripraven\u00fd, po\u0161leme v\u00e1m va\u0161e \u00fadaje e-mailom","Date range can not be more than 5 days":"Rozsah d\u00e1tumov nem\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 dlh\u0161\u00ed ako 5 dn\u00ed","Merchant key updated successfully!":"K\u013e\u00fa\u010d obchodn\u00edka bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd!","You have successfully passed the test integration. Your store is now active.":"\u00daspe\u0161ne ste absolvovali test integr\u00e1cie. V\u00e1\u0161 obchod je teraz akt\u00edvny.","You have not passed the test integration yet. Please your callback file and check transaction details.":"Zatia\u013e ste nepre\u0161li testovacou integr\u00e1ciou. Pros\u00edm, v\u00e1\u0161 s\u00fabor sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania a skontrolujte podrobnosti transakcie.","Credit Cart status updated successfully.":"Stav kreditn\u00e9ho ko\u0161\u00edka bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","You do not yet have a confirmed wallet address for this network. Please contact us.":"Pre t\u00fato sie\u0165 e\u0161te nem\u00e1te potvrden\u00fa adresu pe\u0148a\u017eenky. Kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","Network gateway status updated successfully.":"Stav sie\u0165ovej br\u00e1ny bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","Store status updated successfully.":"Stav obchodu bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","Invalid TRC-20 wallet address.":"Neplatn\u00e1 adresa pe\u0148a\u017eenky TRC-20.","Invalid ERC-20 wallet address.":"Neplatn\u00e1 adresa pe\u0148a\u017eenky ERC-20.","Invalid BEP-20 wallet address.":"Neplatn\u00e1 adresa pe\u0148a\u017eenky BEP-20.","Invalid AREON wallet address.":"Neplatn\u00e1 adresa pe\u0148a\u017eenky AREON.","Store email settings updated successfully.":"Nastavenia e-mailu obchodu boli \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e9.","Stream Donation URL is not valid. Please enter a valid stream donation link.":"Webov\u00e1 adresa daru streamu je neplatn\u00e1. Zadajte platn\u00fd odkaz na darovanie streamu.","Stream Donation URL already exists.":"Webov\u00e1 adresa na darovanie streamu u\u017e existuje.","Stream Donation URL updated successfully.":"Webov\u00e1 adresa daru streamu bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1.","Stream Link is not valid. Please enter a valid stream link.":"Odkaz na stream nie je platn\u00fd. Zadajte platn\u00fd odkaz na stream.","Stream Link updated successfully.":"Odkaz na stream bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","Store logo updated successfully.":"Logo obchodu bolo \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e9.","Store logo could not be updated. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact us.":"Logo obchodu sa nepodarilo aktualizova\u0165. Sk\u00faste to znova nesk\u00f4r. Ak probl\u00e9m pretrv\u00e1va, kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","Merchant name updated successfully.":"N\u00e1zov obchodn\u00edka bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd.","Callback URL updated successfully.":"Webov\u00e1 adresa sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1.","Website URL updated successfully.":"Webov\u00e1 adresa bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1.","This transaction has transfer logs. You can not delete it":"T\u00e1to transakcia m\u00e1 denn\u00edky prenosu. Nem\u00f4\u017eete to odstr\u00e1ni\u0165","Payment Link has been deleted successfully":"Odkaz na platbu bol \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd","No active network found":"Nena\u0161la sa \u017eiadna akt\u00edvna sie\u0165","Payment Link has been created successfully":"Odkaz na platbu bol \u00faspe\u0161ne vytvoren\u00fd","Warning!":"POZOR!","Please set your callback URL before using this feature.":"Pred pou\u017eit\u00edm tejto funkcie nastavte adresu URL sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania.","Please set your wallet before using this feature.":"Pred pou\u017eit\u00edm tejto funkcie nastavte svoju pe\u0148a\u017eenku.","Your request has been sent. Please wait for the result.":"Va\u0161a \u017eiados\u0165 bola odoslan\u00e1. Po\u010dkajte pros\u00edm na v\u00fdsledok.","Your password has been updated.":"Va\u0161e heslo bolo aktualizovan\u00e9.","Your current password is incorrect.":"Va\u0161e aktu\u00e1lne heslo je nespr\u00e1vne.","This email is already in use.":"Tento e-mail sa u\u017e pou\u017e\u00edva.","Your information has been updated.":"Va\u0161e inform\u00e1cie boli aktualizovan\u00e9.","Your password is incorrect.":"Va\u0161e heslo je nespr\u00e1vne.","Two Factor Authentication Disabled.":"Dvojfaktorov\u00e1 autentifik\u00e1cia je vypnut\u00e1.","Two Factor Authentication Enabled.":"Dvojfaktorov\u00e1 autentifik\u00e1cia je povolen\u00e1.","Code is invalid. Please scan and try again":"K\u00f3d je neplatn\u00fd. Naskenujte a sk\u00faste to znova","User deleted successfully":"Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e bol \u00faspe\u0161ne odstr\u00e1nen\u00fd","User status updated successfully to inactive":"Stav pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea bol \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00fd na neakt\u00edvny","User role updated successfully":"Rola pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea bola \u00faspe\u0161ne aktualizovan\u00e1","User with this email already exists":"Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e s t\u00fdmto e-mailom u\u017e existuje","An error occurred while creating the user":"Pri vytv\u00e1ran\u00ed pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea sa vyskytla chyba","You can perform a maximum of 1440 transactions within 24 hours. Please complete your other transactions.":"Po\u010das 24 hod\u00edn m\u00f4\u017eete vykona\u0165 maxim\u00e1lne 1440 transakci\u00ed. Dokon\u010dite \u010fal\u0161ie transakcie.","Name field is required":"Pole n\u00e1zvu je povinn\u00e9","Surname field is required":"Pole Priezvisko je povinn\u00e9","Email field is required":"Pole Email je povinn\u00e9","You have to enter it in the email type":"Mus\u00edte ho zada\u0165 do typu e-mailu","Phone field is required":"Pole Telef\u00f3n je povinn\u00e9","Phone field must be number":"Pole Telef\u00f3n mus\u00ed by\u0165 \u010d\u00edslo","Minimum length must be 11":"Minim\u00e1lna d\u013a\u017eka mus\u00ed by\u0165 11","Product Type is required":"Vy\u017eaduje sa typ produktu","Business Type is required":"Vy\u017eaduje sa typ podnikania","Captcha is required":"Vy\u017eaduje sa captcha","Invalid User Information. Please try again":"Neplatn\u00e9 inform\u00e1cie o pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eovi. Sk\u00faste to znova","Please fill in the website field first.":"Najprv vypl\u0148te pole webovej str\u00e1nky.","Fee Transfer":"Prevod poplatku","CoinPays Commission":"CoinPays prov\u00edzia","Direct Transfer":"Priamy prevod","Not Started":"Nespusten\u00e9","Pending":"\u010cak\u00e1 na spracovanie","Completed":"Dokon\u010den\u00e9","Failed":"Nepodarilo sa","Cancelled":"Zru\u0161en\u00e9","Waiting":"\u010cakanie","Main Admin":"Hlavn\u00fd spr\u00e1vca","Customer Service":"Z\u00e1kazn\u00edcky servis","Main User":"Hlavn\u00fd pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e","Observation And Payment Refund":"Pozorovanie a vr\u00e1tenie platby","Only Observation":"Iba pozorovanie","Technical Support":"Technick\u00e1 podpora","Admin Update":"Aktualiz\u00e1cia spr\u00e1vcu","Admin Create":"Vytvori\u0165 spr\u00e1vcu","Back":"Sp\u00e4\u0165","Name":"Meno","Last Name":"Priezvisko","Secure Code":"Bezpe\u010dn\u00fd k\u00f3d","Email":"Email","Phone":"Telef\u00f3n","Password":"heslo","Admin Role":"\u00daloha spr\u00e1vcu","Active":"Akt\u00edvne","InActive":"Neakt\u00edvne","Status":"Stav","Edit":"Upravi\u0165","Create":"Vytvorte","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"M\u00f4\u017eete zobrazi\u0165 transakcie, ktor\u00e9 ste vykonali. Ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 testovacie transakcie, mus\u00edte ich konkr\u00e9tne vybra\u0165. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","Create New":"Vytvori\u0165 nov\u00fd","ID":"ID","Role":"Role","Crated At":"Cated At","Action":"Akcia","Are you sure?":"si si ist\u00fd?","Do you want to delete admin?":"Chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 spr\u00e1vcu?","Delete":"Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165","No data found.":"Nena\u0161li sa \u017eiadne \u00fadaje.","Two Factory Authentication":"Dve tov\u00e1rensk\u00e9 overenia","Two Factor Authentication":"Dvojfaktorov\u00e1 autentifik\u00e1cia","Two factor authentication (2FA) strengthens access security by requiring two methods (also referred to as factors) to verify your identity. Two factor authentication protects against phishing, social engineering and password brute force attacks and secures your logins from attackers exploiting weak or stolen credentials.":"Dvojfaktorov\u00e1 autentifik\u00e1cia (2FA) posil\u0148uje bezpe\u010dnos\u0165 pr\u00edstupu t\u00fdm, \u017ee vy\u017eaduje dve met\u00f3dy (naz\u00fdvan\u00e9 aj faktory) na overenie va\u0161ej identity. Dvojfaktorov\u00e1 autentifik\u00e1cia chr\u00e1ni pred phishingom, soci\u00e1lnym in\u017einierstvom a \u00fatokmi hrubou silou hesiel a zabezpe\u010duje va\u0161e prihlasovacie \u00fadaje pred \u00fato\u010dn\u00edkmi, ktor\u00ed vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa slab\u00e9 alebo ukradnut\u00e9 prihlasovacie \u00fadaje.","Scan this QR code with your Google or Microsoft Authenticator App":"Naskenujte tento QR k\u00f3d pomocou aplik\u00e1cie Google alebo Microsoft Authenticator","Enter the pin from Google or Microsoft Authenticator app":"Zadajte k\u00f3d PIN z aplik\u00e1cie Google alebo Microsoft Authenticator","Authenticator Code":"Authenticator Code","Return to Admins":"Vr\u00e1\u0165te sa k Spr\u00e1vcom","Campaign":"Kampa\u0148","Campaign Create":"Vytvorenie kampane","Upload Campaign Image":"Nahrajte obr\u00e1zok kampane","Title":"N\u00e1zov","Description":"Popis","Redirect":"Presmerova\u0165","Redirect Text":"Presmerova\u0165 text","You can view the campaign you have performed. To view test campaigns, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"M\u00f4\u017eete si pozrie\u0165 kampa\u0148, ktor\u00fa ste vykonali. Ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 testovacie kampane, mus\u00edte ich konkr\u00e9tne vybra\u0165. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","Image":"Obr\u00e1zok","Do you want to delete campaign?":"Chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 kampa\u0148?","Coin Update":"Aktualiz\u00e1cia minc\u00ed","Coin Create":"Vytvorenie minc\u00ed","code":"k\u00f3d","Rate To USD":"Sadzba do USD","Network":"sie\u0165","Contract Address":"Adresa zmluvy","Decimal":"Desatinn\u00e9","Code":"k\u00f3d","Rate to USD":"Sadzba na USD","Contact Address":"Kontaktn\u00e1 adresa","Do you want to delete coin?":"Chcete vymaza\u0165 mincu?","Currency Update":"Aktualiz\u00e1cia meny","Currency Create":"Vytvorenie meny","Symbol":"Symbol","Created At":"Vytvoren\u00e9 o","Do you want to delete currency?":"Chcete vymaza\u0165 menu?","For more detailed statistics, you can examine the panels in more detail.":"Ak chcete z\u00edska\u0165 podrobnej\u0161ie \u0161tatistiky, m\u00f4\u017eete panely presk\u00fama\u0165 podrobnej\u0161ie.","Notification Update":"Aktualiz\u00e1cia upozornen\u00ed","Notification Create":"Ozn\u00e1menie vytvori\u0165","Dou you want use icon":"Chcete pou\u017ei\u0165 ikonu","click here":"kliknite sem","Icon":"Ikona","Content":"Obsah","You can view the transactions you have performed. To view test notifications, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"M\u00f4\u017eete zobrazi\u0165 transakcie, ktor\u00e9 ste vykonali. Ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 upozornenia na testovanie, mus\u00edte ich konkr\u00e9tne vybra\u0165. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","Actions":"Akcie","Do you want to delete notification?":"Chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 upozornenie?","Sign in Admin":"Prihl\u00e1ste sa Admin","Welcome to Admin Panel!":"Vitajte v spr\u00e1vcovskom paneli!","Please sign-in to your account and start the adventure":"Prihl\u00e1ste sa do svojho \u00fa\u010dtu a za\u010dnite dobrodru\u017estvo","Sign in":"Prihl\u00e1ste sa","Two Step Admin Verification":"Dvojstup\u0148ov\u00e9 overenie spr\u00e1vcu","We sent a verification code to your mobile. Enter the code from the mobile in the field below.":"Na v\u00e1\u0161 mobil sme poslali overovac\u00ed k\u00f3d. Do po\u013ea ni\u017e\u0161ie zadajte k\u00f3d z mobilu.","Type your 6 digit security code":"Zadajte svoj 6-miestny bezpe\u010dnostn\u00fd k\u00f3d","Verify my account":"Overi\u0165 m\u00f4j \u00fa\u010det","Surname":"Priezvisko","Product Type":"Typ produktu","Business Type":"Typ podnikania","Expected Earnings":"O\u010dak\u00e1van\u00e9 z\u00e1robky","Declined":"Odmietnut\u00e9","Ticket Details":"Podrobnosti l\u00edstka","Ticket Messages History":"Hist\u00f3ria spr\u00e1v l\u00edstkov","CoinPays Admin":"Spr\u00e1vca CoinPays","Do you want to change ticket status?":"Chcete zmeni\u0165 stav l\u00edstka?","Closed Ticket":"Uzavret\u00fd l\u00edstok","Re-Open Ticket":"Znovu otvori\u0165 l\u00edstok","If you answer this ticket, it will be re-open":"Ak odpoviete na tento l\u00edstok, bude znovu otvoren\u00fd","Submit":"Odosla\u0165","You can view the tickets you have performed. To view test tickets, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"L\u00edstky, ktor\u00e9 ste odohrali, si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165. Ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 testovacie l\u00edstky, mus\u00edte ich konkr\u00e9tne vybra\u0165. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","Merchant":"Obchodn\u00edk","Priority":"Priorita","Updated At":"Aktualizovan\u00e9 o","Open":"OTVOREN\u00c9","Close":"Zavrie\u0165","Low":"N\u00edzka","Medium":"Stredn\u00e1","High":"Vysok\u00e1","Details":"Podrobnosti","Re-Open":"Znovu otvori\u0165","Translation Update":"Aktualiz\u00e1cia prekladu","Translation Create":"Preklad Vytvori\u0165","Key":"k\u013e\u00fa\u010d","Value":"Hodnota","Locale":"Miestne nastavenie","Filter":"Filter","Apply Filter":"Pou\u017ei\u0165 filter","Clear Filters":"Vymaza\u0165 filtre","Local":"Miestne","Do you want to delete translation?":"Chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 preklad?","Wallet Update":"Aktualiz\u00e1cia Pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Wallet Create":"Vytvorenie pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Wallet Address":"Adresa pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Wallet Private Key":"S\u00fakromn\u00fd k\u013e\u00fa\u010d Pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Is Active?":"Je akt\u00edvny?","Coin Code":"K\u00f3d minc\u00ed","Is Using?":"Pou\u017e\u00edva sa?","Transaction Token":"Token transakcie","Update":"Aktualizova\u0165","Coin":"mince","Do you want to delete wallet?":"Chcete vymaza\u0165 pe\u0148a\u017eenku?","Feedback Update":"Aktualiz\u00e1cia sp\u00e4tnej v\u00e4zby","Feedback Create":"Vytvorenie sp\u00e4tnej v\u00e4zby","Rating":"Hodnotenie","Comment":"Komentujte","Transaction":"Transakcia","You can view the feedbacks here. You can also edit and delete feedbacks.":"Ohlasy si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 tu. M\u00f4\u017eete tie\u017e upravi\u0165 a odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 sp\u00e4tn\u00fa v\u00e4zbu.","Transaction ID":"ID transakcie","Do you want to delete feedback?":"Chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 sp\u00e4tn\u00fa v\u00e4zbu?","No feedback found.":"Nena\u0161la sa \u017eiadna sp\u00e4tn\u00e1 v\u00e4zba.","Order ID":"ID objedn\u00e1vky","Amount":"Suma","Country":"Krajina","Type":"Typ","Expired":"Platnos\u0165 vypr\u0161ala","Merchant ID":"ID obchodn\u00edka","User Role":"Rola pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea","Merchant Users":"Pou\u017e\u00edvatelia obchodn\u00edkov","Two Factor":"Dvojfaktor","Login As":"Prihl\u00e1ste sa ako","Address":"Adresa","Website":"webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky","BEP-20 Commission":"Komisia BEP-20","ERC-20 Commission":"Komisia ERC-20","AREON Commission":"Komisia AREON","Callback URL":"Adresa URL sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania","Logo":"Logo","Yes":"\u00e1no","No":"Nie","Is Test?":"Je test?","Pay With Link Status":"Platba pomocou stavu odkazu","Stream Donation Status":"Stav darovania streamu","General Donation Status":"V\u0161eobecn\u00fd stav darovania","True":"Pravda","False":"Nepravdiv\u00e9","Data":"\u00dadaje","Merchant Settings":"Nastavenia obchodn\u00edka","Do you want to delete merchant setting?":"Chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 nastavenie obchodn\u00edka?","CoinPays | Total Wallet Amount":"CoinPays | Celkov\u00e1 suma Pe\u0148a\u017eenky","All Wallet Amounts":"V\u0161etky sumy v Pe\u0148a\u017eenke","Bad Request":"Zl\u00e1 po\u017eiadavka","The server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax":"Server nerozumel po\u017eiadavke z d\u00f4vodu neplatnej syntaxe","Forbidden":"Zak\u00e1zan\u00e9","You do not have permission to access this page":"Nem\u00e1te povolenie na pr\u00edstup k tejto str\u00e1nke","Page Not Found":"Str\u00e1nka sa nena\u0161la","The page was not found or may have never existed before":"Str\u00e1nka sa nena\u0161la alebo mo\u017eno nikdy predt\u00fdm neexistovala","Page Expired":"Platnos\u0165 str\u00e1nky vypr\u0161ala","The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again":"Platnos\u0165 str\u00e1nky vypr\u0161ala z d\u00f4vodu ne\u010dinnosti. Obnovte str\u00e1nku a sk\u00faste to znova","Unprocessable Entity":"Nespracovate\u013en\u00e1 entita","The server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions":"Server rozumie typu obsahu entity po\u017eiadavky a syntax entity po\u017eiadavky je spr\u00e1vna, ale nedok\u00e1zal spracova\u0165 obsiahnut\u00e9 in\u0161trukcie","Server Error":"Chyba servera","The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request":"Server zaznamenal intern\u00fa chybu a nemohol dokon\u010di\u0165 va\u0161u po\u017eiadavku","Sorry, you have been blocked":"\u013dutujeme, boli ste zablokovan\u00ed","Merchant Overview":"Preh\u013ead obchodn\u00edka","Member since":"\u010clenom od r","Feedback":"Sp\u00e4tn\u00e1 v\u00e4zba","Positive":"Pozit\u00edvny","Neutral":"Neutr\u00e1lne","Negative":"Negat\u00edvne","Feedback Form":"Formul\u00e1r sp\u00e4tnej v\u00e4zby","Send Feedback":"Odosla\u0165 sp\u00e4tn\u00fa v\u00e4zbu","Viewing Feedbacks for":"Zobrazenie sp\u00e4tnej v\u00e4zby pre","Browse Feedbacks":"Preh\u013ead\u00e1va\u0165 pripomienky","Date":"D\u00e1tum","Left By":"Left By","Anonymous":"Anonymn\u00fd","- No Comment -":"- Bez koment\u00e1ra -","Unknown":"Nezn\u00e1my","No feedbacks found":"Nena\u0161li sa \u017eiadne sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 v\u00e4zby","Create New Password":"Vytvorte nov\u00e9 heslo","Reset Password ":"Obnovi\u0165 heslo ","Your new password must be different from previously used passwords":"Va\u0161e nov\u00e9 heslo sa mus\u00ed l\u00ed\u0161i\u0165 od predt\u00fdm pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00fdch hesiel","New Password":"Nov\u00e9 heslo","Confirm Password":"Potvr\u010fte heslo","Minimum 8 characters long":"Minim\u00e1lne 8 znakov","At least one lowercase character":"Aspo\u0148 jedno mal\u00e9 p\u00edsmeno","At least one number, symbol, or whitespace character":"Aspo\u0148 jedno \u010d\u00edslo, symbol alebo medzera","Set new password":"Nastavi\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo","Back To Login":"Sp\u00e4\u0165 na prihl\u00e1senie","Forgot Password?":"Zabudli ste heslo?","Send Reset Link":"Odosla\u0165 odkaz na obnovenie","Back to login":"Sp\u00e4\u0165 na prihl\u00e1senie","Enter your merchant id and email, then we'll send you instructions to reset your password":"Zadajte svoje ID obchodn\u00edka a e-mail, potom v\u00e1m po\u0161leme pokyny na obnovenie hesla","Welcome to CoinPays!":"Vitajte v CoinPays!","Remember Me":"Pam\u00e4taj na m\u0148a","Don't you have an account? Let's Register!":"Nem\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det? Po\u010fme sa zaregistrova\u0165!","Sign Up":"Zaregistrujte sa","Create an account to get started.":"Ak chcete za\u010da\u0165, vytvorte si \u00fa\u010det.","Do you have an account? Login":"M\u00e1te \u00fa\u010det? Prihl\u00e1ste sa","Two Step Verification":"Dvojstup\u0148ov\u00e9 overenie","Support":"Podpora","Balance":"Zostatok","Forgot Password Notification":"Upozornenie na zabudnut\u00e9 heslo","Hello":"Dobr\u00fd de\u0148","This email is to confirm that your request to reset the password for your account has been received. You can use the following link to reset your password":"Tento e-mail sl\u00fa\u017ei na potvrdenie prijatia va\u0161ej \u017eiadosti o obnovenie hesla pre v\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det. Na obnovenie hesla m\u00f4\u017eete pou\u017ei\u0165 nasleduj\u00faci odkaz","If you did not initiate this password reset request, please disregard this email and kindly notify us to ensure the security of your account":"Ak ste t\u00fato \u017eiados\u0165 o obnovenie hesla neiniciovali vy, ignorujte tento e-mail a informujte n\u00e1s, aby sme zaistili bezpe\u010dnos\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161ho \u00fa\u010dtu","Thanks":"dakujem","Login Notification":"Ozn\u00e1menie o prihl\u00e1sen\u00ed","You have logged in to your account with new IP. There is last login details":"Prihl\u00e1sili ste sa do svojho \u00fa\u010dtu s novou IP. S\u00fa tam posledn\u00e9 prihlasovacie \u00fadaje","IP Address":"IP adresa","Browser":"Prehliada\u010d","Location":"Poloha","If you have not done this yourself, please follow the steps below to secure your account immediately.":"Ak ste to neurobili sami, postupujte pod\u013ea ni\u017e\u0161ie uveden\u00fdch krokov a okam\u017eite zabezpe\u010dte svoj \u00fa\u010det.","Change your password":"Zme\u0148te si heslo","Enable two-factor authentication":"Povoli\u0165 dvojfaktorov\u00e9 overenie","Review your account activity":"Skontrolujte aktivitu svojho \u00fa\u010dtu","Review your account security":"Skontrolujte zabezpe\u010denie svojho \u00fa\u010dtu","If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.":"Ak m\u00e1te ak\u00e9ko\u013evek ot\u00e1zky alebo potrebujete pomoc, nev\u00e1hajte n\u00e1s kontaktova\u0165.","Reset your password":"Obnovte svoje heslo","2FA Backup Codes":"Z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00e9 k\u00f3dy 2FA","As you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your account, please find below 10 backup codes that you can use to access your account. We recommend keeping these backup codes in a secure location and ensuring they are inaccessible to others.":"Ke\u010f\u017ee ste na svojom \u00fa\u010dte povolili dvojfaktorov\u00e9 overenie (2FA), ni\u017e\u0161ie n\u00e1jdete 10 z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00fdch k\u00f3dov, ktor\u00e9 m\u00f4\u017eete pou\u017ei\u0165 na pr\u00edstup k svojmu \u00fa\u010dtu. Odpor\u00fa\u010dame uchov\u00e1va\u0165 tieto z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00e9 k\u00f3dy na bezpe\u010dnom mieste a zabezpe\u010di\u0165, aby boli pre ostatn\u00fdch nedostupn\u00e9.","These backup codes will assist you in accessing your account in case you lose your main account password or your 2FA authentication code becomes unavailable. Please store these codes securely and refrain from sharing them with anyone.":"Tieto z\u00e1lo\u017en\u00e9 k\u00f3dy v\u00e1m pom\u00f4\u017eu pri pr\u00edstupe k v\u00e1\u0161mu \u00fa\u010dtu v pr\u00edpade, \u017ee strat\u00edte heslo k hlavn\u00e9mu \u00fa\u010dtu alebo v\u00e1\u0161 overovac\u00ed k\u00f3d 2FA nebude dostupn\u00fd. Ulo\u017ete si tieto k\u00f3dy bezpe\u010dne a nezdie\u013eajte ich s nik\u00fdm.","If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.":"Ak m\u00e1te ak\u00e9ko\u013evek ot\u00e1zky alebo obavy, nev\u00e1hajte n\u00e1s kontaktova\u0165.","2FA Disabled":"2FA Vypnut\u00e9","We wanted to inform you that Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has been successfully disabled on your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately for assistance.":"Chceme v\u00e1s informova\u0165, \u017ee dvojfaktorov\u00e9 overenie (2FA) bolo na va\u0161om \u00fa\u010dte \u00faspe\u0161ne deaktivovan\u00e9. Ak ste t\u00fato akciu neiniciovali, okam\u017eite n\u00e1s kontaktujte so \u017eiados\u0165ou o pomoc.","Your account security is important to us, and we recommend considering reactivating 2FA for an added layer of protection. You can enable 2FA in your account settings at any time.":"Bezpe\u010dnos\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161ho \u00fa\u010dtu je pre n\u00e1s d\u00f4le\u017eit\u00e1 a odpor\u00fa\u010dame zv\u00e1\u017ei\u0165 op\u00e4tovn\u00fa aktiv\u00e1ciu 2FA pre \u010fal\u0161iu \u00farove\u0148 ochrany. 2FA m\u00f4\u017eete kedyko\u013evek povoli\u0165 v nastaveniach svojho \u00fa\u010dtu.","If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.":"Ak m\u00e1te ak\u00e9ko\u013evek ot\u00e1zky alebo obavy t\u00fdkaj\u00face sa tejto zmeny, nev\u00e1hajte n\u00e1s kontaktova\u0165.","Payment Refund Notification":"Upozornenie na vr\u00e1tenie platby","Partial Payment Received":"Prijat\u00e1 \u010diasto\u010dn\u00e1 platba","You can view the status of this payment or leave feedback for the seller for the next 30 days at the following link":"Na nasleduj\u00facom odkaze si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 stav tejto platby alebo zanecha\u0165 sp\u00e4tn\u00fa v\u00e4zbu predajcovi po\u010das nasleduj\u00facich 30 dn\u00ed","This can happen if you forgot to account for the coin TX fee when sending to us or if you are using a coin that only allows 6 digits after the decimal and didn't round up to the 6th digit.":"M\u00f4\u017ee sa to sta\u0165, ak ste pri odosielan\u00ed zabudli zapo\u010d\u00edta\u0165 poplatok za TX minc\u00ed alebo ak pou\u017e\u00edvate mincu, ktor\u00e1 povo\u013euje iba 6 \u010d\u00edslic za desatinnou \u010diarkou a nezaokr\u00fahli sa na 6. \u010d\u00edslicu.","If you don't send the remaining funds you will receive an email after the payment times out to claim your funds if it is at least the network send fee times two. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact us.":"Ak nepo\u0161lete zvy\u0161n\u00e9 prostriedky, po uplynut\u00ed \u010dasov\u00e9ho limitu platby dostanete e-mail, aby ste si n\u00e1rokovali svoje prostriedky, ak je to aspo\u0148 kr\u00e1t dva kr\u00e1t poplatok za odoslanie siete. Ak tento e-mail nedostanete, kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","Payment Completed":"Platba dokon\u010den\u00e1","We are pleased to inform you that your recent payment has been successfully processed. Thank you for your prompt payment!":"S pote\u0161en\u00edm v\u00e1m oznamujeme, \u017ee va\u0161a ned\u00e1vna platba bola \u00faspe\u0161ne spracovan\u00e1. \u010eakujeme za r\u00fdchlu platbu!","Transaction Details":"Podrobnosti transakcie","You can send feedback about your payment experience by clicking the button below.":"Kliknut\u00edm na tla\u010didlo ni\u017e\u0161ie m\u00f4\u017eete odosla\u0165 sp\u00e4tn\u00fa v\u00e4zbu o svojej sk\u00fasenosti s platbami.","If you have any questions regarding this payment or if there is anything else we can assist you with, please feel free to contact us.":"Ak m\u00e1te ak\u00e9ko\u013evek ot\u00e1zky t\u00fdkaj\u00face sa tejto platby alebo ak existuje nie\u010do in\u00e9, s \u010d\u00edm v\u00e1m m\u00f4\u017eeme pom\u00f4c\u0165, nev\u00e1hajte n\u00e1s kontaktova\u0165.","Thank you for choosing us. We appreciate your business!":"\u010eakujeme, \u017ee ste si n\u00e1s vybrali. V\u00e1\u017eime si va\u0161e podnikanie!","Reports Are Ready!":"Spr\u00e1vy s\u00fa pripraven\u00e9!","Click for Download":"Kliknite na Stiahnu\u0165","Under Maintenance!":"Pod \u00fadr\u017ebou!","Sorry for the inconvenience but we're performing some maintenance at the moment":"Ospravedl\u0148ujeme sa za nepr\u00edjemnosti, ale moment\u00e1lne vykon\u00e1vame \u00fadr\u017ebu","Discover the advantageous campaigns, opportunities, and discounts that CoinPays offers to its merchant partners right away.":"Objavte hne\u010f v\u00fdhodn\u00e9 kampane, pr\u00edle\u017eitosti a z\u013eavy, ktor\u00e9 CoinPays pon\u00faka svojim obchodn\u00fdm partnerom.","Coming Soon!":"U\u017e \u010doskoro!","We are working on some amazing new features for you.":"Pracujeme na nieko\u013ek\u00fdch \u00fa\u017easn\u00fdch nov\u00fdch funkci\u00e1ch pre v\u00e1s.","Stay tuned!":"Zosta\u0148te naladen\u00ed!","Welcome":"Vitajte","You can view your statistics at specified time intervals below and check your reports.":"Svoje \u0161tatistiky si m\u00f4\u017eete prezera\u0165 v ur\u010den\u00fdch \u010dasov\u00fdch intervaloch ni\u017e\u0161ie a kontrolova\u0165 svoje preh\u013eady.","Crypto Currencies":"Kryptomeny","No Crypto":"\u017diadne kryptomeny","Completed Payments":"Dokon\u010den\u00e9 platby","Last 1 Month":"Posledn\u00fd 1 mesiac","Pending Payments":"\u010cakaj\u00face platby","Customers":"z\u00e1kazn\u00edkov","Countries":"krajiny","Sales Country":"Krajina predaja","Countries with most sales":"Krajiny s najv\u00e4\u010d\u0161\u00edm predajom","All Donations Graphs":"V\u0161etky grafy darov","All Donations":"V\u0161etky dary","You can view the graphs of the All Donations made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"V syst\u00e9me si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 grafy v\u0161etk\u00fdch uskuto\u010dnen\u00fdch darov. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch","You can observe the net amount and sales amount charts in detail.":"M\u00f4\u017eete podrobne sledova\u0165 grafy \u010dist\u00e9ho mno\u017estva a objemu predaja.","By clicking on the breakpoints in the chart, you can view the amount for that day.":"Kliknut\u00edm na preru\u0161ovacie body v grafe si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 sumu za dan\u00fd de\u0148.","If you are making sales in different currencies, you can hide\/show by clicking on the currency.":"Ak pred\u00e1vate v r\u00f4znych men\u00e1ch, m\u00f4\u017eete ich skry\u0165\/zobrazi\u0165 kliknut\u00edm na menu.","Due to the fact that the chart data is generated at the end of the day, the charts do not contain information for today.":"Vzh\u013eadom na to, \u017ee \u00fadaje grafu sa generuj\u00fa na konci d\u0148a, grafy neobsahuj\u00fa inform\u00e1cie pre dne\u0161ok.","Sales Amount":"Suma predaja","Real Currencies":"Skuto\u010dn\u00e9 meny","Donation Settings":"Nastavenia darovania","Stream Donation is a system that allows content creators to receive donations from their fans during live broadcasts. With this system, fans can support their favorite content creators, and the creators can further improve their broadcasts with this support.":"Stream Donation je syst\u00e9m, ktor\u00fd umo\u017e\u0148uje tvorcom obsahu prij\u00edma\u0165 dary od svojich fan\u00fa\u0161ikov po\u010das \u017eiv\u00e9ho vysielania. S t\u00fdmto syst\u00e9mom m\u00f4\u017eu fan\u00fa\u0161ikovia podporova\u0165 svojich ob\u013e\u00faben\u00fdch tvorcov obsahu a tvorcovia m\u00f4\u017eu s touto podporou \u010falej vylep\u0161ova\u0165 svoje vysielanie.","Stream Donation Settings":"Nastavenia darovania streamu","Donation URL":"Adresa URL daru","Click for more information.":"Kliknite pre viac inform\u00e1ci\u00ed.","Stream Link":"Odkaz na stream","Alert Link":"Odkaz na upozornenie","Copy":"Kop\u00edrova\u0165","StreamLabs":"StreamLabs","Connect StreamLabs":"Pripojte StreamLabs","Re-Connect StreamLabs":"Znovu pripojte StreamLabs","Test Alert":"Testovacie upozornenie","Do you want to send test alert?":"Chcete posla\u0165 testovacie upozornenie?","Send test alert to all integrations":"Odosla\u0165 testovacie upozornenie v\u0161etk\u00fdm integr\u00e1ci\u00e1m","Media Kit":"Medi\u00e1lna s\u00faprava","Download":"Stiahnu\u0165","Iframe Donation Settings":"Nastavenia darovania iframe","Iframe Code":"K\u00f3d iframe","You can view the Stream Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"M\u00f4\u017eete si zobrazi\u0165 dary streamu, ktor\u00e9 ste vykonali. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","You can view the Iframe Donations you have performed. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"M\u00f4\u017eete si zobrazi\u0165 dary iframe, ktor\u00e9 ste poskytli. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","Search by Order ID":"Vyh\u013eadajte pod\u013ea ID objedn\u00e1vky","Search by E-mail":"Vyh\u013ead\u00e1vanie pod\u013ea e-mailu","Download Report":"Stiahnite si spr\u00e1vu","Date Range":"Rozsah d\u00e1tumov","Total Transaction":"Celkov\u00e1 transakcia","Total Amount":"Celkov\u00e1 suma","Quantity":"Mno\u017estvo","No donation found.":"Nena\u0161li sa \u017eiadne dary.","Search with ID":"H\u013eadajte pomocou ID","Search with Email":"H\u013eadajte pomocou e-mailu","Please enter the value you want to search.":"Zadajte hodnotu, ktor\u00fa chcete vyh\u013eada\u0165.","Enter the value you want to search.":"Zadajte hodnotu, ktor\u00fa chcete vyh\u013eada\u0165.","Search":"H\u013eada\u0165","Technical integration errors can be viewed on this page. Since errors arising from the integration at the payment stage may result in transaction losses, it would be beneficial for you to review the errors on this page and share them with your technical team\/software company.":"Chyby technickej integr\u00e1cie si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 na tejto str\u00e1nke. Ke\u010f\u017ee chyby vypl\u00fdvaj\u00face z integr\u00e1cie vo f\u00e1ze platby m\u00f4\u017eu vies\u0165 k strat\u00e1m transakci\u00ed, bolo by pre v\u00e1s v\u00fdhodn\u00e9, keby ste si chyby na tejto str\u00e1nke prezreli a podelili sa o ne so svoj\u00edm technick\u00fdm t\u00edmom\/softv\u00e9rovou spolo\u010dnos\u0165ou.","INFORMATION: The errors listed here are not related to the CoinPays system. These records occur when the information sent during your technical integration with CoinPays is incomplete or incorrect.":"INFORM\u00c1CIE: Tu uveden\u00e9 chyby nes\u00favisia so syst\u00e9mom CoinPays. Tieto z\u00e1znamy sa vyskytuj\u00fa, ke\u010f s\u00fa inform\u00e1cie odoslan\u00e9 po\u010das va\u0161ej technickej integr\u00e1cie s CoinPays ne\u00fapln\u00e9 alebo nespr\u00e1vne.","You can only view the data from the last 7 days.":"M\u00f4\u017eete si zobrazi\u0165 iba \u00fadaje za posledn\u00fdch 7 dn\u00ed.","Error Type":"Typ chyby","No API alerts found.":"Nena\u0161li sa \u017eiadne upozornenia rozhrania API.","You can access API information and integration documents from this area. Please do not share the information in this field with people you do not trust. Otherwise, unauthorized harmful actions may be taken. Our company is not responsible for such incidents.":"Z tejto oblasti m\u00e1te pr\u00edstup k inform\u00e1ci\u00e1m o API a integra\u010dn\u00fdm dokumentom. Pros\u00edm, nezdie\u013eajte inform\u00e1cie v tomto poli s \u013eu\u010fmi, ktor\u00fdm ned\u00f4verujete. V opa\u010dnom pr\u00edpade m\u00f4\u017ee d\u00f4js\u0165 k neopr\u00e1vnen\u00fdm \u0161kod\u00e1m. Na\u0161a spolo\u010dnos\u0165 nie je zodpovedn\u00e1 za tak\u00e9to incidenty.","API Information":"Inform\u00e1cie o API","Merchant No (merchant_id)":"\u010c\u00edslo obchodn\u00edka (merchant_id)","Merchant Password (merchant_key)":"Heslo obchodn\u00edka (merchant_key)","Do you want to change merchant key? If you change the merchant key, you will need to update the key in your API integration.":"Chcete zmeni\u0165 k\u013e\u00fa\u010d obchodn\u00edka? Ak zmen\u00edte k\u013e\u00fa\u010d obchodn\u00edka, budete musie\u0165 aktualizova\u0165 k\u013e\u00fa\u010d v integr\u00e1cii rozhrania API.","Change":"Zmeni\u0165","Merchant Secret Key (merchant_salt)":"Tajn\u00fd k\u013e\u00fa\u010d obchodn\u00edka (merchant_salt)","Integration Documentations":"Integra\u010dn\u00e1 dokument\u00e1cia","You can access the integration document and sample codes for iFrame API All Payment Methods by clicking here":"Pr\u00edstup k integra\u010dn\u00e9mu dokumentu a vzorov\u00fdm k\u00f3dom pre iFrame API V\u0161etky sp\u00f4soby platby z\u00edskate kliknut\u00edm sem","You can access the integration document and sample codes for the Transaction Status Query API by clicking here.":"Pr\u00edstup k integra\u010dn\u00e9mu dokumentu a vzorov\u00fdm k\u00f3dom pre rozhranie Transaction Status Query API z\u00edskate kliknut\u00edm sem.","Current E-Commerce Modules":"Aktu\u00e1lne moduly elektronick\u00e9ho obchodu","iFrame API for all versions of OpenCart 3.X":"iFrame API pre v\u0161etky verzie OpenCart 3.X","iFrame API for PrestaShop 1.6.x and 1.7.x versions":"iFrame API pre verzie PrestaShop 1.6.xa 1.7.x","iFrame API for Wordpress Woocommerce":"iFrame API pre Wordpress Woocommerce","iFrame API for WiseCP":"iFrame API pre WiseCP","All Test Transactions":"V\u0161etky testovacie transakcie","Here you can see all the operations performed in the test environment. When the payment status and callback status are successful, you can put your store in live mode.":"Tu m\u00f4\u017eete vidie\u0165 v\u0161etky oper\u00e1cie vykonan\u00e9 v testovacom prostred\u00ed. Ke\u010f je stav platby a stav sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania \u00faspe\u0161n\u00fd, m\u00f4\u017eete svoj obchod uvies\u0165 do \u017eiv\u00e9ho re\u017eimu.","No transaction found.":"Nena\u0161la sa \u017eiadna transakcia.","Do you want to check the integrations and go live?":"Chcete skontrolova\u0165 integr\u00e1cie a spusti\u0165 ich na\u017eivo?","Check Integrations & Go Live":"Skontrolujte integr\u00e1cie a spustite \u017eiv\u00e9 vysielanie","You can adjust the features related to the store within the options provided in this field. Here, you can edit the details and change the settings for your store. Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"Funkcie s\u00favisiace s obchodom m\u00f4\u017eete upravi\u0165 v r\u00e1mci mo\u017enost\u00ed uveden\u00fdch v tomto poli. Tu m\u00f4\u017eete upravi\u0165 podrobnosti a zmeni\u0165 nastavenia v\u00e1\u0161ho obchodu. Pred vykonan\u00edm ak\u00fdchko\u013evek zmien sa uistite, \u017ee ste si ist\u00ed.","Store Status Check":"Kontrola stavu obchodu","You can put your store in test mode whenever needed. Change the Live Mode selection to Test Mode, and then click the Save Changes button.":"V pr\u00edpade potreby m\u00f4\u017eete svoj obchod uvies\u0165 do testovacieho re\u017eimu. Zme\u0148te v\u00fdber \u017div\u00fd re\u017eim na Testovac\u00ed re\u017eim a potom kliknite na tla\u010didlo Ulo\u017ei\u0165 zmeny.","Important Information":"D\u00f4le\u017eit\u00e9 inform\u00e1cie","For more details:":"\u010eal\u0161ie podrobnosti:","Live Mode":"\u017div\u00fd re\u017eim","Test Mode":"Testovac\u00ed re\u017eim","Gateway Networks":"Gateway Networks","You can select the networks you want to use for your payment page. You can select multiple networks. Please ensure that the wallet address you entered is correct and supports the tokens we support. If the exchange or wallet you use does not support the cryptocurrency token you receive, you may lose your assets. Our company is not responsible for this. For details, please read.":"M\u00f4\u017eete si vybra\u0165 siete, ktor\u00e9 chcete pou\u017ei\u0165 pre svoju platobn\u00fa str\u00e1nku. M\u00f4\u017eete vybra\u0165 viacero siet\u00ed. Uistite sa, \u017ee zadan\u00e1 adresa pe\u0148a\u017eenky je spr\u00e1vna a podporuje tokeny, ktor\u00e9 podporujeme. Ak zmen\u00e1re\u0148 alebo pe\u0148a\u017eenka, ktor\u00fa pou\u017e\u00edvate, nepodporuje token kryptomeny, ktor\u00fd dostanete, m\u00f4\u017eete pr\u00eds\u0165 o svoje akt\u00edva. Na\u0161a spolo\u010dnos\u0165 za to nezodpoved\u00e1. Podrobnosti si pre\u010d\u00edtajte.","Disable":"Zak\u00e1za\u0165","Enable":"Povoli\u0165","Credit Card Settings":"Nastavenia kreditnej karty","You can select the options for credit card payments.":"M\u00f4\u017eete si vybra\u0165 mo\u017enosti platby kreditnou kartou.","Logo Settings":"Nastavenia loga","The logo size should be a maximum of 300px x 100px.":"Ve\u013ekos\u0165 loga by mala by\u0165 maxim\u00e1lne 300 x 100 pixlov.","Merchant Name: The name of the merchant.":"Merchant Name: Meno obchodn\u00edka.","Merchant Name":"Meno obchodn\u00edka","Merchant Address: The address location of the merchant.":"Adresa obchodn\u00edka: Adresa s\u00eddla obchodn\u00edka.","Merchant Address":"Adresa obchodn\u00edka","Merchant Email Settings":"Nastavenia e-mailu obchodn\u00edka","Customer Service Email Address":"E-mailov\u00e1 adresa z\u00e1kazn\u00edckeho servisu","Accounting Email Address":"E-mailov\u00e1 adresa \u00fa\u010dtovn\u00edctva","Do you really want to change the credit card status?":"Naozaj chcete zmeni\u0165 stav kreditnej karty?","Something went wrong. Please try again.":"Nie\u010do sa pokazilo. Sk\u00faste to znova.","Do you really want to change the wallet address? Please make sure you are certain before making any changes.":"Naozaj chcete zmeni\u0165 adresu pe\u0148a\u017eenky? Pred vykonan\u00edm ak\u00fdchko\u013evek zmien sa uistite, \u017ee ste si ist\u00ed.","Do you really want to change the store status?":"Naozaj chcete zmeni\u0165 stav obchodu?","Important Note: While your store is in test mode, you won't be able to receive payments, and any payments you receive will not be accounted for.":"D\u00f4le\u017eit\u00e1 pozn\u00e1mka: K\u00fdm je v\u00e1\u0161 obchod v testovacom re\u017eime, nebudete m\u00f4c\u0165 prij\u00edma\u0165 platby a \u017eiadne prijat\u00e9 platby nebud\u00fa za\u00fa\u010dtovan\u00e9.","Additionally, if you wish, you can use the 'SpaceID Web3 Name' feature by entering the domain associated with your wallet address.":"Okrem toho, ak chcete, m\u00f4\u017eete pou\u017ei\u0165 funkciu \u201eSpaceID Web3 Name\u201c zadan\u00edm dom\u00e9ny spojenej s adresou va\u0161ej pe\u0148a\u017eenky.","Global Notifications":"Glob\u00e1lne upozornenia","You can view the our system notifications here.":"Tu si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 na\u0161e syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 upozornenia.","You can submit system errors, help requests, and your inquiries through this section.":"Prostredn\u00edctvom tejto sekcie m\u00f4\u017eete odosla\u0165 syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 chyby, \u017eiadosti o pomoc a svoje ot\u00e1zky.","Create Ticket":"Vytvori\u0165 l\u00edstok","Name, Surname":"Meno, Priezvisko","Your Message":"Va\u0161a spr\u00e1va","Please describe your issue with a minimum of 25 characters...":"Pop\u00ed\u0161te svoj probl\u00e9m s minim\u00e1lne 25 znakmi...","Send My Message":"Odosla\u0165 moju spr\u00e1vu","Your Tickets":"Va\u0161e vstupenky","Answer":"Odpove\u010f","Question":"Ot\u00e1zka","No tickets found.":"Nena\u0161li sa \u017eiadne l\u00edstky.","To reach our support team, please fill out the 'Your Message' section in the form below and click the 'Send My Message' button.":"Ak chcete kontaktova\u0165 n\u00e1\u0161 t\u00edm podpory, vypl\u0148te \u010das\u0165 \u201eVa\u0161a spr\u00e1va\u201c vo formul\u00e1ri ni\u017e\u0161ie a kliknite na tla\u010didlo \u201eOdosla\u0165 moju spr\u00e1vu\u201c.","Pay With Link Graphs":"Pla\u0165te pomocou grafov odkazov","You can view the graphs of the Pay With Link transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"M\u00f4\u017eete si zobrazi\u0165 grafy transakci\u00ed Pay With Link uskuto\u010dnen\u00fdch v syst\u00e9me. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch","Create Payment Link":"Vytvori\u0165 odkaz na platbu","On this page, you can create a payment link for your customers.":"Na tejto str\u00e1nke m\u00f4\u017eete vytvori\u0165 odkaz na platbu pre svojich z\u00e1kazn\u00edkov.","Choose Language":"Vyberte Jazyk","Pay With Link Transactions":"Pla\u0165te pomocou odkazov\u00fdch transakci\u00ed","You can view the Pay With Link transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"M\u00f4\u017eete zobrazi\u0165 transakcie Pay With Link, ktor\u00e9 ste vykonali. Ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 testovacie transakcie, mus\u00edte ich konkr\u00e9tne vybra\u0165. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","Do you want to download the reports as excel file?":"Chcete si stiahnu\u0165 preh\u013eady ako s\u00fabor Excel?","QR":"QR","Open Link":"Otvorte odkaz","Open Payment Page":"Otvorte platobn\u00fa str\u00e1nku","Do you want to delete payment link?":"Chcete odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 platobn\u00fd odkaz?","QR Code":"QR k\u00f3d","Transaction Webhook|Callback Details":"Transak\u010dn\u00fd webhook|Podrobnosti o sp\u00e4tnom volan\u00ed","You can view the all details of the transaction webhook|callback here.":"V\u0161etky podrobnosti o webhooku|sp\u00e4tnom volan\u00ed o transakcii si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 tu.","The data sent to the Callback URL via Webhook. You can access it using both GET and POST methods.":"\u00dadaje odoslan\u00e9 na URL sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania cez Webhook. M\u00f4\u017eete k nemu pristupova\u0165 pomocou met\u00f3d GET aj POST.","Message":"Spr\u00e1va","Status Code":"Stavov\u00fd k\u00f3d","No data found":"Nena\u0161li sa \u017eiadne \u00fadaje","Webhook (Callback) Responses":"Webhook (sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 volanie) odpovede","You can view the transactions that have all webhook - callback responses here. Failed requests recur every minute. It is repeated for a total of 1440 times (24 hours).":"Tu si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 transakcie, ktor\u00e9 maj\u00fa v\u0161etky odpovede na sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 volanie cez webhook. Ne\u00faspe\u0161n\u00e9 \u017eiadosti sa opakuj\u00fa ka\u017ed\u00fa min\u00fatu. Opakuje sa celkovo 1440-kr\u00e1t (24 hod\u00edn).","URL":"URL","Retries":"Opakovan\u00e9 pokusy","Webhook not sent":"Webhook nebol odoslan\u00fd","Do you want to send the callback request again? This action may lead to confusion and data loss in your system, depending on the quality and security of your integration. CoinPays cannot be held responsible for this situation. The most current URL address will be used! If you don\\'t know what you are doing, please do not do it.":"Chcete znova odosla\u0165 \u017eiados\u0165 o sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 volanie? T\u00e1to akcia m\u00f4\u017ee vies\u0165 k zm\u00e4tku a strate \u00fadajov vo va\u0161om syst\u00e9me v z\u00e1vislosti od kvality a bezpe\u010dnosti va\u0161ej integr\u00e1cie. CoinPays nem\u00f4\u017ee nies\u0165 zodpovednos\u0165 za t\u00fato situ\u00e1ciu. Pou\u017eije sa najaktu\u00e1lnej\u0161ia adresa URL! Ak neviete, \u010do rob\u00edte, pros\u00edm, nerobte to.","Send Again":"Odosla\u0165 znova","Virtual Pos Transaction Details":"Podrobnosti transakcie virtu\u00e1lnej poz\u00edcie","Iframe Donation Details":"Podrobnosti darovania iframe","Stream Donation Details":"Podrobnosti o darovan\u00ed streamu","Pay With Link Details":"Platba s podrobnos\u0165ami odkazu","You can view transaction details and customer information.":"M\u00f4\u017eete zobrazi\u0165 podrobnosti transakcie a inform\u00e1cie o z\u00e1kazn\u00edkoch.","CoinPays Order ID":"ID objedn\u00e1vky CoinPays","Print":"Tla\u010di\u0165","TEST MODE TRANSACT\u0130ON":"TRANSAKCIA TESTOVACIEHO RE\u017dIMU","Transaction Amount":"Suma transakcie","Remaining Amount | Crypto":"Zost\u00e1vaj\u00faca suma | Crypto","Commission":"Komisia","Transaction Date":"D\u00e1tum transakcie","Product\/Service Information":"Inform\u00e1cie o produkte\/slu\u017ebe","Payment Status":"Stav platby","Callback Status":"Stav sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania","Callback Response":"Reakcia na sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 volanie","Callback Request Count":"Po\u010det \u017eiadost\u00ed o sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 volanie","Amount Transfer Status":"Stav prevodu sumy","The transfer will automatically be credited to your account after 2 hours.":"Prevod bude automaticky prip\u00edsan\u00fd na v\u00e1\u0161 \u00fa\u010det po 2 hodin\u00e1ch.","Amount Transfer Details":"Podrobnosti prevodu sumy","From":"Od","To":"Komu","Customer Details":"Podrobnosti o z\u00e1kazn\u00edkovi","Customer Name - Surname":"Meno z\u00e1kazn\u00edka \u2013 Priezvisko","Customer Phone":"Telef\u00f3n z\u00e1kazn\u00edka","Customer E-mail":"E-mail z\u00e1kazn\u00edka","Customer Address":"Adresa z\u00e1kazn\u00edka","Customer Note":"Pozn\u00e1mka z\u00e1kazn\u00edka","Customer IP":"IP z\u00e1kazn\u00edka","Crypto Details":"Podrobnosti o kryptomen\u00e1ch","TX":"TX","Remaining Amount":"Zost\u00e1vaj\u00faca suma","Confirmations":"Potvrdenia","Virtual Pos Graphs":"Virtu\u00e1lne pozi\u010dn\u00e9 grafy","You can view the graphs of the Virtual Pos transactions made in the system. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals":"M\u00f4\u017eete si prezera\u0165 grafy transakci\u00ed Virtual Pos uskuto\u010dnen\u00fdch v syst\u00e9me. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch","Virtual POS Settings":"Nastavenia virtu\u00e1lneho POS","You can adjust all the features of the virtual POS feature among the options offered in this area.":"Medzi mo\u017enos\u0165ami pon\u00fakan\u00fdmi v tejto oblasti m\u00f4\u017eete upravi\u0165 v\u0161etky funkcie funkcie virtu\u00e1lneho POS.","CallBack Url Settings":"Nastavenia webovej adresy sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania","Website URL":"URL webovej str\u00e1nky","Callback Url":"Webov\u00e1 adresa sp\u00e4tn\u00e9ho volania","Virtual Pos Transactions":"Virtu\u00e1lne POS transakcie","You can view the Virtual Pos transactions you have performed. To view test transactions, you need to select them specifically. The total data is updated at 5-minute intervals.":"M\u00f4\u017eete si prezrie\u0165 transakcie virtu\u00e1lnych pokladn\u00edc, ktor\u00e9 ste vykonali. Ak chcete zobrazi\u0165 testovacie transakcie, mus\u00edte ich konkr\u00e9tne vybra\u0165. Celkov\u00e9 \u00fadaje sa aktualizuj\u00fa v 5-min\u00fatov\u00fdch intervaloch.","Webhook Notifications":"Upozornenia webhooku","You can view the company information, bank account details, and commission rate information in this area. If you see any inaccuracies in the information here and cannot change it, please contact us.":"V tejto oblasti m\u00f4\u017eete zobrazi\u0165 inform\u00e1cie o spolo\u010dnosti, podrobnosti o bankovom \u00fa\u010dte a inform\u00e1cie o sadzbe prov\u00edzi\u00ed. Ak tu vid\u00edte nejak\u00e9 nepresnosti a nem\u00f4\u017eete ich zmeni\u0165, kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","Merchant Information":"Inform\u00e1cie o obchodn\u00edkovi","Here you can find basic information about the merchant owner. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Tu n\u00e1jdete z\u00e1kladn\u00e9 inform\u00e1cie o majite\u013eovi obchodn\u00edka. Ak si mysl\u00edte, \u017ee do\u0161lo k chybe, kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","Representative Name":"Meno z\u00e1stupcu","Representative Phone":"Reprezenta\u010dn\u00fd telef\u00f3n","No Phone Number. Update Your Phone":"\u017diadne telef\u00f3nne \u010d\u00edslo. Aktualizujte svoj telef\u00f3n","Representative Email":"E-mail z\u00e1stupcu","Bank\/Wallet Account Information":"Inform\u00e1cie o \u00fa\u010dte banky\/pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Here you can find the bank\/wallet information you have for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Tu n\u00e1jdete inform\u00e1cie o banke\/pe\u0148a\u017eenke, ktor\u00e9 m\u00e1te pre ka\u017ed\u00fa sie\u0165 a sp\u00f4sob platby. Ak si mysl\u00edte, \u017ee do\u0161lo k chybe, kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","No bank or wallet account information has been added.":"Neboli pridan\u00e9 \u017eiadne inform\u00e1cie o \u00fa\u010dte v banke alebo pe\u0148a\u017eenke.","Add Wallet Acount":"Prida\u0165 \u00fa\u010det Pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Commission Information":"Inform\u00e1cie o komisii","Here you can see the percentage commission rates for each network and payment method. If you think there is an error, please contact us.":"Tu m\u00f4\u017eete vidie\u0165 percentu\u00e1lne sadzby prov\u00edzi\u00ed pre ka\u017ed\u00fa sie\u0165 a sp\u00f4sob platby. Ak si mysl\u00edte, \u017ee do\u0161lo k chybe, kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","Your CoinPays Payment Service Agreements":"Va\u0161e zmluvy o platobn\u00fdch slu\u017eb\u00e1ch CoinPays","No agreement has been added.":"Nebola pridan\u00e1 \u017eiadna dohoda.","Profile Details":"Podrobnosti profilu","First Name":"Krstn\u00e9 meno","E-mail":"E-mail","Phone Number":"Telef\u00f3nne \u010d\u00edslo","Save changes":"Ulo\u017ete zmeny","On this page, you can see your personal information and update your e-mail address and phone number. Please ensure that your email address and phone number are current and belong to you. We may send content such as password resets or IP verification to this information. These details will not be shared with your customers or any third parties and will be securely encrypted in our database.":"Na tejto str\u00e1nke m\u00f4\u017eete vidie\u0165 svoje osobn\u00e9 \u00fadaje a aktualizova\u0165 svoju e-mailov\u00fa adresu a telef\u00f3nne \u010d\u00edslo. Uistite sa, \u017ee va\u0161a e-mailov\u00e1 adresa a telef\u00f3nne \u010d\u00edslo s\u00fa aktu\u00e1lne a patria v\u00e1m. Na tieto inform\u00e1cie m\u00f4\u017eeme posiela\u0165 obsah, ako je obnovenie hesla alebo overenie IP adresy. Tieto \u00fadaje nebud\u00fa zdie\u013ean\u00e9 s va\u0161imi z\u00e1kazn\u00edkmi ani tret\u00edmi stranami a bud\u00fa bezpe\u010dne za\u0161ifrovan\u00e9 v na\u0161ej datab\u00e1ze.","Account":"\u00fa\u010dtu","Security":"Bezpe\u010dnos\u0165","Enable 2FA":"Povoli\u0165 2FA","Change Password":"Zmeni\u0165 heslo","Current Password":"Aktu\u00e1lne heslo","Confirm New Password":"Potvr\u010fte nov\u00e9 heslo","Create Password":"Vytvori\u0165 heslo","Password Requirements":"Po\u017eiadavky na heslo","the more, the better":"\u010d\u00edm viac, t\u00fdm lep\u0161ie","Two-Steps Verification":"Verifik\u00e1cia v dvoch krokoch","Two factor authentication is not enabled yet.":"Dvojfaktorov\u00e1 autentifik\u00e1cia zatia\u013e nie je povolen\u00e1.","Two factor authentication is not enabled.":"Dvojfaktorov\u00e1 autentifik\u00e1cia nie je povolen\u00e1.","Learn more.":"Zistite viac.","Do you want to disable the 2FA?":"Chcete deaktivova\u0165 2FA?","Disable two-factor authentication":"Zak\u00e1za\u0165 dvojfaktorov\u00e9 overenie","Recent Devices":"Ned\u00e1vne zariadenia","IP":"IP","User Agent":"User Agent","Are you sure you want to create a new password?":"Naozaj chcete vytvori\u0165 nov\u00e9 heslo?","Store Panel Users":"Ulo\u017ei\u0165 pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov panelov","On this page, you can add new users who will be able to access and transact on the Store Panel, or you can update existing users and make them inactive.":"Na tejto str\u00e1nke m\u00f4\u017eete prida\u0165 nov\u00fdch pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov, ktor\u00ed bud\u00fa m\u00f4c\u0165 pristupova\u0165 a vykon\u00e1va\u0165 transakcie na paneli obchodu, alebo m\u00f4\u017eete aktualizova\u0165 existuj\u00facich pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov a deaktivova\u0165 ich.","Add New User":"Prida\u0165 nov\u00e9ho pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea","Last Login IP":"IP posledn\u00e9ho prihl\u00e1senia","Last Login Date":"D\u00e1tum posledn\u00e9ho prihl\u00e1senia","No users found.":"Nena\u0161li sa \u017eiadni pou\u017e\u00edvatelia.","Do you want to change the password?":"Chcete zmeni\u0165 heslo?","Reset Password":"Obnovi\u0165 heslo","Do you want to change user status to inactive?":"Chcete zmeni\u0165 stav pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea na neakt\u00edvny?","Make Inactive":"Neakt\u00edvne","Do you want to change user status to active?":"Chcete zmeni\u0165 stav pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea na akt\u00edvny?","Make Active":"Aktivova\u0165","Do you want to permanently delete the user?":"Chcete natrvalo odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea?","Permanently Delete":"Natrvalo odstr\u00e1ni\u0165","Checkout":"Poklad\u0148a","YOU ARE DOING THIS PROCESS IN TEST MODE.":"TENTO PROCES ROB\u00cdTE V TESTOVACOM RE\u017dIME.","NOTE: Your store is in test mode. To receive real payments, you need to activate your store from the SETTINGS section.":"POZN\u00c1MKA: V\u00e1\u0161 obchod je v testovacom re\u017eime. Ak chcete dost\u00e1va\u0165 skuto\u010dn\u00e9 platby, mus\u00edte si aktivova\u0165 svoj obchod v sekcii NASTAVENIA.","Change Settings":"Zmeni\u0165 nastavenia","Store Feedbacks":"Sp\u00e4tn\u00e9 v\u00e4zby obchodu","Contact Seller":"Kontaktujte predajcu","Your Basket":"V\u00e1\u0161 ko\u0161\u00edk","Item Name":"N\u00e1zov polo\u017eky","Price":"Cena","Total":"Celkom","Choose Details":"Vyberte Podrobnosti","Ensure the network you choose to deposit matches the withdrawal network, or assets may be lost.":"Uistite sa, \u017ee sie\u0165, ktor\u00fa sa rozhodnete vlo\u017ei\u0165, sa zhoduje so sie\u0165ou v\u00fdberu, inak m\u00f4\u017ee d\u00f4js\u0165 k strate akt\u00edv.","Pay With Crypto":"Pla\u0165te kryptomenou","Checkout Transaction Status":"Stav transakcie pokladne","Amount Remaining":"Zost\u00e1vaj\u00faca suma","Time Left":"Zost\u00e1vaj\u00faci \u010das","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees! Only via regular sends not via special contracts!":"Uistite sa, \u017ee ste poslali dostatok na pokrytie v\u0161etk\u00fdch poplatkov za transakciu s mincami! Len cez be\u017en\u00e9 odosielanie, nie cez \u0161peci\u00e1lne zmluvy!","Send this token only via the following network":"Po\u0161lite tento token iba cez nasleduj\u00facu sie\u0165","save in case there are any issues with your payment":"u\u0161etrite v pr\u00edpade probl\u00e9mov s va\u0161ou platbou","COMPLETE PAYMENT IN TEST MODE":"DOKON\u010cTE PLATBU V TESTOVACOM RE\u017dIME","What to do next?":"\u010co robi\u0165 \u010falej?","Please send":"Pros\u00edm o zaslanie","to address":"oslovi\u0165","Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees!":"Uistite sa, \u017ee ste poslali dostato\u010dn\u00e9 mno\u017estvo na pokrytie v\u0161etk\u00fdch poplatkov za transakciu s mincami!","You will need to initiate the payment using your software or online wallet and copy\/paste the address and payment amount into it. We will email you when all funds have been received.":"Budete musie\u0165 iniciova\u0165 platbu pomocou softv\u00e9ru alebo online pe\u0148a\u017eenky a skop\u00edrova\u0165\/prilepi\u0165 do nej adresu a sumu platby. Po prijat\u00ed v\u0161etk\u00fdch prostriedkov v\u00e1m po\u0161leme e-mail.","You have this amount of time to receive the approved funds":"Toto mno\u017estvo \u010dasu m\u00e1te na prijatie schv\u00e1len\u00fdch prostriedkov","The transaction ID":"ID transakcie","A payment address to send the funds to.":"Platobn\u00e1 adresa na zaslanie prostriedkov.","GO TO SELLER WEBSITE":"PREJS\u0164 NA WEBOV\u00da STR\u00c1NKU PREDAJCA","CHECK PAYMENT STATUS":"SKONTROLUJTE STAV PLATBY","Connect Your Wallet":"Pripojte svoju pe\u0148a\u017eenku","Start Binance Transaction":"Spustite transakciu Binance","Start Wallet Transaction":"Spustite transakciu Pe\u0148a\u017eenky","You have cancelled the wallet connection request.":"Zru\u0161ili ste \u017eiados\u0165 o pripojenie k pe\u0148a\u017eenke.","Failed to connect wallet. Please try again.":"Pe\u0148a\u017eenku sa nepodarilo pripoji\u0165. Sk\u00faste to znova.","Failed to switch chain. Please try again. Maybe you need to add the network manually.":"Nepodarilo sa prepn\u00fa\u0165 re\u0165az. Sk\u00faste to znova. Mo\u017eno budete musie\u0165 prida\u0165 sie\u0165 manu\u00e1lne.","Transaction completed successfully. Please wait for the confirmation. It may take a few minutes.":"Transakcia bola \u00faspe\u0161ne dokon\u010den\u00e1. Po\u010dkajte na potvrdenie. M\u00f4\u017ee to trva\u0165 nieko\u013eko min\u00fat.","An error occurred. Please ensure that you have sufficient balance in your account and network transaction fees, and try again. If you continue to encounter errors, please contact us.":"Vyskytla sa chyba. Uistite sa, \u017ee m\u00e1te dostato\u010dn\u00fd zostatok na \u00fa\u010dte a poplatky za sie\u0165ov\u00e9 transakcie, a sk\u00faste to znova. Ak sa aj na\u010falej vyskytuj\u00fa chyby, kontaktujte n\u00e1s.","Please install MetaMask, Trust Wallet or CoinBase extension to continue.":"Ak chcete pokra\u010dova\u0165, nain\u0161talujte si roz\u0161\u00edrenie MetaMask, Trust Wallet alebo CoinBase.","If you send funds that don't confirm by the timeout or don't send enough coins you will receive an automatic email to claim your funds within 8 hours. If you don't receive the email contact us with the information below and will send you a refund":"Ak po\u0161lete prostriedky, ktor\u00e9 sa do \u010dasov\u00e9ho limitu nepotvrdia, alebo nepo\u0161lete dostatok minc\u00ed, dostanete automatick\u00fd e-mail s n\u00e1rokom na va\u0161e prostriedky do 8 hod\u00edn. Ak e-mail nedostanete, kontaktujte n\u00e1s s ni\u017e\u0161ie uveden\u00fdmi inform\u00e1ciami a v\u00e1m vr\u00e1ti peniaze","After sending payment, review the status of your transaction on this page. Once the payment is confirmed several times in the block chain, the payment will be completed and the merchant will be notified. The confirmation process usually takes 10-45 minutes but varies based on the coin's target block time and number of block confirms required. The status page is available for the next 30 days.":"Po odoslan\u00ed platby skontrolujte stav svojej transakcie na tejto str\u00e1nke. Po viacn\u00e1sobnom potvrden\u00ed platby v blokovom re\u0165azci bude platba dokon\u010den\u00e1 a obchodn\u00edk bude informovan\u00fd. Proces potvrdenia zvy\u010dajne trv\u00e1 10-45 min\u00fat, ale l\u00ed\u0161i sa v z\u00e1vislosti od \u010dasu cie\u013eov\u00e9ho bloku mince a po\u010dtu po\u017eadovan\u00fdch potvrden\u00ed bloku. Str\u00e1nka stavu je k dispoz\u00edcii po\u010das nasleduj\u00facich 30 dn\u00ed.","What if I accidentally don't send enough?":"\u010co ak n\u00e1hodou nepo\u0161lem dos\u0165?","If you don't send enough, that is OK. Just send the remainder and we will combine them for you. You can also send from multiple wallets\/account":"Ak nepo\u0161lete dostatok, je to v poriadku. Sta\u010d\u00ed posla\u0165 zvy\u0161ok a my v\u00e1m ich spoj\u00edme. M\u00f4\u017eete posiela\u0165 aj z viacer\u00fdch pe\u0148a\u017eeniek\/\u00fa\u010dtu","Public Project Stats":"Verejn\u00e1 \u0161tatistika projektu","Welcome to our public dashboard!":"Vitajte na na\u0161om verejnom informa\u010dnom paneli!","You can view the current statistics of our project and access the details here.":"Aktu\u00e1lne \u0161tatistiky n\u00e1\u0161ho projektu a podrobnosti si m\u00f4\u017eete pozrie\u0165 tu.","All data, plugins, statistics and tables are updated one time in 3 days.":"V\u0161etky \u00fadaje, doplnky, \u0161tatistiky a tabu\u013eky sa aktualizuj\u00fa raz za 3 dni.","All Payments":"V\u0161etky platby","Year of 2024":"Rok 2024","Expired Payments":"Platby s vypr\u0161anou platnos\u0165ou","Failed Payments":"Ne\u00faspe\u0161n\u00e9 platby","Draft Payments":"N\u00e1vrhy platieb","Used Languages":"Pou\u017eit\u00e9 jazyky","Unique Users":"Jedine\u010dn\u00ed pou\u017e\u00edvatelia","Used Wallets":"Pou\u017eit\u00e9 pe\u0148a\u017eenky","Most Sales in Countries":"Najviac predajov v krajin\u00e1ch","Quantitiy":"Mno\u017estvo","Access denied":"Pr\u00edstup odmietnut\u00fd","The has banned your IP address.":"Str\u00e1nka zak\u00e1zala va\u0161u IP adresu.","Back to home":"Sp\u00e4\u0165 domov","Credit Cart":"Kreditn\u00fd ko\u0161\u00edk"}